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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:54 pm
by trainer101
Bree has already said that it's a birthmark - leading to speculation that there's something in her bloodline that makes her wanted by the Order. ... ght=#77444

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:45 am
by silvermoon
trainer101 wrote:Bree has already said that it's a birthmark - leading to speculation that there's something in her bloodline that makes her wanted by the Order. ... ght=#77444
Ahhhh, but what if that's just what her parents told her it was? Perhaps part of the mind control that she's been submitted to was to earase the pain of the scarring. Or maybe one of her other "personalities" took the pain and she has no memory of it. Or maybe it was done at a very young age and it's just passed from her memory.

Is that enough maybes?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:34 pm
by Cassie_xx
If that white mark isn't the watchers symbol, I don't know what is.
It's so clear! O.o

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:59 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
Bree says it's an ugly birthmark, but what if that's why she was the chosen one, cause she was born with the watcher mark on her back. She said on the Bree chat section she didn't know why she was chosen, so maybe that's it.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:04 am
by iamcool
Kimmi-Chan wrote:Bree says it's an ugly birthmark, but what if that's why she was the chosen one, cause she was born with the watcher mark on her back. She said on the Bree chat section she didn't know why she was chosen, so maybe that's it.
u beleive that if u want

but bree is an evil she devil and shes gong to kill daniel

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:52 am
by Kimmi-Chan
iamcool wrote: u beleive that if u want

but bree is an evil she devil and shes gong to kill daniel

Awe, but I like Daniel. :(

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:55 am
by iamcool
Kimmi-Chan wrote:
iamcool wrote: u beleive that if u want

but bree is an evil she devil and shes gong to kill daniel

Awe, but I like Daniel. :(
me 2, but its too late for him
bree is one mean ass son of a gun

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:56 am
by Kimmi-Chan
iamcool wrote: me 2, but its too late for him
bree is one mean ass son of a gun
Don't say that, she might slaughter you too. :shock:

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:23 pm
by Maccaboy17
thats why shes so lonley she kills all her friends (cassie)
orddered her parents arrest and exile to and extermination camp ans is only 'on the run with daniel' to get some luvin but will break his neck while in bed (xena style in goldeneye)

or maybe quite simply they are two friends who are completely loyal to eachother and are being chased

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:25 pm
by iamcool
Maccaboy17 wrote:thats why shes so lonley she kills all her friends (cassie)
orddered her parents arrest and exile to and extermination camp ans is only 'on the run with daniel' to get some luvin but will break his neck while in bed (xena style in goldeneye)

or maybe quite simply they are two friends who are completely loyal to eachother and are being chased
i think you were right with the 1st option

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:25 am
by Mouth-Full-O-Earth
lordgreystoke422 wrote: The fact that its on Bree's back in a place not readily visible...its a sign that she is being watched. She has been marked. It's RIGHT in that spot where you might get an uneasy feeling of being watched.
Uneasy, with reason. She is being watched!
The face of the watcher appears on a rock a couple seconds later at 1:42.




Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:47 am
by watchingall
Mouth-Full-O-Earth wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote: The fact that its on Bree's back in a place not readily visible...its a sign that she is being watched. She has been marked. It's RIGHT in that spot where you might get an uneasy feeling of being watched.
Uneasy, with reason. She is being watched!
The face of the watcher appears on a rock a couple seconds later at 1:42.



Reminds me of the face on Mars. I just don't see this face though :(

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:26 am
by nobackspacebutton
Face of Mars thing is right...i doubt at that point in the game they were trying to present to us that bree was being watched. Besides, its just shadows of light. =P

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:07 pm
by watchingall
nobackspacebutton wrote:Face of Mars thing is right...i doubt at that point in the game they were trying to present to us that bree was being watched. Besides, its just shadows of light. =P
Im not saying there is a face there, cause I really dont think there is, but I believe that the creators have no problem going to old videos and adding some little insignificant thing to the plotline, especially if we on the forums have deciphered it and made it fit it.

hope that made sense! ^^;

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:03 pm
by nobackspacebutton
watchingall wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:Face of Mars thing is right...i doubt at that point in the game they were trying to present to us that bree was being watched. Besides, its just shadows of light. =P
Im not saying there is a face there, cause I really dont think there is, but I believe that the creators have no problem going to old videos and adding some little insignificant thing to the plotline, especially if we on the forums have deciphered it and made it fit it.

hope that made sense! ^^;
would they really go back to edit videos after we've already seen them? That would be...interesting to say the least, because then we should all rewatch every single video to see if there is anything suspicious @.@