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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:27 pm
by Mirage
house wrote:Am I the only one who can't get the videos to load on the lonelygirl page?
I still cant get the Gemma one to load. The parents one worked fine though.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:32 pm
by house
Mirage wrote:
house wrote:Am I the only one who can't get the videos to load on the lonelygirl page?
I still cant get the Gemma one to load. The parents one worked fine though.
I guess I'll have to wait for it to end up on youtube.
I click on the video and my screen goes white and all of the sidebar images load up. But, no video.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:40 pm
by Virginia
house wrote:
Mirage wrote:
house wrote:Am I the only one who can't get the videos to load on the lonelygirl page?
I still cant get the Gemma one to load. The parents one worked fine though.
I guess I'll have to wait for it to end up on youtube.
I click on the video and my screen goes white and all of the sidebar images load up. But, no video.
Something is wonky with their code, and the video is being pushed to the bottom of the screen. Just scroll.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:47 pm
by DavetheAvatar
This is clearly a trap. Daniel will come over and they'll do a goodbye video and everyone will think it's over. Then suddenly a few days later a video will appear of Bree saying "Please help me! They took Daniel and now they're coming for me!" and where we go from there is anyone's guess.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:47 pm
by Languorous Lass
JacksAndDouches wrote:. . . Seems to me that this would be a superb test of one's free will given the enormous pressure given by her parents, deacons, helper, Gemma, etc etc.

So it is my belief that Bree has passed!
I think this theory makes a whole lot of sense. But then what about Gemma? Why is she being introduced right now?

Something that just "popped into my head" :wink: . . . anybody ever read the book THE MAGUS, by John Fowles? Basically, it's about a guy who involuntarily ends up in the middle of an elaborate fictional ritual designed to show him his character defects in a very dramatic way (which involves roleplaying and lots of sex). Maybe this experience is designed to do something similar for Bree: teach her who she really is.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:47 pm
by house
Saw the vid on youtube (it's up there, now).

As Shakespeare would say, "...all is not well." :?

I can't tell if Bree is hiding someting or if she's just incredibly nieve. There are a few possibilities:
1. Bree's parents are really cool about her not going through with the ceremony. Bree goes back to her life. If that's the case...what was all the build-up for? That's a crappy story arc.
2. Bree's parents are okay with her not participating, but the order won't be so happy about it. Could get interesting... we might get to see her parents tested/torn-apart/whatever.
3. Bree is lying her sweet little ashtabula off and Daniel's going to become entrapped in a really bad situation.
4. Bree's parents are snowing her into a false sense of security and the ceremony WILL go off as planned, against her will or otherwise.

I'm kind of rooting for number four.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:48 pm
by DavetheAvatar
Languorous Lass wrote:Something that just "popped into my head" :wink: . . . anybody ever read the book THE MAGUS, by John Fowles? Basically, it's about a guy who involuntarily ends up in the middle of an elaborate fictional ritual designed to show him his character defects in a very dramatic way (which involves roleplaying and lots of sex). Maybe this experience is designed to do something similar for Bree: teach her who she really is.
We can only hope...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:50 pm
by Mirage
Virginia wrote:
house wrote:
Mirage wrote: I still cant get the Gemma one to load. The parents one worked fine though.
I guess I'll have to wait for it to end up on youtube.
I click on the video and my screen goes white and all of the sidebar images load up. But, no video.
Something is wonky with their code, and the video is being pushed to the bottom of the screen. Just scroll.
Thank you!! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:52 pm
by arammat
cup o' noodles wrote:ooh. daniel needs to be careful. cup o' noodles senses some major sh*t's gonna go down and cup o' noodles is hardly ever wrong when it comes to this. normally because cup o' noodles the one causing sed sh*t to go down, so cup o' noodles has gotten good at detecting it :wink: DANIEL, BE CAREFUL!!!! BREE'S PARENTS ARE FULL OF CRAP!!!!
by the way, yes cup o' noodles likes to talk in the third person every now and then.
I just noticed that cup o' noodles's inititials are C.O.N. Coincidence? I think not. ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:36 pm
by robtomorrow
house wrote:Saw the vid on youtube (it's up there, now).

As Shakespeare would say, "...all is not well." :?

I can't tell if Bree is hiding someting or if she's just incredibly nieve. There are a few possibilities:
1. Bree's parents are really cool about her not going through with the ceremony. Bree goes back to her life. If that's the case...what was all the build-up for? That's a crappy story arc.
2. Bree's parents are okay with her not participating, but the order won't be so happy about it. Could get interesting... we might get to see her parents tested/torn-apart/whatever.
3. Bree is lying her sweet little ashtabula off and Daniel's going to become entrapped in a really bad situation.
4. Bree's parents are snowing her into a false sense of security and the ceremony WILL go off as planned, against her will or otherwise.

I'm kind of rooting for number four.
I don't know which to root for but my suspicion is that it's number 1, look for a new proving science wrong video in the near future, and no more talk of ceremonies

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:57 pm
by HyeMew
That was WAY too easy. Every problem just can't be resolved like that. While I don't really like this type of drama and have been aching for a proving science wrong, if this really IS the end of that story line and everything goes back to normal I'll be VERY disappointed in the Creators!
house wrote: I can't tell if Bree is hiding someting or if she's just incredibly nieve. There are a few possibilities:
1. Bree's parents are really cool about her not going through with the ceremony. Bree goes back to her life. If that's the case...what was all the build-up for? That's a crappy story arc.

While I just want this storyline to end, the only thing worse than it would be to just end now and get back to normal! It'd all be for nothing then and that'd be infinitely worse!
house wrote:4. Bree's parents are snowing her into a false sense of security and the ceremony WILL go off as planned, against her will or otherwise.
I think this is most likely, but also most disturbing. I mean her parents are that devious all in the name of their religion? I do hope the story hasn't ended here though and that the cult will still be after Daniel. (Anyone else find it odd that Bree is like "It's all back to normal! Daniel will be allowed back soon!" when he's still in hiding from an evil cult? I don't think going to Bree's house would be the safest nor smartest thing for him to be doing right now...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:58 pm
by lesbrent
OK, I'm ready for the thriller part of this whole thing to begin.

No more cutesy stuff......please!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:09 pm
by llamma_invader
house wrote:Saw the vid on youtube (it's up there, now).

As Shakespeare would say, "...all is not well." :?

I can't tell if Bree is hiding someting or if she's just incredibly nieve. There are a few possibilities:
1. Bree's parents are really cool about her not going through with the ceremony. Bree goes back to her life. If that's the case...what was all the build-up for? That's a crappy story arc.
2. Bree's parents are okay with her not participating, but the order won't be so happy about it. Could get interesting... we might get to see her parents tested/torn-apart/whatever.
3. Bree is lying her sweet little ashtabula off and Daniel's going to become entrapped in a really bad situation.
4. Bree's parents are snowing her into a false sense of security and the ceremony WILL go off as planned, against her will or otherwise.

I'm kind of rooting for number four.
It's prbly going to be #2. Why it seemds most likely is that daniel said that the arent like evil or anything, so idk.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:10 pm
by turkeyfeather
I agree that it just seemed too easy. I bet her parents are lying. Be carefull Daniel! :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:29 pm
by Rommel
Finally back to the old Bree, the fun Bree, the happy Bree.