I know it was off topic, but I made a joke earlier about everyone swearing like Samual L Jackson then I mentioned his catch phrase from the movie Snakes On A Plane.HeartofSorrow wrote:Theicon, what in the world are you talking about?
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- HeartofSorrow
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- HeartofSorrow
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Oh, I never saw the movie so i guess that's why I missed that.theicon wrote:I know it was off topic, but I made a joke earlier about everyone swearing like Samual L Jackson then I mentioned his catch phrase from the movie Snakes On A Plane.HeartofSorrow wrote:Theicon, what in the world are you talking about?
I don't mind being called by my username, but I wish for you to call me by my true name Eagle Who Flies On Golden Wings.
I know that the hostilities have calmed down, and I'm glad of it, but I feel the need to clarify something from four pages back:
As far as understanding where Jonas is coming from, what about understanding where Taylor came from in defending herself and her sister against someone who's supposed to be their friend but is insulting them for trying to help? He needs to grow up.
If you're trying to be a good friend as you say, you don't have to stand there and take their crap in the meantime. If they try making you their punching bag you knock them on their ass until their head is clear.
I was addressing those who kept reiterating that Jonas was paying for everything, like that should give him a pass on anything he decides to say or do.Sheqinah wrote:Jonas never once in any video acted like anyone needed to treat him special because of his money. Even when he was tied up in his OWN cabin and ran away, he did not seek his rightful retribution, instead he desired to prove himself innocent to his friends.
He's the one who instigated attacking his friends. Whether Sarah's tactless or not, he knows she's not like most people and he should have made the smallest attempt to discern her intent (watching the entire video would have helped with that, but apparently he didn't do it).Sheqinah wrote:Um, Jonas instigated this? He must of driven Sarah to being tactless, selfish and triggered by someone in love being hurt. And here I thought she was that way before she met Jonas.
So it's okay for him to attack the others, as long as he does it "behind the scenes"? That e-mail was not a message of peace. That was a strike. Online. In which case he resorted to an online battle.Sheqinah wrote:Jonas attacks are overlooked for two reasons, most anyone can understand where it came from. In fact he did not resort to an online battle, he emailed behind the scenes and asked this be private between the small group.
As far as understanding where Jonas is coming from, what about understanding where Taylor came from in defending herself and her sister against someone who's supposed to be their friend but is insulting them for trying to help? He needs to grow up.
Let's hope. I have confidence that he'll do it too if he ever gets his senses back (which is what Sarah asked him to do in the first place).Sheqinah wrote:Second is that Jonas admits his mistakes and does not justify them. So I have confidence that he will recognize his short comings and deal with them.
We're analyzing her intent with the knowledge that she's not the same as Jonas or Daniel or even most of us. Whether most people would make a video like that to ridicule and humiliate is irrelevant. Jonas needed to be thinking about why Sarah would.Sheqinah wrote:It really confuses me why a selective few defend Sarah in her video.
You're right. Sometimes you do have to let them be. However, he doesn't seem interested in letting them be.HeartofSorrow wrote:Unfortnately no one else besides us thinks of this. All they see is that Jonas is being a raging hard-on while Sarah, Taylor, and Daniel are trying to be a good friend. Sometimes being a good friend is letting your friend feel pain and not help until it is asked for.
If you're trying to be a good friend as you say, you don't have to stand there and take their crap in the meantime. If they try making you their punching bag you knock them on their ass until their head is clear.
- eucebo
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To all of those people who think Jonas reaction to Taylor (she was trying to help and he stormed at her) was a bad thing, let me ask you this:
Can you sincerily say that never, not once in your entire life, have felt so powerless, so hopeless, so heartbroken, so abandoned, so rejected, so forgotten, so miserable (pick one!) that, in that moment of anger and pain, ended up screaming at the first person you have in front -usually someone you trust or care about- with no more reason than some stupid thing that had nothing to do with your problems?
Have you guys never said things that you regret the second after? Haven't you ever hurt somebody without meanning it?
Especially you, Sarah. Can you honestly tell me that you've never hurt Taylor just because you were angry at your parents, for example?
If anyone says they haven't, I must say that you probably don't know it yet, but you have. And that's even worst, because it means that you never apologize.
