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Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:13 am
by covedweller
Cu_Roi wrote:Have I taken offense to any of the suspicion directed towards me so far?

And since you're an experienced ARG player, you know how that is the EXACT way to act to try and convice us that you're actually not in on it!
Quite shrewd...
But even if you're not a man on the inside:
Did you ever hear back from Cassie after you recovered the clue on Sunday? I remember your threads last week said you made sure she had your # and you were anticipating some contact. Anything ever come of it?
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:20 am
by lordgreystoke422
dlruss0216 wrote:martha wrote:I don't really think there was a reason to be nasty. I happen to have quite a busy life, what with working and friends, but I still have time to lurk on here, and be impatient for Bree's videos (much more than Cassie's). You can't really assume people don't have lives.
I was thinking the same thing Martha, but didn't bother to take the time to post. Well said, thanks!
Actually the fact that some of us DO have lives and LOVE this and hate it at the same time could explain our impatience so we can hurry the hell up...have a week of depression when it's over..and get the hell back to our normal lives....I missed making it to the range for the first time in almost 2 months on a sunday..part of that was caused because my computer clock got shagged(by cassie's ghost) and I was leaving at 7 PM thinking it was 5PM..but I digress...
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:34 am
by Cu_Roi
covedweller wrote:Cu_Roi wrote:Have I taken offense to any of the suspicion directed towards me so far?

And since you're an experienced ARG player, you know how that is the EXACT way to act to try and convice us that you're actually not in on it!
Quite shrewd...
But even if you're not a man on the inside:
Did you ever hear back from Cassie after you recovered the clue on Sunday? I remember your threads last week said you made sure she had your # and you were anticipating some contact. Anything ever come of it?
I actually did hear back from her through youtube, but it wasn't anything important enough to circulate. We had a short interchange about the photos used in the 2nd vid.
I recieved 2 calls from a "private" number. One was the 2nd, supposedly false message. The second came very early/late and I didn't pick up. I was hoping a voicemail would have been left, and I could forward it to someone with the tech who could dissect it. Alas, no message was left.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:56 am
by thevictim
I actually did hear back from her through youtube, but it wasn't anything important enough to circulate.
I think anything is relevent to circulate. It might not mean anything to you, but for rest of us it might.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:35 am
by Cu_Roi
thevictim wrote:
I actually did hear back from her through youtube, but it wasn't anything important enough to circulate.
I think anything is relevent to circulate. It might not mean anything to you, but for rest of us it might.
No, actually, it was private. I stated my stance on the Manson thing, and got a short reply acknowledging that she saw it. Nothing more. No secret cyphers or juicy clues.
If Cassie(or any PM for that matter)has information she wants to disseminate to the masses she's not going to let it be hidden by a single person. She'll make it known.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:38 am
by Goodgyrl777
martha wrote:I don't really think there was a reason to be nasty. I happen to have quite a busy life, what with working and friends, but I still have time to lurk on here, and be impatient for Bree's videos (much more than Cassie's). You can't really assume people don't have lives.
Wasn't expecting anyone on here to take my comment so personally.
But seeings as you have, what I meant that I think people are being unfair to the 'person behind Cassie'.
An ARG is a huge production to keep track 'she' has to keep up with all the msges and the forums. I personally think that the LG15 may be in on it, and they have been putting up quite a few LG15 vids in quick progression, therefore not nessicarily having the time to update the cassie stuff...or the person behind cassie is waiting to see how her faithful followers are gonig to react.
Either way, whether they are involved or not, my point is...people are up in arms saying they are getting tired of waiting after 2-3 days of nothing. Impatience gets no one anywhere, and now theres a new clue to decode. When the game tells you to 'wait and be ready' you do exactly that and try to not let your ADD in the way.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:29 am
by Kasdeja
I probably wouldn't be so bored with this wait if last week wasn't filled with fruitless phone happenings and her denials, honestly.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:35 pm
by Mirage
(disclaimer--I am sick and hopped up on NyQuil. Any strange sentences should be blamed on the drugs. Or flying pigs.

