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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 pm
by consideration
Well, for one thing, I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've ever seen Jonas drunk. (Someone call me out if I'm wrong here.) And in the video where Daniel is getting ready to go out before cowboy kidnaps him, Jonas mentions that he hasn't gone drinking at the bowling alley in over a year.
Yeah, it was irresponsible for them to get wasted, but it's Spring Break and they're in Mexico. What did you expect?
And so far it seems like no harm, no foul.
The video showed us a lot about Bree. There was a time that if she saw the both of them like that she probably would have broke down on the street crying or gone into a raging fit and ran away. Bree shows us that she's getting more mature and less flighty and that she can take care of the guys and herself.
I think it was a metaphor, that Bree is learning to deal with her problems. Hopefully the next time the Order jumps in, Bree will be able to fight back without Tachyon.
I think things are looking up.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 pm
by TommyIsCancer
I don't understand why people are getting sick of the drinking. It makes total sense. They're still just kids. Jonas lives on his own and Daniel's parents don't even seem to care about him. On top of that they've been on the run for MONTHS with no one to support them but themselves and the random help from Tachyon once or twice. As the old saying goes, "They smell like smoke because they've been through fire." With all of that constant stress I can totally understand their desire to drink their problems away because that's the only time when they don't feel stressed. When they laugh it always seems like an uneasy laugh. They're totally playing to very believable characters given the situation.
On another note, Daniel saying, "uno mas" (one more) all the time was great. That's the most basic phrase that any kid would know when they're underage drinking in a foreign country. I know that's how it was for me when I was in Europe. >_>
Funny video overall. Bree was serious, cute and funny. Good times.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Okay, clearly one (or all) of the Creators like
Grey's Anatomy. Is it just me, or have there been a couple of connections to the show lately?
First, the video titled 'Losing My Religion'. Not only was it the title of a recent LG15 video, but it was also the title of
Grey's Anatomy Season 2 season finale.
Also: Bree's discussion of the 'Fight or Flight' response in this current video? An entire episode of Grey's was dedicated to this very examination of the different responses to stress.
I don't mind, I just think it's really interesting

I just hope I'm not the only one who picked up on these (and probably other) similarities to
Grey's Anatomy.
*Walks away slowly*
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:16 pm
by Breepop
sarahbear wrote:oh how i wish i were that telephone pole.

Damnit! You beat me to it.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:17 pm
by Lurker
omegawoman wrote:Thank you Lurker. For some reason this video just pissed me off. I don't know what the Creators are doing, but to me all the drinking in times of crisis is sending across the wrong message.
Even without considering any message that it may send, though (I think it's inevitable that we'll have another "Going and getting drunk is bad for you" lesson like when Daniel said it after getting kidnapped the first time), it's just not logical. I can't see them really thinking that it's fine for them to be doing this. They have to know how they're increasing their chances of getting screwed - and being addicted to trying to drink their stress away should only make them
more stressed, if you ask me. The fact that they can't seem to stop should be a big worry for them.
michiev wrote:Am i the only one who actually liked this video? Sure, the drinking is getting REALLY old. but that doesn't make the video bad.
Were the situation not what it is, I think I would have liked it a lot more. Or even if it was just the first time they did something like this.
Though, to be fair, I did find the very last bit with Daniel funny. Him in the sombrero was also humorous. And, of course, it goes without saying that the acting from all three of them was terrific (if I don't ever say otherwise in the threads for new videos, just assume that I think so). But it's going to take more than that for it to be a good video, I think.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:18 pm
by Balmung
Lurker wrote:I've got to agree with what omegawoman said. This getting drunk all the time thing has got to stop. It's really not at all smart for them to be doing it. It was funny once or twice, but goddamn, their drinking is almost as big a problem for them as the Order itself.
Being alcoholics would be a large enough problem in their lives without having the Illuminati on their ass at the same time.
I also don't like Bree once again promoting this John Gray/Deborah Tannen idea that males and females are so different from one another. There's more differences among males and among females than there are between them.
i'm afraid i'm gonna have to completely dissagree with you there, lurker. i mean, they don't get drunk every day, not even close, [if i remember right] they've been wasted 3 times in like 6 months. and they're funny! lol
and as far as the males/females thing goes, males and females ARE different. it's been shown, for example, that men are very physical beings, and women are very emotional beings. men usually are focused on outcome, while women are focused on method. unfortunately, i don't really have time to find and cite sources on this, but look it up if you're interested, it's out there.
and in saying that i don't mean to imply that men and women are
completely different from each other, or that one is better than the other, i'm just saying that the differences are there.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:21 pm
by robtomorrow
Lurker wrote:There's more differences among males and among females than there are between them.