Jonas should definitely apologize to Taylor and Sarah. Just as much as they should do to him. First Sarah, who was the one that open her big mouth with no right to do so (one thing is try to help, another one is being nosy and unconsidered).
Can you sincerily say that never, not once in your entire life, have felt so powerless, so hopeless, so heartbroken, so abandoned, so rejected, so forgotten, so miserable (pick one!) that, in that moment of anger and pain, ended up screaming at the first person you have in front -usually someone you trust or care about- with no more reason than some stupid thing that had nothing to do with your problems?
Have you guys never said things that you regret the second after? Haven't you ever hurt somebody without meanning it?
Especially you, Sarah. Can you honestly tell me that you've never hurt Taylor just because you were angry at your parents, for example?
If anyone says they haven't, I must say that you probably don't know it yet, but you have. And that's even worst, because it means that you never apologize.
Jonas should definitely apologize to Taylor and Sarah. Just as much as they should do to him. First Sarah, who was the one that open her big mouth with no right to do so (one thing is try to help, another one is being nosy and unconsidered).
Eucebo, Jonas does not get a free pass just because he's hurting. If he'd tried to watch Sarah's video with an open mind, he might have at least seen that her heart was in the right place. It may not have removed the blow entirely, but it would have at least softened it.
As for his email to Taylor, well. It was totally uncalled for. He needs to man up and admit that it was wrong, and he needs to apologize to at least Taylor, though I think Sarah deserves one too. If he doesn't think he was wrong, fine, he has the right to think that, but he at least needs to apologize for saying blatantly hurtful things to/about them.
As for his email to Taylor, well. It was totally uncalled for. He needs to man up and admit that it was wrong, and he needs to apologize to at least Taylor, though I think Sarah deserves one too. If he doesn't think he was wrong, fine, he has the right to think that, but he at least needs to apologize for saying blatantly hurtful things to/about them.
- eucebo
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when was the last time you where REALLY depressed and had an open mind?
And, also, did you read my entire message: I SAID he should apologize about the e-mail. To Taylor first, but she should do the same.
I don't think what he did was right, but I been there myself a few times and I know that you only realize after you did those things. Being the ones that are ok, T and S should have known better.
And, also, did you read my entire message: I SAID he should apologize about the e-mail. To Taylor first, but she should do the same.
I don't think what he did was right, but I been there myself a few times and I know that you only realize after you did those things. Being the ones that are ok, T and S should have known better.
Last edited by eucebo on Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- psychobunnie
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Does Jonas deserve a free pass? No, he doesn't. I admit, when I first saw Sarah's video, I totally was on her side, I got the point of her story and I did get what she meant. But then this whole "email" business happened and I totally got lost.Esteed wrote:Eucebo, Jonas does not get a free pass just because he's hurting. If he'd tried to watch Sarah's video with an open mind, he might have at least seen that her heart was in the right place. It may not have removed the blow entirely, but it would have at least softened it.
As for his email to Taylor, well. It was totally uncalled for. He needs to man up and admit that it was wrong, and he needs to apologize to at least Taylor, though I think Sarah deserves one too. If he doesn't think he was wrong, fine, he has the right to think that, but he at least needs to apologize for saying blatantly hurtful things to/about them.
I am stating here that I am on Jonas's side. That whole thing with Taylor posting the email and then saying "well you guys told me to" was a smidge childish. It's like saying, "Hey I killed your mom cause your best friend told me too". It sounds stupid and ridiculous. And yes, everyone can point out the fact that Jonas also sent out the email to Sarah and Daniel, but maybe he wanted it to be between JUST THEM.
As to what Eucebo was saying, I agree. Everyone blows up after being stressed or fusterated, I have. I've bitched out more people than I can even remember because of it.
To be honest, I really didn't want to post here or read anything because everyone seems like they are at each others throats over this. And I'm a smidge scared someone will reply bitching at me with more cuss words than I can even say in one sentence.
I'm on Jonas's side because I get what it's like to be so fusterated and pissed off that I have to take it out on someone else. It's not right, but hey we are all human. I'm on his side because I don't understand why Taylor would do what she did, she could have easily sent him back a PRIVATE email, telling him how hurt she was by what he said. Hell she could have even have done that in a video. I'm on Jonas's side because I choose to be.
