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ms. Kelly
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:15 pm
by gogo
This must be fanfiction. The quality and repetitive music seems pretty unprofessional (not an insult or anything). Also, the youtube account had errors pointing to the website. In addition, Ms. Kelly's youtube page shows that she is watching twjaniak, who is known for his straightforward responses to Bree and Daniel. twjaniak's playing the (non?) game. I'd say Ms. Kelly is playing the (non?) game. I'd say fanfiction. I'm going to keep an eye on it.
The website does have a cool, but ridiculously long reading list.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:15 pm
by Mirage
twjaniak wrote:I wonder if I should be scared. The only YT channel Ms Kelly is watching is my own.
^ Oh crap, huh? Didn't even notice that.
Hmm, there are (obviously) two ways to take that...
Oh and if anyone else wants to do a whosis, be my guest. Every time I do it it crashes my computer.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:17 pm
by brandoblues
you cant do a whois i dont think is just a company that hosts peoples websites they make
this hsaonline using a hosting service is a pretty cheapass way to try to act like someone
also the MIDI song on the page is a small enough file to upload to keep them from having to spend money on the hosting service
the videos look cheesy, the music on the page is cheesy
and everything about it has been created in the last few days
but hey when there is nothing else to read about its good boredom fodder

Who Cares?
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:30 pm
by Truth-in-Science
No Relevance, but heres the problem on HSA site:
A Fish Tank contains 200 Fishes, 99% of which are Not Guppies. How many fish of what type must you remove from the Fish Tank to leave 98% Non-Guppies?
100 NG has to be removed from the tank. This leaves the tank with 98 NG and 2 G. so the percentage of NG is 98%
solving 0.98 = x / (x+2)
0.98x + 0.98*2 = x
Blah, blah, blah
Re: Who Cares?
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:17 pm
by TheChessboardWoman
Truth-in-Science wrote:No Relevance, but heres the problem on HSA site:
A Fish Tank contains 200 Fishes, 99% of which are Not Guppies. How many fish of what type must you remove from the Fish Tank to leave 98% Non-Guppies?
100 NG has to be removed from the tank. This leaves the tank with 98 NG and 2 G. so the percentage of NG is 98%
solving 0.98 = x / (x+2)
0.98x + 0.98*2 = x
Blah, blah, blah
I'd get excited if the answer was 93.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:09 pm
by S is for Summer
This is rather cool. I'm really enjoying some of the fan spinoffs that are coming off of this. And, actually, this is kind of cool because it gives a connecting point for some to create a character for vlogging - they could be another homeschooler, who knows Bree via something like this.
I do wonder what the obnoxious music on the front page of it is.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:29 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
I really don't think this is JUST fanfic, I think this is the real deal. There's way too much detail and thought put into it. Seriously... that had to have been in the process for a while....
and this homeschooler website didn't come out and ask to be discovered like they just wanted attention. I was just watching a bunch of different youtube channels with lonelygirl15 related videos and mskelly333 had posted an obscure message on one of the sites... I can't remember which one though. I will try to find it.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:29 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
why 93?
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:38 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
okay, I found the mskelly333 comment on danielbeast's page:
mskelly333 | October 03, 2006
We are usually a very private organization, but this could help you understand, Daniel. Meet us online at hsa(DOT)
We're missing someone very much. Perhaps we could help each other.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:39 pm
by brandoblues
ive looked at some thelema websites and alot of people posting on their forums use 93 quite a bit
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:53 pm
by twjaniak
Ms. Kelly responded to my latest YT video:
mskelly333 wrote:Hello. My students and I enjoy watching your videos. We are most impressed by the way you are firm, yet calming and supportive. We have interest in how some friendships can cause sorrow and conflict. We wonder if you are schooled in psychology or if you have experience with therapy. You seem very learned. We will be watching. I am sure my students will be excited to hear that I spoke with you. Hopefully, we will speak again.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:55 pm
by Mirage
twjaniak wrote:Ms. Kelly responded to my latest YT video:
mskelly333 wrote:Hello. My students and I enjoy watching your videos. We are most impressed by the way you are firm, yet calming and supportive. We have interest in how some friendships can cause sorrow and conflict. We wonder if you are schooled in psychology or if you have experience with therapy. You seem very learned. We will be watching. I am sure my students will be excited to hear that I spoke with you. Hopefully, we will speak again.
You should definately respond to this.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:31 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:59 pm
by JerseyJohnny
-- -.-- ... - . .-. .. -- wrote:I really don't think this is JUST fanfic, I think this is the real deal. There's way too much detail and thought put into it. Seriously... that had to have been in the process for a while....
and this homeschooler website didn't come out and ask to be discovered like they just wanted attention. I was just watching a bunch of different youtube channels with lonelygirl15 related videos and mskelly333 had posted an obscure message on one of the sites... I can't remember which one though. I will try to find it.
So, "MIMES TRY" (I decoded your name from morse code and did the anagram, but what a corny name!) you found the homeschool website, posted it here, and got the ball rolling, and now when people are calling it "fanfiction" and about to write it off, you're all of a sudden speaking up again and defending it? Wow, how convenient.
You never mentioned earlier on how you found this website. NOW you make up some cock and bull story about someone posting a comment that only YOU saw, and now you're not sure if you can find it, blah blah blah.
Whatever. This is your website. I've never seen you before, and I'm known around here as the "King of the LG15 Message Boards". You made a lame website and then posted it here and then solved all the clues YOU put into it. Yay, what a hero. Happy now?
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm putting Three's Company season 6 on the DVD.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:38 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
what's up jersey johnny,
my morse code name is supposed to be "mysterious" but i didn't copy and paste it correctly, so it ended up being "mysterim" - no anagram, just retarded.
Yes, i did find the website first (as far as I know). And yes, at first I didn't remember where I found it, but then I backtracked my steps and found a posting from mskelly333 on danielbeast's youtube channel. check it out.
trust me, it's not my website. i don't have that time. i don't have that "mind." Even if I did, I wouldn't take that time. I just had today off from work so I spent a lot of time reviewing this whole lonelygirl thing and came across it. I've been following it from afar for the past few weeks, today was the first day I really spent some time on it.
I know you've never seen me here before. I just made my account. today was my first day here. So, I guess I could say the same to you - I've never seen you hear before either.
Sorry, i didn't know you were the "King of the LG15 Message Boards". If I stepped on your feet, sorry? If your jealous that this posting has had so much activity today, that's not my fault. I just posted what I found.
Anyways, trust me, i'm new to this and having fun. but I'm definitely not behind anything, nor am I trying to be "front and center" and get attention. Hopefully you'll believe me.
I don't want to be a lonelygirl15 hero... oh my gosh, that almost made me throw up in my mouth. It's interesting, but it's not something I'm going to devote more effort to than just sitting at my computer watching videos and following along.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cal the police and tell them you're burning "Three's Company" on DVD. Just kidding. I'll say the same about burning Three's Company as I will about your accusatory post: WHO CARES?!