DontHaveAClue wrote:Absinthe has been know since....the egyptians (yes, again!) and was used in medecine for various stuff from stomach ache to lack of appetite. But, now it's becoming interesting, Dioscoride and Pline recommended the use of absinthe as an anti-poison.
Kasdeja wrote:Wait, is the outfit in the lighter pics for sure the same day as the ceremony stalking? Was he wearing that same outfit? For all we know, it could be from a previous time he followed them, like to that weird medical park place thingy.
yer we dnt see much of his clothes but they are both black, so it looks like the same clothes lol, good try tho
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
Kasdeja wrote:Wait, is the outfit in the lighter pics for sure the same day as the ceremony stalking? Was he wearing that same outfit? For all we know, it could be from a previous time he followed them, like to that weird medical park place thingy.
yer we dnt see much of his clothes but they are both black, so it looks like the same clothes lol, good try tho
to add to this I just reviewed both videos and yes it is either the same outfit or suppose to be the same clothes anyway. When he first is driving up there and gets there it is still light out. I think they simply took those pictures then because they knew he would come out well while it was still light and we would be arguing over light instead of how the hell didn't daniel see the flash go off.
Kasdeja wrote:Wait, is the outfit in the lighter pics for sure the same day as the ceremony stalking? Was he wearing that same outfit? For all we know, it could be from a previous time he followed them, like to that weird medical park place thingy.
yer we dnt see much of his clothes but they are both black, so it looks like the same clothes lol, good try tho
to add to this I just reviewed both videos and yes it is either the same outfit or suppose to be the same clothes anyway. When he first is driving up there and gets there it is still light out. I think they simply took those pictures then because they knew he would come out well while it was still light and we would be arguing over light instead of how the hell didn't daniel see the flash go off.
Okay, I said it before, but it ended up at the end of a page, so I don't know if anyone read it (always happens like that.) When he was videoing the bald man the angle suggests he was in a tree, and it was still light out.
Edit: watching the ceremony vid again, it was more like dusk when he videotaped the bald guy, but he could have climbed up there much earlier.
Last edited by rachelalexis on Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)
I think the date on the compy IS important. think about it. we are meant to get the names of cities off the map, correct? so that means we have to take screen caps, correct? I think they would have checked the vid, made sure the names were clear and readable, at which time they would have seen such an obvious error.
on some thread there was mention that the actor who plays daniel was responding to complaints of the lame-ness of the last 2 videos (on myspace?) and he said to wait for the one he just shot. does anyone remember this? maybe we can deduce which day it was shot. it may not have even been shot on the 12th which would mean it HAS to be important.
that blog is bizarre. it's so freakin long. i don't think i even KNOW that many locations... who would do that? i don't think there's a connection, but... what, did he just wake up one morning and go "yanno, i know a lot of places. i bet some people on the interweb would like to know all the places i know. i will go and do that now!! " (just imagine that in a silly accent and i swear it's comedic gold.)
Katie wrote:I think the date on the compy IS important. think about it. we are meant to get the names of cities off the map, correct? so that means we have to take screen caps, correct? I think they would have checked the vid, made sure the names were clear and readable, at which time they would have seen such an obvious error.
on some thread there was mention that the actor who plays daniel was responding to complaints of the lame-ness of the last 2 videos (on myspace?) and he said to wait for the one he just shot. does anyone remember this? maybe we can deduce which day it was shot. it may not have even been shot on the 12th which would mean it HAS to be important.
he was actually just responding to a friendly email- i'll try and find the post but it was kinda like "thanks! just wait till you see the next vid i'm in, i think it will be very interesting. i just shot it yesterday." actually now i'm interested to find it to make sure that "yesterday" was actually the 12th at the time... i'll edit it in if i do find it. or please, anybody, feel free to beat me to it.
EDIT: ha oh yeah you sed that thing about it not being shot on the 12th too... i'm a bit dumb. k off to look now.
"What is there in absinthe that makes it a separate cult? ... Even in ruin and in degradation it remains a thing
apart: its victims wear a ghastly aureole all their own, and in their peculiar hell yet gloat with a sinister perversion
of pride that they are not as other men." -- Aleister Crowley
The above is a part of a lyrical essay on absinthe called"Absinthe - The Green Goddess" written by Crowley . He wrote it, according to legend, while waiting for a female companion in the Old Absinthe House in New Orleans.
Just throwing that out there, as I didn't see the actual essay mentioned in this thread while I read through it. (sorry if I managed to miss it!)
His essay also quotes "La Legende de l'Absinthe," a French sonnet. Here is the English translation:
The Legend of Absinthe
Apollo, who mourned at Hyacinthe's demise,
Refused to concede this victory to Death.
Much better that the soul, adept in transformation,
Had to find a holy alchemy for beauty.
Thus with his celestial hand he drained and crushed
The subtlest harvest of the garden goddess,
The broken bodies of the herbs yielding a golden essence
From which we measure out our first drop -- of Absinthe!
In lowly hovels and in glittering courts,
Alone, in pairs, drink up this potion of desire!
For it is sorcery -- as one might say --
When the pale opal wine ends all misery,
Opens beauty's most intimate sanctuary --
- Bewitches my heart, and exalts my soul in ecstasy!
Not sure if any of this helps at all, but thought I'd share the info.