0045 Daniel Crossed The Line [10/3/06]

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Post by Way2Curious »

Okay, people have mentioned that where they went to school pretty girls were always popular (or at least were flocked to by boys)....Hmm, where I went to school, the popular girls (many times cheerleaders) usually "decided" who was popular. In other words if you were an outcast to the popular girls, you were an outcast to nearly anyone popular, whether you were hot, or not. I saw lots of pretty girls (especially new girls) shunned for supposedly being "sluts" or having silly rumors made up about them. The popular girls didn't like competition.

I think something similar happened to Bree, they saw that she was smart and attractive and made a move to "put her in her place", by making up the "teacher" rumors and shunning her.
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Post by denverjoe04 »

Maybe Cassie was her imaginary friend.........makes sense....I think so anyway.
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Post by sweetie55 »

What if Cassie was the one who made that rumor? :o
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Post by drquest »

OK let's take a look at the words "I did not exist" it is obvious to me that this is a reference to Erwin Schrödinger cat theory. If your not familiar with it I will sum it up for you. It was to show "the apparent conflict between what quantum theory tells us is true about the nature and behavior of matter on the microscopic level and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of matter on the macroscopic level."

A living cat is placed into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know if the cat has been killed. Since we cannot know, the cat is both dead and alive according to quantum law, in a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive).This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer's paradox

Bree is the cat school is the steel box with no one makeing friends with her it is the same as having the box closed. She both existed and did not exist at school it was not untill Daniel talked to her IE opend the box that Bree started to exist at school.

It's simple quantum theory people
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Post by Way2Curious »

Wow, a lot of good theories about the "I did not exist" phrase. I am wondering though if it could just be "teen speak". Saying "I did not exist" is like saying "I was not important and nobody noticed me", or something similar. Kind of like when someone says "so and so is dead to me", it really means "I have cut off all feelings for this person".

But I like the theories, and you are right it could mean something more.......
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Post by exastra »

"when someone shows you who they are, believe them."

this could be read as a message to the nitpicky audience making a big deal over Bree being fake-- i mean fictional. she's saying we should suspend disbelief and just accept/ enjoy the story for what it is?
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Post by CriticalThinking »

Kay soo... I just read it all.. and I really should be doing my science homework, since I have like five tests tomorrow...

First off, the "I did not exist thing" I think that that didn't mean anything. I think one of two things happened.

a) The first week or two she had no friends and then Daniel befriended her and she became known. Cassie could have either been in Daniel's circle of friends, they had once been a couple, or Bree just noticed Cassie later and remembered how it felt when she was an outcast. Bree was nerdy or whatever and the kids made fun of her. End of story.

b) The popular group shunned her therefore everyone shunned her, because the populars saw her as a threat. They spread rumors about her later, after Bree had befriended Daniel.

Kay now for some of my theories:

I think the Helper is helping her, not only with the ceremony, but she is starting to become more and more independent. Daniel helped her with this too, only with her parents. Lucy will help Bree become independent of her religion. I don't think Lucy will mean to, but through her teachings, Bree will realize the religion and the ceremony is a load of tripe and/or she doesn't need the priests and her parents telling her what to do, and just realize they have brainwashed her. Bree has been progressing with her individuality and independence, first becoming independent of her parents, then of Daniel, and next will either be the Helper or her religion altogether.

Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. I honestly don't think the character of Cassie will be showing herself on camera. I also doubt that she will have any real importance.
Here's a theory. Maybe the reason the religion freaked Cassie out is because Bree told her about the ceremony. She obviously didn't know she would be in it, but she knew the basics and that it was really important. And she told Cassie about this or whatever. And Cassie thought it was really wierd or gross or scary, and she decided to back off.
Bree decided not to tell Daniel too much about her religion, for fear of scaring him off. Daniel is clueless, and he gets in touch with Cassie, Cassie fills him in, Daniel and Cassie barge in on the ceremony or make a bunch of videos together telling her to not go through with it, and they save the day. I think that would be a good ending for it all. Or, maybe Cassie will come across their videos on the internet, and start posting some videos of her own, telling people Bree was in danger, and Daniel catches it, and they work together to save Bree.

Wow. I am going to stop typing now.
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Why does she look really weird in this video? I can't figure out what it is..but it's something.
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Post by Truth-in-Science »

spaciegirl wrote:Why does she look really weird in this video? I can't figure out what it is..but it's something.
I think its because she's pissed off at Daniel
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Post by minsky »

Something does not sit right with me about Bree not having any friends.

She went to religious camp and was a councilor (as stated by Daniel in one of the vid's) Surely she would meet like minded people at this camp.

Her parents are part of the same religion ( we assume) and they have friends. She tells us that the parents were talking to thier friends at the Equinox and they suggested talking to Lucy.

So maybe,

A - Bree has been groomed for something important since Birth (the chosen one) and has been kept segregated somehow. Although letting her go to Public School , does not fit.

B - Bree is into this religion a lot more that the other members (a zealot of some sort) and she freaks out even other members of this religion that are her age.

Just some thoughts.

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Post by CriticalThinking »

good point, minsky
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Post by minsky »

spaciegirl wrote:Why does she look really weird in this video? I can't figure out what it is..but it's something.
Weird in what way? Can you elaborate at all?

One thing I picked up is that she says "You accepted me for who I was, No questions asked, What happened, Why can't you accept me for who I am now" indicating to me that she is not the same person she used to be. She has changed. Daniel also mentions in another vid that he misses the old Bree.

Of course everyone changes as they get older so could be just an expression.
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Post by CriticalThinking »

minsky wrote: One thing I picked up is that she says "You accepted me for who I was, No questions asked, What happened, Why can't you accept me for who I am now" indicating to me that she is not the same person she used to be. She has changed. Daniel also mentions in another vid that he misses the old Bree.
I thought of it as her saying "you accepted me before, you don't accept me now."
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Post by minsky »

CriticalThinking wrote: I thought of it as her saying "you accepted me before, you don't accept me now."
Yes. That could also be what she means. Just struck me as a little unusual in the way she puts it.
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Post by kinj »

minsky wrote:A - Bree has been groomed for something important since Birth (the chosen one) and has been kept segregated somehow. Although letting her go to Public School , does not fit.
I think that's a really interesting concept. "The Chosen One" It makes you wonder how many other people were chosen for this ceremony and who exactly will be in attendance. She said her parents wouldn't be allowed to attend and Lucy is. I'm assuming since Lucy was recommended she must be some type of official person or of higher stature than the average member. If she is the chosen one and it's her and some of the officials, maybe this is some type of induction since she's close to adulthood and she has her own 'free will' to choose to be apart of her religion or not OR she could be getting some type of official title. I'm rambling but anyway, that was just a thought.

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