0206 "Bedside Manner" 06/05/07

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Post by Aponi »

I wish I could have gotten the log, but my windows froze RIGHT after Jonas left.

I'm sure someone will have it up, but you didn't miss too much, unless you like comforting Jonas :D

But I have to hand it to you guys, both in forums and chat (though mostly forums, if only cause i'm mostly here), I thought it would be hard to join in, but all of you are so welcoming :) give yourselves a big hug lol

Edit to answer:
thelogicpuzzler wrote:I wasn't in the chat, but does anyone know if someone suggested showing Bree what was in that box her dad left behind? The collage should help.
Oh yeah that was suggested many times. I believe Jonas said they had tried showing her letters from the box (or just the one) and she just kind of sits there and stares. Same with trying to show her old vids, so they gave her a laptop to see if she would on her own, which i'm guessing is how she posted the vid and went into chat.
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Post by Lurker »

LG15 Today has a notice the log is up here:

http://groups.google.com/group/lonelygi ... une-6-2007

Not sure who took care of that, but if you read this, thanks.
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Post by mindinflight »

2 things:

One essential...
Jonas chat transcript available here: http://groups.google.com/group/lonelygi ... une-6-2007 (Dang, Lurker! You beat me! :P Stupid lag, lol)

One completely random...
LMAO, not only is DB painting Sarah's toenails, but he's sporting a pretty shade of lilac polish on his fingers too! Look closely at about 2:44! I laughed SO unbelievably hard when I noticed that!!
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Post by islandlove »

:smt007 :smt079

Nice nail polish daniel. :D
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Post by megabyte »

Lurker wrote:
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Excellent.

I guess we know how Lurker will react to the taming of the beast. Sarah's got him eating out of the palm of her hand.
Aye, that was great. We need more of that!

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Post by MizzMandi »

Mandi's official favorite new saying

"want some gold fish?"

I don't know why... maybe 'cause I'm crazy but yeah. I laughed really really hard at that.
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Post by JanaL »

This seems really odd to me... if this was posted last night, it seems that more people would've been on this thread.

Loved the video though, and I'm sorry I missed Jonas in the chat! But I read the transcripts, and I agree that he should just keep making her laugh, so she will keep warming up to him.
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Post by hamovbala4ever89 »

JanaL wrote:This seems really odd to me... if this was posted last night, it seems that more people would've been on this thread.

Loved the video though, and I'm sorry I missed Jonas in the chat! But I read the transcripts, and I agree that he should just keep making her laugh, so she will keep warming up to him.

umm no i think that it just came up this night at 8..........but anyway............yeah i read the chat, and ummm yeah there wasnt much to it, i do wish that i logged in on time, but i was too late, and mr daniel needs to get his head out of the gutter, and go back to crushing on bree lol, cuz maybe that would help her *break out*! but umm u never know : / im kind of puzzled as of right now lololol
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Post by Particular »

Well I've been lurking for a while, so now to throw my hat back in...

A big thankyou to Lurker and mindinflight for the transcript of jonas in chat for those of us who couldn't make it. You guys rock! :D

*sigh* Daniel, PLEASE focus! Oh my gosh, I got mad love for the beast, but really, he's been through so much with Bree, he should be trying a bit harder. Still, maybe its a bit too much for him considering he has been there from the beginning, the stress would just keep piling up, so I can understand that he needs some...release. :? *cough sarah cough* Ahem, moving on...

Glad to see Jonas is making some progress, its a great sign that she approached him at the end of the vid, but come on, we all know she can be manipulative, so I don't think she can be trusted just yet.

Great vid, it made waiting through all the terrible filler videos worth it :)
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Post by JanaL »

hamovbala4ever89 wrote:
JanaL wrote:This seems really odd to me... if this was posted last night, it seems that more people would've been on this thread.

Loved the video though, and I'm sorry I missed Jonas in the chat! But I read the transcripts, and I agree that he should just keep making her laugh, so she will keep warming up to him.

umm no i think that it just came up this night at 8..........but anyway............yeah i read the chat, and ummm yeah there wasnt much to it, i do wish that i logged in on time, but i was too late, and mr daniel needs to get his head out of the gutter, and go back to crushing on bree lol, cuz maybe that would help her *break out*! but umm u never know : / im kind of puzzled as of right now lololol

I don't know... maybe Jonas is good for her for now. Daniel approached her in a completely wrong way. Yes he did try to get through to her, but he ended up just yelling at her which didn't help at all. And when Jonas was actually getting through to her, Daniel was like "Jonas how is tickling her going to help Deprogram her, man?" and she just went back into her staring phase. Maybe there was a hint of jealousy there? That Jonas was getting through to her and Daniel was not? Jonas mentioned in the chat that Daniel went for a midnight stroll. Maybe that's why he left.
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Post by nickaflick »

I have to say disheveled Jonas is f*cking hot! Never under estimate stubble and bed head.

and tickling makes the world go round, beastie. The world go round ...

It's amazing to see the only person Bree is really responding positively towards is Jonas *wiggles eye brows* I would like to thank the creators for that :)
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Post by Particular »

JanaL wrote:I don't know... maybe Jonas is good for her for now. Daniel approached her in a completely wrong way. Yes he did try to get through to her, but he ended up just yelling at her which didn't help at all. And when Jonas was actually getting through to her, Daniel was like "Jonas how is tickling her going to help Deprogram her, man?" and she just went back into her staring phase. Maybe there was a hint of jealousy there? That Jonas was getting through to her and Daniel was not? Jonas mentioned in the chat that Daniel went for a midnight stroll. Maybe that's why he left.
I agree, I don't think Daniel cares about Bree like he used to, but there was definately a bit of jealousy there. I think he's pretty frustrated and doesn't know how to deal with it.

JanaL wrote:Jonas mentioned in the chat that Daniel went for a midnight stroll. Maybe that's why he left.
I don't understand... why would that make him leave? To go and find Daniel or to check on Bree while Daniel is away?

Anyone else notice the "what?, come on" reaction by Jonas when Bree pushed him away between 2:03 and 2:07? I don't think he's used to that reaction from her, just reading bewteen the lines there.

(Jonas + Bree = adorable!!!) :D

[as this is my 207th post, I'd just like to shout out to all of the 207 gang from Canberra in '06; stay away from those lemon trees! :wink: ]
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Post by looking4answers »

I loved Jonas's dance. I am finally fully in love with him. (Took long enough!!)
I also loved the ending as well. Very cute. Daniel and Sarah still make me queezy. I'm not digging it.
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Post by hollyxmas »

Aww I loooooooved this video!!!!
Jonas/Bree AND Daniel/Sarah in the same video! yaaaay! :D
I especially liked the end.
Jonas looked especially cute in this video. :smt007
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Post by Aja »

alysaface wrote:Ok, i had to stop watching at the very beginning, because um..

these two stills are just about the cutest things ive ever seen.

Look what you goobers did to me, i'm a freakin fan girl aren't I?

save me.
I feel the same way. I keep watching this vid over and over because I can't get enough of Jonas.

I need help.
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