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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:07 am
by SpicyLilNacho
All I really know is that at the end when they're driving away you see a sign that says "Westfield" ((which might already been mentioned)), the only reason why I notice this was because I live in SF and we have, apparently there was more than one. But just a pointer on where theyre at, if that helps
. ... enShot.png <<<Screen Shot <<<Website
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:15 am
by khjq
If there wasn't gun shots, then why the hell couldn't jonas and daniel help Bree's father escape the clutches of some dude and Lucy instead of acting so scared. Jonas, Daniel, Bree, plus Bree's dad together could of over powered that dude and lucy easy. I mean, if a whole bunch of baldies jumped out of the car equiped with machine guns then they could panic, but c'mon it was just 1 dude and lucy.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:18 am
by avian_firefly
Is brother saying he shot Gemma? Then why would Bree scream at Gemma being shot?
I think Bree was bent over b/c she was tryingto avoid the gunshots. And Jonas was startled which is why the camera tilts.
The guys found the parked car after Bree and her dad got out, the car was empty in the close-ups. They must have lost them when they got to the parking garage.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:25 am
by khjq
back to playing WoW now...
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:32 am
by kristenjane
khjq wrote:If there wasn't gun shots, then why the hell couldn't jonas and daniel help Bree's father escape the clutches of some dude and Lucy instead of acting so scared. Jonas, Daniel, Bree, plus Bree's dad together could of over powered that dude and lucy easy. I mean, if a whole bunch of baldies jumped out of the car equiped with machine guns then they could panic, but c'mon it was just 1 dude and lucy.
Maybe they thought it was a gun shot as well? Or they just didnt want to mess with the Order.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:34 am
by kristenjane
SpicyLilNacho wrote:All I really know is that at the end when they're driving away you see a sign that says "Westfield" ((which might already been mentioned)), the only reason why I notice this was because I live in SF and we have, apparently there was more than one. But just a pointer on where theyre at, if that helps
. ... enShot.png <<<Screen Shot <<<Website
Yeah, It was mentioned a WHILE back. But thanks for your screencap and the website. every input helps. and I dont blame you for not reading through what? now 36 pages? haha
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:35 am
by anngry
geez, everyone was hoping that daniel would swoop in and rescue bree in her moment of need.. well i guess the creators listen to us after all!
i hope this doesnt cause bree to go into one of those week-long episodes where she doesnt post any videos. i want to know what happened!
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:37 am
by kristenjane
anngry wrote:geez, everyone was hoping that daniel would swoop in and rescue bree in her moment of need.. well i guess the creators listen to us after all!
i hope this doesnt cause bree to go into one of those week-long episodes where she doesnt post any videos. i want to know what happened!
Oh, I would be kind of upset because it has been a little since we heard from Bree. Maybe not a little while but it SEEMS like eternity.
Your avatar cracks me up every time I look at it.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:16 am
by livelongandprosper77
I hope we get a few answers from a vid in a day or two or it will be nervous breakdown and panic mode initiated!

Hhaah... well for me that is.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:20 am
by 04SSHD
Oh the crazyness! They have to leave you in suspense...
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:28 am
by avian_firefly
okay after catching up on the pages, a few other thoughts:
the screencaps of Bree crying was put in as a catch. It's much more likely to make ppl watch then a screenshot of a dark parking garage.
Is it possible the man standing by himself at the end is brother and/or the person who shot the gun. It makes little sense it would be Bree's father.
He is facing the others who were dragging away Bree's dad and appears to be heading towards them. This makes me believe he walked on from off screen. Bree's dad would most liklybe facing away from the order or at least be backing up. To me it apears the person is standing in the same place that Bree's dad was just a few seconds before. If he was being dragged away why would he be back there facing Lucy and the deacon?
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:44 am
by EternalGoddess
Yeah, I don't think the guy standing at the end of the video is Bree's dad. Lucy and the other guy were leading him to the car. It most likely is the person who shot the gun or some other person from the order.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:45 am
by livelongandprosper77
Yes, i noticed that now that the vid is up on YouTube they put a message from Daniel about the Thumbnail for the vid and why Bree is shown crying. He Says:
Daniel here (yeah, yeah on Bree's account... and I put a freeze frame of her so you'd watch... it's important). We caught up to Bree... well... just watch.
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:48 am
by autumneternal
livelongandprosper77 wrote:Yes, i noticed that now that the vid is up on YouTube they put a message from Daniel about the Thumbnail for the vid and why Bree is shown crying. He Says:
Daniel here (yeah, yeah on Bree's account... and I put a freeze frame of her so you'd watch... it's important). We caught up to Bree... well... just watch.
I realized that, after I'd taken the screen-cap and posted about it. Oh well! I still find it an interesting choice of freeze frame to use though...
Whos sitting in the background
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:16 am
by bibitte83
Im not sure if anyone mentioned this... I wasnt about to read through the massive amount of responses to this video... Did anyone notice the girl sitting in the grass behind Bree's dad's car in the parking lot?... At first I thought it was Bree but then Bree walked towards the car from the opposite direction. Maybe its nothing, but it caught my eye and I thought I'd point it out.