I'm not gonna agree or disagree with Sarah. It seems to be a soft spot for people, lol. So my mouth remains shut on that.
I'm just hoping for an apology from someone, hopefully everyone and to get the ball rolling again.
Plus, I need me some Beasty Loving. lol

Danny B - A whole new meaning to Beastiality.
Danny B - A whole new meaning to Beastiality.

I agree I'm on Jonas side also. What he did was wrong? Yes and he acted very stupid, but he said he was sorry. As his friends they should understannd why he did what he did and acept his apology and move on to finding Bree.psychobunnie wrote:Does Jonas deserve a free pass? No, he doesn't. I admit, when I first saw Sarah's video, I totally was on her side, I got the point of her story and I did get what she meant. But then this whole "email" business happened and I totally got lost.Esteed wrote:Eucebo, Jonas does not get a free pass just because he's hurting. If he'd tried to watch Sarah's video with an open mind, he might have at least seen that her heart was in the right place. It may not have removed the blow entirely, but it would have at least softened it.
As for his email to Taylor, well. It was totally uncalled for. He needs to man up and admit that it was wrong, and he needs to apologize to at least Taylor, though I think Sarah deserves one too. If he doesn't think he was wrong, fine, he has the right to think that, but he at least needs to apologize for saying blatantly hurtful things to/about them.
I am stating here that I am on Jonas's side. That whole thing with Taylor posting the email and then saying "well you guys told me to" was a smidge childish. It's like saying, "Hey I killed your mom cause your best friend told me too". It sounds stupid and ridiculous. And yes, everyone can point out the fact that Jonas also sent out the email to Sarah and Daniel, but maybe he wanted it to be between JUST THEM.
As to what Eucebo was saying, I agree. Everyone blows up after being stressed or fusterated, I have. I've bitched out more people than I can even remember because of it.
To be honest, I really didn't want to post here or read anything because everyone seems like they are at each others throats over this. And I'm a smidge scared someone will reply bitching at me with more cuss words than I can even say in one sentence.
I'm on Jonas's side because I get what it's like to be so fusterated and pissed off that I have to take it out on someone else. It's not right, but hey we are all human. I'm on his side because I don't understand why Taylor would do what she did, she could have easily sent him back a PRIVATE email, telling him how hurt she was by what he said. Hell she could have even have done that in a video. I'm on Jonas's side because I choose to be.
I'm not gonna agree or disagree with Sarah. It seems to be a soft spot for people, lol. So my mouth remains shut on that.
I'm just hoping for an apology from someone, hopefully everyone and to get the ball rolling again.
Plus, I need me some Beasty Loving. lol
I’m in the minority who are not on anyone's side, but I do think people are imposing a double-standard (i.e Sarah’s emo behavior is hot, Taylor’s dominatrix act is smart, but Jonas’ emo email is utter rubbish and makes him a cad), and that the sisters' accusation is a little disingenuous considering that he is concerned enough about others to be sharing his monetary resources with them, ( and to have overlooked Sarah's spying on Bree and him).CRYISME wrote: I agree I'm on Jonas side also. What he did was wrong? Yes and he acted very stupid, but he said he was sorry. As his friends they should understannd why he did what he did and acept his apology and move on to finding Bree.
His paying for things doesn't give him a free pass, but it does mean that he isn't quite as much of a self-absorbed wanker as they've made him out to be.... and that's why I agree with the people in Clues & Puzzles who think that these recent vlogs of Sarah's and Taylors -- and perhaps the email -- may be encoded messages, anagrams, whatever. Forum members more clever than I are figuring this out over on that thread.

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- LesterG
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This is the best way to explain all of our negative feelings towards jonas for you jonas roadies to understand... it's true... if we just keep telling him he's ok and how he feels and lashes out is ok... then... we really aren't being very good friends, but more... ego boosters, right? mere followers and worshippers?Esteed wrote:We, as his friends, need to call Jonas on his BS or he won't learn that it's incorrect behavior. If he sees that people let him slide, he'll just keep sliding and sliding because he can.