Wow you could of fooled me!
I was wondering if Jonas's teeshirt "it tastes like chicken" was in reference to the fish taco he had earlier.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:25 pm
by Jo_16_2
robtomorrow wrote:Lurker wrote:There's more differences among males and among females than there are between them.

Wow you could of fooled me!
I was wondering if Jonas's teeshirt "it tastes like chicken" was in reference to the fish taco he had earlier.

omg, meanie!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:25 pm
by consideration
robtomorrow wrote:I was wondering if Jonas's teeshirt "it tastes like chicken" was in reference to the fish taco he had earlier.

So wrong!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:25 pm
by sparkybennett
Oh come on!
That was so funny!
and Consideration made some great points.
It's Dannyboy with the problem. This is the first time Jonas has been drunk.
And really Danny's first time in Mexico ? Of course he is going to go out and let off some steam. Uno mas, por favor!
And this did show a different side to bree. She handled those two like a pro!
i think this was a great video, and sorry to say I don't think this was illogical at all
And Smell the Flowers I did not pick up on the Grey's connections (and I Love Grey's)
Love the grande sombrero~~ and everybody looks a little sunburnt!
SPF30 DB&J!!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:26 pm
by Luminous
Marilee wrote:is the hat a nod to lad??
This was my thought exactly
Also makes me wonder if they might be giving us a heads up ('xcuse the pun) to get ready for a drop in the new ARG?
I could be wrong - don't get too excited

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:26 pm
by Renegade
Best. Video. Ever.
Okay, my memory is weak, so I can't really tell, but this one is definitely in the top 3. Loved the acting, especially on Jess Rose's part, and the ending...the ending!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:27 pm
by Lurker
consideration wrote:Well, for one thing, I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've ever seen Jonas drunk. (Someone call me out if I'm wrong here.)
He was drunk back in "Vegas, Baby!" too.
consideration wrote:Yeah, it was irresponsible for them to get wasted, but it's Spring Break and they're in Mexico. What did you expect?
They're not even in school.
consideration wrote:And so far it seems like no harm, no foul.
They've been kidnapped only very recently and only got away by the grace of God or the stupidity of their captor.
consideration wrote:I think it was a metaphor, that Bree is learning to deal with her problems. Hopefully the next time the Order jumps in, Bree will be able to fight back without Tachyon.
Maybe so. I will say that Bree's become infinitely more likable. I still don't really like her, but she's become so much better that I think I could actually be around her.
Balmung wrote:and as far as the males/females thing goes, males and females ARE different. it's been shown, for example, that men are very physical beings, and women are very emotional beings. men usually are focused on outcome, while women are focused on method. unfortunately, i don't really have time to find and cite sources on this, but look it up if you're interested, it's out there.
and in saying that i don't mean to imply that men and women are completely different from each other, or that one is better than the other, i'm just saying that the differences are there.
I know there's differences, Balmung. The very fact that there's usually different levels of certain chemicals in their bodies would almost necessitate that.
However, a number of other psychology and communications studies indicate the idea that - as you put it - "males are physical beings, and women are very emotional beings" (which isn't actually mutually exclusive; I'm just going with the way you phrased it; I know what you're trying to say, though) is a myth.
The hypothesis of many is that both are equally physical/emotional, but social expectations make us expect different behavior (and sometimes are successful at programming it). Obviously this theory is a lot more difficult to support with empirical research than the other, though.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:28 pm
by sparkybennett
Luminous wrote:Marilee wrote:is the hat a nod to lad??
This was my thought exactly
Also makes me wonder if they might be giving us a heads up ('xcuse the pun) to get ready for a drop in the new ARG?
I could be wrong - don't get too excited

so who's going to cross the border for a drop/ anyone?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:30 pm
by trombonegds
Omegawoman wrote:
trombonegds wrote:
It's really nice for Bree to be opening up more. I thought she was really cute when she said "Apparently it's a trend".
I totally agree that the drinking thing is getting old. They've already been chased once while drunk, what if something worse happened. But, maybe the Creators have a plan for all of this lush-y-ness.
I just have to say that Jonas is hot.
Hopefully the Creators are not just playing on all the post about how hot Daniel and Jonas are when they are drinking. Personally, I see nothing hot about a slobbering drunk.
Seriously though, you would think after everything they have been through, they would at least have the sense to stay sober. If they don't, they deserve whatever is coming to them.
I worded my post badly. I did not mean that I think Jonas being drunk is hot. I meant that Jonas in general is hot. I do not like drinking at all.