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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:19 am
by Lurker
TOSG wrote:Do we know whether Sara(h) is supposed to be a younger or older sister?
She looks older than Taylor, but something tells me that isn't correct.
She is older, yes. How much older, we don't know (we don't even know their ages yet).
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:21 am
by PixieSailor
kellylen wrote:alysaface wrote:TOSG wrote:Pretty funny video, too (the ones with all three of the core actors are never too bad - the banter alone is worth watching). I thought that the shirtless Jonas was a pretty fun wink to all of you fangirls

and may I say, even thought I don't really consider myself a "fangirl" per-se, it was very much enjoyed =)
like I said.. I have a thing for arms.. =)
i have a thing for backs yummy
So it's not only me? I absolutely love backs, and people always say I'm weird. :[
I think LG has made my sense of humor warp, I laughed my ass off after the whole lipstick-gun-pants thing.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:26 am
by Lurker
PixieSailor wrote:I think LG has made my sense of humor warp, I laughed my ass off after the whole lipstick-gun-pants thing.
I thought it was funny too. More so because of how both she and he reacted to it (her with maniacal glee and him with annoyance/embarassment) than because the idea itself was great. The same idea could have easily fallen flat, but it didn't (credit to the actors and whoever wrote that scene, I guess).
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:37 am
by PixieSailor
Lurker wrote:PixieSailor wrote:I think LG has made my sense of humor warp, I laughed my ass off after the whole lipstick-gun-pants thing.
I thought it was funny too. More so because of how both she and he reacted to it (her with maniacal glee and him with annoyance/embarassment) than because the idea itself was great. The same idea could have easily fallen flat, but it didn't (credit to the actors and whoever wrote that scene, I guess).
Ah yes. I love how she had no remorse at all, it was so perfect. And how much Danial freaked out. I was ready to cry in agony when Danial first started yelling, because it was SO predictable, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:50 am
by Lurker
Just thought I'd point out that the error of the missing "h" in Sarah's name has been corrected on the vid descriptions (here and at Revver), as well as in Sarah's new in-character section of the forum.
Since it's the middle of the night and nobody else seems to be here, I guess I'll ask: Who else loves her already? 'Cause I totally do. I don't want to jump to conclusions or get my hopes up, but if Sarah as she was presented to us here is any indication of what she's usually like (the sadistic and possibly unstable sense of humor/personality, as well as the great taste in clothing), she may prove to be the only girl actually worthy of Daniel.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:52 am
by Hippie
umm umm umm. after senseless comments last night, i willl forever hold my tongue til i am again overwhelmed with feelings...
lol @ the sister... she is interesting, but dan... where is the beast?
what a bad sister to send a younger sibling though, in all reality he could be "how to catch a predator 54" bad move there Taylor, not very kind of you... you must get your mind together for a ceremony...
oh and that sister rocks, KEEP HER... at 1st glance she is CLASSIC.. i mean... pantsing people... good shi*! Again TAYLOR scores a goal with me... kill julie, shes evil, somehow unexplained... I WANT MORE OF THIS "New girl" i am almost overly impressed with the sister...
this is all assuming the new girl is to keep going and not die off... if thats the case Julie is the choice
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:54 am
by ladysolitary85
I love it when Jonas makes fun of Bree and she hit him with a pillow, he shuted up then

interesting prank Sarah pulled on Daniel.... would of been funnier if he pissed himself though lol, hell I would of...

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:56 am
by PixieSailor
Oh, it was INSTANT love for me. I was afraid we'd get more of a scene-type girl, but instead we got someone who looked fairly normal with an awesome sense of style. I really hope her sense of humor is always like that, I can tell the vids with her in them will all be a laugh.
As for possibly developing into someone worthy of Danial, I want to make sure she has no order ties and isn't quite an emotional wreck before saying she has any possibility. If she's clean, though, I can see the chemistry between her and Danial to be extremely fun to watch.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:57 am
by Sophistication
They should stress the fact that the girl they met is Taylor's sister because it took me quite some time to figure that out.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:57 am
by PixieSailor
Hippie wrote:umm umm umm. after senseless comments last night, i willl forever hold my tongue til i am again overwhelmed with feelings...
lol @ the sister... she is interesting, but dan... where is the beast?
what a bad sister to send a younger sibling though, in all reality he could be "how to catch a predator 54" bad move there Taylor, not very kind of you... you must get your mind together for a ceremony...
Sarah is older than Taylor <3
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:01 am
by mincartaugh

"Look! Look! It's my english flag underwear..."

(Shows english flag underwear)

"...glad it wasn't on camera!"

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:20 am
by mellie3204
Hee hee hee!
Why is it I am forever amused when Daniel is annoyed/embarressed?
Nice vid... could have been a bit longer, but better than the last few... I haven't been posting because I just haven't found that much to say about the recent vids, we've been in a bit of a holding pattern.
Thank goodness the first girl to make an appearance on the main vids was cute, engaging and looks like she can actually act!! (well, in the whole 10 seconds I got to see of her

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:29 am
Lurker wrote:TOSG wrote:Do we know whether Sara(h) is supposed to be a younger or older sister?
She looks older than Taylor, but something tells me that isn't correct.
She is older, yes. How much older, we don't know (we don't even know their ages yet).
Totally a new romantic interest for poor DB, then.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:33 am
by kittenishtrance
I like Sarah, but I don't like her for Daniel. I think he needs to wait until this whole Order thing is done, and then he can concentrate on finding a non Hymn of One girl. All the Hymn of One girls have issues that other girls don't have. (Although I know some girls have issues regardless of their religion.)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:35 am
by mincartaugh
TOSG wrote:Lurker wrote:TOSG wrote:Do we know whether Sara(h) is supposed to be a younger or older sister?
She looks older than Taylor, but something tells me that isn't correct.
She is older, yes. How much older, we don't know (we don't even know their ages yet).
Totally a new romantic interest for poor DB, then.
Oh bite your tongue. I think I'm going to have to become Daniel's bodyguard. (waves walker around) Get back girls! Give the boy some breathing room. Don't look, Daniel. You'll go blind.