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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:57 am
by nowherepixie
lostgurl wrote:Could "empty house" mean that you should go when there is no one there. that way you would be able to look around the piano.
under the peddles??
yeh I agree with that. I think it means you should go when it's empty so you can poke around ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:12 am
by lostgurl
giddeanx wrote:Or maybe he can't believe we havent filled the house yet.
yeah, I looked again and noticed the "?" after empty house.

but check this out, I really think that the drop has to do with the piano!!:

from Blind Tom, The Black Pianist-Composer: Continually Enslaved
by, Geneval Handy Southall
Scarecrow Press (2002):

In addition, his Baltimore concerts of July 1860 had so impressed the famous piano manufacturer, William Knabe, that he gave the ten-year-old slave an elaborately carved rosewood grand piano with a silver plate bearing the inscription "a tribute to Genius."

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:16 pm
by lg15panda
This is also just a stretch as far as the Wiggins quote goes, but I found a quote from here:
One of the earliest concert reviews published in the Baltimore Sun on June 27, 1860 announced to its readers that Tom was a phenomenon in the musical world--"thrusting all our conceptions of the science to the wall and informing us that there is a musical world of which we know nothing."
Maybe the "Empty House?!" part is trying to tell us that there is more to this than we realize, or we need to start looking closer and in a different perspective.

As far as the 6 broken strings I got nothing. What could Zipp be hinting at?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:04 pm
by ShardinsKitten
might be good to have puzzle names, or this could get really confusing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:32 pm
by Lola
I've been thing some more about the Wiggins quote clue. Wiggins was an autistic savant who was "hired out" to a concert promoter.

Is Mr. Zipp looking for an autistic savant?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:32 pm
by QtheC
lg15panda wrote:This is also just a stretch as far as the Wiggins quote goes, but I found a quote from here:
One of the earliest concert reviews published in the Baltimore Sun on June 27, 1860 announced to its readers that Tom was a phenomenon in the musical world--"thrusting all our conceptions of the science to the wall and informing us that there is a musical world of which we know nothing."
Maybe the "Empty House?!" part is trying to tell us that there is more to this than we realize, or we need to start looking closer and in a different perspective.

As far as the 6 broken strings I got nothing. What could Zipp be hinting at?
I just found the same quotation posted previously by panda ... could be a hint that there are more musical clues to solve (?)

Also, this thread (and some others) probably could use some better names to help identify each discussion as we continue to try to solve the notes and drops of Maddison Atkins Ch. 1. Maybe we should consider using tags like they do on forums?