Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:03 pm
in just this short amount of time we have rased this thread to like 5th most pages in video secshon in a cople days it will be the most
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
I guess the vid was a hit.lostgamer wrote:in just this short amount of time we have rased this thread to like 5th most pages in video secshon in a cople days it will be the most
kellylen wrote:oh and I asked my friend who lives in LA about the building and this is what she said
i dont know if that helps any or if we figured out which building it is[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> I think it might be the Flynt Publications building on La Cienega and Wilshire in Beverly Hills
[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> but im not 100% certain
[16:58] EvaZlokovic[a]> why?
Were did you hear that? He looks too young to be his dad... besides he looks more like a biker or something.shirble wrote:Also, if you guys were interested, the badass bearded guy in the elevator with the rest of The Order is apparently Miles' dad. Go figure.
Seriously! I was excited when I saw this video the first (or 3) times and tried to explain it to my boyfriend also, who said I could show him the video but he doesn't follow the series at all. I know he wouldn't be excited about it like I was. He'd probably look at me funny.betz28 wrote:tell me about it ~ they just don't get it do they?mcorneli wrote:Oh man, best video EVAR. I think I bored my boyfiend to death trying to explain the whole story and why I was so excited.
I think you're right -- that this must have been confusing to people who don't follow the ARG (which is becoming not so "alternate" reality). However, as you said, they did a very good job merging this, and I think that it was, overall, a good move on the Creator's part.robtommorrow wrote:I do think it was pretty good though, well done, interesting juxtaposition/merging of the LG15 and OpAphid/Tachyon story lines. But it must be confusing as hell to the people who took the creators at there word that they wouldn't have to follow OpAphid to understand the story.
I think she said, "Run to the rooftop. There's pizza and ice cream."islandlove wrote:did anyone figure out what she said to daniel?
HenrySugar wrote:I think she said, "Run to the rooftop. There's pizza and ice cream."islandlove wrote:did anyone figure out what she said to daniel?