Some may even want to ''take advantage of you'' during this hurt time...
if jonas turns into some sort of monster with obsessed feelings after this? it's cause of everyone feeding his denial... you all know that in his current state...
everyone else is wrong and the only thing that can make it right is for Bree to be back in his arms again...
... you know this is right ...
we've all had first loves and we've all been wronged at least once...
you all remember the feelings...
did you all lose your best friends afterwards?
the best advice I always hear is that.... your friends are always gunna be there... friends can sometimes last longer then lovers... you don't turn your back on your friends if that's all you have... otherwise... who else can you trust... you don't want to be alone...
Jonas... seriously... stop burning your bridges... your fucking up.... big time... snap out of it... he'll be there when you need him... all you need to do is let him... TALK TO HIM FFS!
He's all you got, bro...
Bro's before Hoes... ever heard that?
If you don't trust Sarah/Taylor... fine... but TRUST Daniel!... he's already being a good friend by not going all overboard with you and he let you do your thing...
Your not being a very good friend to him at all... if you want to apologize to him... THEN DO IT IN PERSON! not in a Vlog you hope he'll see...
BE A MAN, YOU BITCH! gah, you frustrate me soo much... cause you fucking remind me of how I use to be... dammit, jonas...
don't throw it away just because of what happened... if you do... your just going to end up alone again... you lose the girl... AND your best bud..
I'ld rather just lose the girl and get by with a lil help from my friends...
That's your fear, right? So you swing to the opposite extreme to counter-balance the apologists it sounds like mate. That's one way to do it, right so.LesterG wrote:
if jonas turns into some sort of monster with obsessed feelings after this? it's cause of everyone feeding his denial... you all know that in his current state...
His email got posted less than a week after he got his heart broke to pieces, (assuming that isn't an act for the Order). Not manys got such an iron heart that they'd be back to macho form in a few days and at least he isn't getting soused in whiskey (that we know of).
Jonas, I'm no expert but you have previously always seemed to have a good head on your shoulders (except for maybe that little bit with the gun, but you came to your senses in a jiff). Just remember it's all about b-a-l-a-n-c-e. Neither stuffin your feelings nor letting them rule for too long.
If your email is an encrypted message, wouldja try to give us another clue in the next video so we don't spin our wheels?
- Aerrow
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I completely agree with Lurker and I can't believe how you people are sticking up for Jonas like that.. Jonas is my favorite out of all of them but I'm not blind, I mean, the e-mail that he sent out was completely immature, when you do something like that knowing that it is going to hit a spot with the people that you are sending it to.. That just makes it immature, I mean he didn't even have the nuts to confront Sarah about it, instead sent her an e-mail, what a puss.. And you can defend him all you want but he had no reason to freak in the woods and yell at them, telling Daniel to go play with her blister or whatever he wanted to do, I mean, wtf.. I mean even if they were searching for their friend, they could have stopped for like a second, Bree doesn't even know where the hell she is, she isn't going anywhere fast.. But moving on more to the e-mail, he attacked someone that has tried to do nothing but help, that was extremely immature, it's like telling your mom even though she has worked all her life to support you that she does a horrible job at it and she is the worst mom in the world, when all she wanted was the best for you.. So whatever, I'm out..
Aerrow wrote:I completely agree with Lurker and I can't believe how you people are sticking up for Jonas like that.. Jonas is my favorite out of all of them but I'm not blind, I mean, the e-mail that he sent out was completely immature, when you do something like that knowing that it is going to hit a spot with the people that you are sending it to.. That just makes it immature, I mean he didn't even have the nuts to confront Sarah about it, instead sent her an e-mail, what a puss.. And you can defend him all you want but he had no reason to freak in the woods and yell at them, telling Daniel to go play with her blister or whatever he wanted to do, I mean, wtf.. I mean even if they were searching for their friend, they could have stopped for like a second, Bree doesn't even know where the hell she is, she isn't going anywhere fast.. But moving on more to the e-mail, he attacked someone that has tried to do nothing but help, that was extremely immature, it's like telling your mom even though she has worked all her life to support you that she does a horrible job at it and she is the worst mom in the world, when all she wanted was the best for you.. So whatever, I'm out..
Wow. Hit a nerve, apparently.