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Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:38 pm
by ElectricEye
sparkybennett wrote:Trust Jonas or not
Don't you want to see what will
happen when Bree and Daniel get there?

I DO! 8)
Indeed. Would be rather interesting.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:40 pm
by omegawoman
I think Jonas does have ties to the order, like Gemma, but he is just more careful about saying certian things. I am still not sure what side he is on yet.

The names, biblical- Daniel, and Jonas- alothough it was Jonah who was swallowed by the whale, and btw, Jonah was also blamed for the storm at sea. Jonas' parents are lost at sea.

Another thing, the girl Gemma spoke of- parents disappeared, Bree's parents disappeared, and now we know Jonas' parents as well.

He also said at one time he didn't even trust his own parents. We need to know more - why? Did something happen? Were they giving him unknown injections? Were they sneaking away to secrete ceremonies?

I also think he was telling Bree that sometimes you cannot know who you can trust until you "ride the storm" out with them. Come stay with me and test the waters type of thing.

I also agree that Jonas is getting too much time on film compared to Daniel. I know he is a new character and all, but come on!!!! Daniel deserves more time than any of the new people.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:43 pm
by Beautiful Nightmare
Yeah, though I don't trust him, I'm all for Bree showing up on his doorstep! :lol:

Thank goodness this is fiction, or I'd be feeling guilty for that LOL

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:45 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
sparkybennett wrote:Trust Jonas or not
Don't you want to see what will
happen when Bree and Daniel get there?

I DO! 8)
Point! That would be exciting.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:46 pm
by ElectricEye
omegawoman wrote:I think Jonas does have ties to the order, like Gemma, but he is just more careful about saying certian things. I am still not sure what side he is on yet.

The names, biblical- Daniel, and Jonas- alothough it was Jonah who was swallowed by the whale, and btw, Jonah was also blamed for the storm at sea. Jonas' parents are lost at sea.

Another thing, the girl Gemma spoke of- parents disappeared, Bree's parents disappeared, and now we know Jonas' parents as well.

He also said at one time he didn't even trust his own parents. We need to know more - why? Did something happen? Were they giving him unknown injections? Were they sneaking away to secrete ceremonies?

I also think he was telling Bree that sometimes you cannot know who you can trust until you "ride the storm" out with them. Come stay with me and test the waters type of thing.

I also agree that Jonas is getting too much time on film compared to Daniel. I know he is a new character and all, but come on!!!! Daniel deserves more time than any of the new people.
Yeah, I agree with you the Daniel thing. If he takes Bree away from him, or Daniel looses interest, I'll be pissed. But I do like the character. So many unexplored possibilities. As to why he did not trust his parents, that is an interesting question. I have a feeling no matter what we think, she'll be showing up there, so we will just have to wait and see.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:47 pm
by omegawoman
I want a Daniel video. How does he feel about Bree going into chat and talking to Jonas without his knowlege?

I personally think Daniel will want to go to Jonas. It seems to follow his pattern of thinking.

Daniel, where are you? You have been silent way too long.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:49 pm
by itsmeforreal
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:Yeah, though I don't trust him, I'm all for Bree showing up on his doorstep! :lol:

Thank goodness this is fiction, or I'd be feeling guilty for that LOL
I no longer ship B&D I'm hoping aboard the Jonas/Bree ship. Jonas is just way to hot for his own good. If Bree doesn't hit that, I'm sure alot of us will.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:52 pm
by ElectricEye
omegawoman wrote:I want a Daniel video. How does he feel about Bree going into chat and talking to Jonas without his knowlege?

I personally think Daniel will want to go to Jonas. It seems to follow his pattern of thinking.

Daniel, where are you? You have been silent way too long.
Yeah, he has been distant lately. And I certainly hope he does. I would be pissed if they got seperated at this point. I dont think Bree would be stupid enough to go without him though. Safety in numbers.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:54 pm
by twinklyci
omegawoman wrote:I want a Daniel video. How does he feel about Bree going into chat and talking to Jonas without his knowlege?

I personally think Daniel will want to go to Jonas. It seems to follow his pattern of thinking.

Daniel, where are you? You have been silent way too long.

Who do we have to talk or bribe or whatever to get another Daniel Video?
Do we need to start a petition? Do the creators not realize that there is a huge Daniel fanbase out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:55 pm
by sparkybennett
OK maybe not relevant but interesting:

Jonas Moore was a scientist " famous for his strong support of mathematics and astronomy which made many other mathematical and astronomical advances possible. Perhaps his most important contribution was in his efforts to set up the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and his efforts to support Flamsteed. In 1674 he invited Flamsteed to London,

... with the design of installing him in a small observatory of his own in Chelsea College, but procured from the king instead the foundation of the Royal Observatory. He furnished him, moreover, at his private expense, with a seven foot sextant employed in Flamsteed's observations until 1688 as well as two clocks...

These clocks were used by Flamsteed in his work involving finding the longitude.

Moore, together with the famous diary writer Samuel Pepys, founded the Royal Mathematical School within Christ's Hospital. This School was set up with the specific aim of training boys in navigation techniques so that they could serve the King at sea.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:55 pm
by omegawoman
twinklyci wrote:
omegawoman wrote:I want a Daniel video. How does he feel about Bree going into chat and talking to Jonas without his knowlege?

I personally think Daniel will want to go to Jonas. It seems to follow his pattern of thinking.

Daniel, where are you? You have been silent way too long.

Who do we have to talk or bribe or whatever to get another Daniel Video?
Do we need to start a petition? Do the creators not realize that there is a huge Daniel fanbase out there?
It worked when we all thought he was getting fired- we all rallied for him. Maybe we should show the creators just how large Daniel's troops are.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:58 pm
by wstabeo
Broken Kid wrote:
I don't like his hat! What's up with that? :?

:shock: I LOVE that hat!! Knitted beanies are hawt. And argyle?? Oh babeeeeee. :lol:

HOWEVER, I don't trust this Jonas character either. I want to trust him. He's gorgeous...charismatic...and the actor actually knows how to ACT.

I honestly think he might be the proverbial wolf here....or something along the lines of Hansel and Gretel.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:59 pm
by ElectricEye
omegawoman wrote:It worked when we all thought he was getting fired- we all rallied for him. Maybe we should show the creators just how large Daniel's troops are.
Oh, I'm game , but how? :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:06 pm
by omegawoman
ElectricEye wrote:
omegawoman wrote:It worked when we all thought he was getting fired- we all rallied for him. Maybe we should show the creators just how large Daniel's troops are.
Oh, I'm game , but how? :lol: ... 4000#84000

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:09 pm
by jc_gypsy7
I'm totally with you all!

I'm tending to lean towards feeling sorry for Jonas, but I don't trust him yet.

We need a vid from Daniel and his whole take on this... how he feels about Jonas and the possibility of moving there.. and I'd be interested to see what he's got to say about Gemma, too.

His instincts have always been pretty good so far, in my opinion, anyway.. even the B&E was necessary at that point in the story.

Just my $.02 :)