0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

nobackspacebutton wrote:
watermelonhead wrote:When is cassie gonna reveal herself?!
Never. I think CiW jumped the boat...after all that calmed down...the Creators decided to really put an end to her by saying she used to make prank calls with Bree--which is really them poking fun at CiW and saying that none of it really mattered.
not that it didn't matter, the Creators aren't that dumb, more that it's not relevent to the story that's all.
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Post by watermelonhead »

Ah darn! Was hoping she was the wild card that would come save the day at the last minute. They should at least hold a sweepstakes where one lucky fan can make a guest cameo
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Post by rodrigogar »

well, bree and dad talked about those authors...

chances are they have some of those books at home (of course they do).

Someone mention Bree needs to go back home and check it out...

how about...

daniel said he found something but wasnt gonna tell yet until later. Maybe daniel did find some books out of place and maybe some info inside of them.... how about that?
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

rodrigogar wrote:. Maybe daniel did find some books out of place and maybe some info inside of them.... how about that?
here here
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Post by Kasdeja »

nobackspacebutton wrote:I'm googling Simian..and other LG keywords to try and find something..anything--well check this out:

Found 1)

Six Finger Satellite - Severe Exposure (1995, Sub Pop) Six Finger Satellite, via Severe Exposure, perfected their version of vicious new wave hardcore electro-terror, mixed with a biting sense of humor. This alchemy is most apparent on the song 'Simian Fever,' which is about the perils of pissed off monkeys on a rampage after escaping a research lab. They are undoubtedly the most un-Sub Pop band you will ever listen to, perhaps due to the band's geographical origin: Rhode Island. Their follow-up album, Paranormalized, is also great and highly recommended.


Found 2)

We never "know" organismically all that we know theoretically. Parts of us remain simian, childish, "ignorant," murky, inertial, mechanical etc.

and of course

Found 3)

The wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simiiformes
Just to tie in...someone posted links about Feynman...and one of his books was The Third Primate...
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Post by Kasdeja »

Luv2Skydive wrote:In the spirit of CiW an anagram for Pal's Dry Cleaners is "Elders Plan Scary".

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Post by wintermute »

Lurker wrote:That's exactly what I'm talking about right there. Covedweller wasn't attacking you. He/she noticed a humorous correlation between your attitude to the situation and battered wife syndrome and was pointing it out in a funny way. It was a joke (given away by all the laughing emoticons if nothing else) that you took as an attack on your way of living.
You assume too much, Lurker. Yeah, Covedweller ticked me off. But he backed off after I made it clear that I didn't find it funny. And FWIW, just because some people think it's funny doesn't mean it's not an attack... But it's not he that I was referring to. Unless you're seen the PM's that I got for having a dissenting opinion, be careful about making assumptions.

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Post by Languorous Lass »

HyeMew wrote: Every series needs their "never seen character". Cassie is to LG15 what Jennie Piccolo and Sheridan Bucket were to Happy Days and Keeping Up Appearances.
And what the Little Red Haired Girl was to Peanuts, before the creators of the TV specials made the extremely unwise decision to actually show her.
Lurker wrote:She's asking as though she's repeating a question they asked her. Just before that she says "Excuse me? Ohh umm...". And then notice that "Uhhh" look she gets on her face right after, as though she's trying to think of some way to answer.
I interpreted that part of the video the same way.
Ruberic wrote:On that note...am I totally wrong, or did Bree mention in one of her videos that she sometimes feels that they could talk back? I had this conversation with someone, but we could not remember what video it was...and I haven't found it again.
wintermute wrote:I think Ruberic was talking about an early video where Bree might indicate that the animals actually communicate back. I don't recall, but it would probably be some off-handed remark that would be typical imaginary-friend type of stuff that didn't mean anything more at the time, but would have deeper meaning now that some suspect the animals of being bugged (or worse).
I think Ruberic may be referring to the "Silent Treatment" video, in which Bree tells Daniel that "the Survival Skills thing was Owen's idea." Sure sounds to me like she thinks Owen is talking to her.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
ForeverMourn wrote:Yes, Luv, See the thread in the Plot Discussion.
Thanks....I'm just trying to figure out why they chose THAT name. :)
The Plot Discussion thread suggests that the name could be "Powell's" Dry Cleaners, since there is a street, along with plenty of businesses, in SF by that name.

Personally, I think it's not very likely that the creators would use the name of an actual business -- it might lead to the business getting besieged by excited LG15 fans. I think "Pal's" is a more likely interpretation. The transcript on the LGPedia says "Powell's," though, so unless the transcript was fan-created, I guess "Powell's" is correct.
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Post by wintermute »

Languorous Lass wrote:The transcript on the LGPedia says "Powell's," though, so unless the transcript was fan-created, I guess "Powell's" is correct.
I suspect that all the transcripts are fan-created. I've notice inaccuracies in some that were corrected when I went back a second time.

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Post by avian_firefly »

iamcool wrote:and whats up with the tags in this vid?

LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast home phone uncle franklin simian aunt hold ...

why simian, aunt and hold? lol

they weren't mentioned in the whole think where they?
anybody got theories for aunt and hold?

My opinion on the cassies:
itscassie won'tbecome cannon b/c her wig sucks. Everyone who has ended up being cannon has been in on it from the begining, none are fan created. NBR is much closer to cannon than itcassie. I'd be more inclinded to itscassie if it wasn't forthe $10 wig.
Same with CiW, until she brought the ARG players to that other site I would have been more inclided to believe she was cannon. And didn't she stop posting right after that?
I like both cassie fan-creations but b/c of their inconsistances with the way cannon characters are introduced people need to realize it's highly doubtful either will become cannon. Bree's mention of the calls and the 'I'm watching' line are being claimed as an insult to CiW followers. I think it's much more complimentary that the creators used something CiW created. So much anger people.

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Post by iamcool »

not true, op wasnt originally part of the story
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted

My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued

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Post by Languorous Lass »

wintermute wrote:I suspect that all the transcripts are fan-created. I've notice inaccuracies in some that were corrected when I went back a second time.
Guess we'll have to wait and see. I like the anagram of "Pal's" better than the one for "Powell's," though . . . 8)
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Well, maybe Bree's aunt put her on hold. :D

Kidding aside, I have no idea.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Well, maybe Bree's aunt put her on hold. :D

Kidding aside, I have no idea.
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