Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:10 pm
That's ok. Now say you're sorry.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
The craziest thing is that this is dynamic, so if we say she is, they'll probably change it and if we say it's cheesy they'll probably change it. So maybe that's the path that was being taken and now it'll be jetisoned... we'll never know!spaciegirl wrote:I'm done with this back and forth. Cassie is not Bree, that would be the most boring's so cheezy soap opera. I don't think this is going that way
Ah come on, where's your sense of the movies dead people make phone calls and tape recordings why not in our game....Oh wait, I forgot...this is not a game.jenndestroy wrote:I have been following all of this since the start and have never felt the need to comment in any of the threads but well this one just did it for me.
Now, Cassie can't be dead for the simple reason that... dead people can't make videos or phone messages...
However, a theory that MAYBE she is dead and has possesed someone and that person is doing all of this makes things even more interesting.
I myself dig the multiple personality theory.
But in all reality im sure this is just some fan that beat everyone else into making a Cassie account with creepy videos to match.
LOL I just told my best friend "Dude Bree gets pregnant, that is SUCH A SOAP OPERA!".spaciegirl wrote:I'm done with this back and forth. Cassie is not Bree, that would be the most boring's so cheezy soap opera. I don't think this is going that way
Cassie knows!!DeepBlueRug wrote:There is the Rosemary's baby theory of Bree being short for breeder. Who knows where this is going?
Or Maybe Daniel Was Cassie's friend And Then Bree Wanted Him To Herself And Killed Her (Maybe It Is Acceptable In Her Religion) And Then With Some Study Used In Her Religion To Brainwash Daniel From Knowing Cassie. And Maybe She Had Been Wondering If It Worked For Awhile And Finally She Was Wondering So Much She Just HAD To Ask... And It worked... Just A Theory...Don't Know If I Even Believe it...SR wrote:Also, maybe Cassie does not RIP means that Bree "killed" her when Daniel came along to be her friend, but she's unrestful becuase of what might happen to Bree.
I don't think so... i think she's making it up as she goes, same as us!vertigo wrote:Cassie knows!!DeepBlueRug wrote:There is the Rosemary's baby theory of Bree being short for breeder. Who knows where this is going?
Opinions PleaseEvan wrote:Or Maybe Daniel Was Cassie's friend And Then Bree Wanted Him To Herself And Killed Her (Maybe It Is Acceptable In Her Religion) And Then With Some Study Used In Her Religion To Brainwash Daniel From Knowing Cassie. And Maybe She Had Been Wondering If It Worked For Awhile And Finally She Was Wondering So Much She Just HAD To Ask... And It worked... Just A Theory...Don't Know If I Even Believe it...SR wrote:Also, maybe Cassie does not RIP means that Bree "killed" her when Daniel came along to be her friend, but she's unrestful becuase of what might happen to Bree.