0130-"The Human Ransom" [2/10/2007]

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Post by voyboy »

PinkoLady wrote:I agree, bitch is crazy.
ha ha ha ha! pinko! I love you! now lucy is def softballish...no?

Post by Lurker »

heybitch wrote:I dont understand this speculation.
Im no genius on OpAphid.
But, I thought it was simply the order.. Lucy is a part of the Order, therefore "Oppy" is Lucy.. and the smirking bearded man.
OpAphid is apparently both the organization (or an espionage-like unit within the Order) and its leader. More often than not when people around here say the name they're referring to the woman who leads the group (I think she's supposed to be the one in this video).
trainer101 wrote:In previous videos, the "Lucy" character was played by Jessi Williams. In this video Amanda Goodfried assumed the role of Lucy.
That's interesting. I just noticed that on the LGPedia. I wonder how long Amanda's been playing the role. I think Lucy looks quite similar here to how she did in Tachyon's video "Gemma? [Part II]." I wonder if it was Amanda then as well.
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Post by Puggs »

voyboy wrote:is it just me or does lucy freak the f*** out of anyone else?
I think she's hot. :smt118 :oops:
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Post by cosmicdancer »

heybitch wrote:
Mgz wrote:
Sheqinah wrote: I wonder if the flash bomb would activate some kind of alarm too? The order might be shy of police/fire department calls and may decide that taking off is in order. But I favor the idea that they split up to find the 'kids'
so they haven't followed them because the police was arriving?
wtf are you all on about?

I just want to say that I'm pretty positive the Order have the police in their back pocket. Which would explain their ability to shoot someone (what we know this far) in a parking garage in broad daylight, and why Bree has been hesitant to go to the police throughout the series.
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Post by foblovesme »

throwing in my 2cents here

tachyon cannot be lucy

if she was lucy how could she throw the flash bomb into the elavator if she was allredy IN the elavator?
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Post by chevyfudd »

Yeah, Lucy was def. not the one throwing the bomb.
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Post by amybagofdonuts »

just signed up to the LG15 site, though i have been watching the series since july (or whenever it first began).
i also wanted to point out that it says 'hey it's daniel...someone helped with editing' in the the description. some people were bringing up who was filming and stuff like that.
but my main question is people keep saying tachyon is back from fiji. this intrigues me because i have no idea where fiji comes into play and also because i am going there this summer. i am not involved with the ARG, if that makes a difference.
sooo yeah! please let me know!
can't wait for the new video- it's killing me to find out what's going to happen next!
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Post by rodrigogar »

Puggs wrote:
voyboy wrote:is it just me or does lucy freak the f*** out of anyone else?
I think she's hot. :smt118 :oops:
Lucy can "Order" me anytime :wink: :oops:
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Post by shirble »

Question, what's all this with Tachyon being in fiji? When did I miss this one?
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Post by Elsie »

I know someone already asked, but i didnt see an answer.

Is this the building in Gemma Part IV ?

2nd question: how did tachyon get out of the building if the order all over the place?
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Post by robtomorrow »

amybagofdonuts wrote:just signed up to the LG15 site, though i have been watching the series since july (or whenever it first began).
i also wanted to point out that it says 'hey it's daniel...someone helped with editing' in the the description. some people were bringing up who was filming and stuff like that.
but my main question is people keep saying tachyon is back from fiji. this intrigues me because i have no idea where fiji comes into play and also because i am going there this summer. i am not involved with the ARG, if that makes a difference.
sooo yeah! please let me know!
can't wait for the new video- it's killing me to find out what's going to happen next!
Yes, it makes a difference, many people took the creators at there word that they did not need to follow OpAphid to understand the story, now that the story lines are merging it is confusing a lot of people. The information that Tachyon has been in Fiji since December comes from a profile update on Tachyons YouTube account.
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Post by EternalGoddess »

Who was saying that lucy is Tachyon?
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Post by robtomorrow »

EternalGoddess wrote:Who was saying that lucy is Tachyon?
I think several people have suggested that, as I said above many people are confused.
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Post by EternalGoddess »

I wonder how they came up with that. Though I do think that Lucy could be oppy.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

ugh, my keyboard is broken so i can't say much cuz i'm on my dad's computer, but i just wanted to say some quick things:

--Lucy is definitely not cool enough to be Tachyon, or even Op.
--There IS a theory, of which I am pretty fond, that Op = Bree's 'mom' (The fake mom)
--I agree with whoever asked about Daniel. I am curious to see his thoughts on the 'miss me' video and if he will be any different.
--Goddamnit I had something else to say but I can't remember it.

Later all!
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