0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]
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- Luv2Skydive
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Thanks! I see that now. It has to mean something but we won't know until the name is confirmed either way.Languorous Lass wrote:The Plot Discussion thread suggests that the name could be "Powell's" Dry Cleaners, since there is a street, along with plenty of businesses, in SF by that name.Luv2Skydive wrote:Thanks....I'm just trying to figure out why they chose THAT name.ForeverMourn wrote:Yes, Luv, See the thread in the Plot Discussion.
Personally, I think it's not very likely that the creators would use the name of an actual business -- it might lead to the business getting besieged by excited LG15 fans. I think "Pal's" is a more likely interpretation. The transcript on the LGPedia says "Powell's," though, so unless the transcript was fan-created, I guess "Powell's" is correct.

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- djmadscribbler
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I believe that OpAphid was fan created and has since been made canon.avian_firefly wrote:Everyone who has ended up being cannon has been in on it from the begining, none are fan created.
We shall nonetheless move forward to carve a name for ourselves in the annals of bold insurgency and death-defying derring-do. Once I have a keen blade at my hip and the Jolly Roger is flapping high above me, I believe I will find my true calling.
I don't think they would do it intentionally. It might just be a coincendence that there's some cleaners on Powell street if they used "Pal's," but I'd still like to think the Creators would know the area and would take precautions not do that. Could be a slip up on their part, or they just weren't thinking and actually meant it to be "Powell." I do think that when Bree says the name it sounds like "Powell's," but maybe a moment of Jessica Rose's accent emerging did that?Languorous Lass wrote:Personally, I think it's not very likely that the creators would use the name of an actual business -- it might lead to the business getting besieged by excited LG15 fans.
Yeah, the transcript was fan-created. It really could be "Pal's" or "Powell's," I think.Languorous Lass wrote:The transcript on the LGPedia says "Powell's," though, so unless the transcript was fan-created, I guess "Powell's" is correct.
Yes, I am pretty sure you're right.djmadscribbler wrote:I believe that OpAphid was fan created and has since been made canon.avian_firefly wrote:Everyone who has ended up being cannon has been in on it from the begining, none are fan created.

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- avian_firefly
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- avian_firefly
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well now they have access to the sets so it's most likely being run by the creators now or they have big influences. Like with NBR. As I mentioned before she is much more likely to become recognized as OpAphid was. (assumng both were actually fan created and not plants)Kasdeja wrote:Yes, I am pretty sure you're right.djmadscribbler wrote:I believe that OpAphid was fan created and has since been made canon.avian_firefly wrote:Everyone who has ended up being cannon has been in on it from the begining, none are fan created.
I wouldn't say that really. OpAphid's first appearance was September 24, while its acknowledgement as canon wasn't until November 20 (only four days short of two full months). On the other hand, Gemma was introduced on October 19 and acknowledged as canon on October 25, while Jonas was introduced on November 16 and acknowledged as canon on November 24.avian_firefly wrote:but they were rather quickly placed in specific referances by Bree and Gemma just like Jonas. And Tachyon as well.iamcool wrote:not true, op wasnt originally part of the story
Added to that, some of the early OpAphid vids were posted on YouTube as video responses to some cassieiswatching videos (this was, of course, at a time when CiW wasn't even remotely canon).
*counting to 10, trying to stay calm*Cassie_xx wrote:When Bree phones the number with the dry cleaner voice mail, she mumbles the phone number.
Maybe it's significant?
i suggest u read the 1st 10 pages of this thread darling

my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
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Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
cooltron5000 is also accepted
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- nobackspacebutton
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Very. ^_^ Please check the wikipedia or plot discussion.Cassie_xx wrote:When Bree phones the number with the dry cleaner voice mail, she mumbles the phone number.
Maybe it's significant?
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
I know...but Ops started off as a spin off or gamejack of CiW. Either way, canon now..but didn't start that way. Plant, perhaps. dunnoavian_firefly wrote:well now they have access to the sets so it's most likely being run by the creators now or they have big influences. Like with NBR. As I mentioned before she is much more likely to become recognized as OpAphid was. (assumng both were actually fan created and not plants)Kasdeja wrote:Yes, I am pretty sure you're right.djmadscribbler wrote: I believe that OpAphid was fan created and has since been made canon.

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I'm fairly confident that OpAphid has been canon from the beginning. You see, the creators never actively denied that OpAphid was canon. They actively denied that Cassie was canon, though.
I am also fairly (>75%) confident that cassie was a failed project, and created by the same PM's as those which PM Opaphid right now. Somewhere along the end of cassie there must have been a talk between the cassie creators and the LG15 creators, effectively signing a deal to make an LG15 ARG.
I am also fairly (>75%) confident that cassie was a failed project, and created by the same PM's as those which PM Opaphid right now. Somewhere along the end of cassie there must have been a talk between the cassie creators and the LG15 creators, effectively signing a deal to make an LG15 ARG.
breetard [bree-tard] Adj. - a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way all while being plastic and having extremely limited depth of personality
Makes sense. CiW also knew exact locations. Either the PM went over the line on the Manson stuff or they wanted to start fresh with a new game. It was pretty lame how they ended it, either way.

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I have a feeling that this video made Cassie fans collectively org.. well, I have a feeling it made Cassie fans very, very happy. 
However, I'm not a Cassie fan, and honestly found this video not particularly.. interesting. Pretty boring actually.. I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?

However, I'm not a Cassie fan, and honestly found this video not particularly.. interesting. Pretty boring actually.. I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?