TLE just recently finished up and I'm pretty bitter about the execution and ending. However, I was lurking another site and read someone's comments about people's complaints and thought it fit in rather nicely to what seems to be an ongoing CiW fiasco.
I'm not sure whether it's been determined if the actors/writers for LG15 are getting payed for their work. I know it's still not been determined just whether the Creators backing away from CiW is IG or an actual truth.
Despite these factors, I think we need to remember that this is a game. For us. Whoever is behind CiW came up with these things--drops, codes, videos..for our amusement. We're not expected to pay to see these things or participate. So perhaps we need to take a step back and just be greatful. I'm not saying that we all need to become CiW sycophants. I just think that for a free game it's been pretty interesting so far and we need to let things run it's course.
Of course, if 2 weeks down the road it seems like the game has completely fallen off course or dissapeared completely I will be in line to add to the bitching and complaining.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:46 pm
by BuncyTheFrog
Cu_Roi wrote:covedweller wrote:Cu_Roi wrote:Have I taken offense to any of the suspicion directed towards me so far?

And since you're an experienced ARG player, you know how that is the EXACT way to act to try and convice us that you're actually not in on it!
Quite shrewd...
But even if you're not a man on the inside:
Did you ever hear back from Cassie after you recovered the clue on Sunday? I remember your threads last week said you made sure she had your # and you were anticipating some contact. Anything ever come of it?
I actually did hear back from her through youtube, but it wasn't anything important enough to circulate. We had a short interchange about the photos used in the 2nd vid.
I recieved 2 calls from a "private" number. One was the 2nd, supposedly false message. The second came very early/late and I didn't pick up. I was hoping a voicemail would have been left, and I could forward it to someone with the tech who could dissect it. Alas, no message was left.
as strange as it sounds, I got two phone calls this morning from an unkown number as well. O_o
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:27 pm
by vertigo
My internet connection died for 2 whole days and I was fretting, OMG CASSIE IS GOING TO POST, I'M MISSING EVERYTHING!!!!
Now I come back and.... yeah, everything is still the same.
I almost wish I had indeed missed something!!

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:23 pm
by madsweeney
Mirage wrote:TLE just recently finished up and I'm pretty bitter about the execution and ending.
I can understand why people would be disappointed in the ending (a lot of us already suspected that Blake was Hanso's daughter), but the execution? I was really into the glyph hunt, or the piecing together of the videos to be more specific.
Anyway, my point was that at its slowest, TLE had updates every 3-4 days, and fairly often we had 2-3 new things per day. I don't think The Creators of this ARG/online serial have the same kind of resources, but it might help to give us a bone to gnaw on in between major plot points/clues.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:08 am
by covedweller
So to chart the progression of the game thus far:
First stage: Two very good videos.
Second stage: Interesting Audio (though some is controversial as to its source)
Third stage: Morse Code
Fourth stage: Anagrams
Should we really worry about where the game is heading if the next stage features Hobo symbols? I mean, what are the other stereotypical ARG fallbacks for lazy PMs?
I am just saying, I want to see more kick-ass video soon! Isn't that what drew all of us into this in the first place? After that one-two punch, it's all been kind of a descent...
If Cassie is part of the Breeniverse, then more video almost seems mandatory.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:09 am
by covedweller
also, I listened to that phone message from last Sunday again, and I heard "wait."
Isn't that an odd ending to that intense day?
We've seen that word a lot. It's an odd one to have to decipher or listen for. It's an anti-clue of payoff!
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:12 am
by DeepBlueRug
This is probably in the wrong place, but has anyone seen this video?
Could this be a new character? The views to rating ratio seems fishy.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:15 am
by ëleison
well playing a song backwards would certainly be a new twist!!!
(sorry im being a smart ass)