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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:36 am
by bethy
I love their sense of humor...the shot of the Mormon Temple in San Diego at the beginning of the video made me laugh.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:37 am
by Chelseyrl
Well, notice the title is in plural form meaning that Daniel means more than one person (sorry if I sound condescending...) [is that the right word? haha i'm so tired folks]

So, my guess is that he is talking about Order people...

whom exactly?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:38 am
by mincartaugh
I believe he was referring to the people talking to Alex.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:40 am
by Chelseyrl
mincartaugh wrote:I believe he was referring to the people talking to Alex.
but... errrrrrrrrr, what are they lying about?
[[What a horrible time to post a video when I'm exhausted. :x ]]

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:50 am
by bethy
Here's what I heard...using my hubby's expensive-ass headphones:

"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you know--

I know, but [inaudible] ...for you?

[inaudible] going to do anything!

[inaudible] ...really upsetting! I don't want to... [inaudible] [she slices a lime] ... [inaudible] ...go against... [inaudible]

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]

If anyone can enhance her voice against the bad audio, it would help fill in the gaps.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:55 am
by dopefiend
OK so forgive a first time poster if this is way off...

The lying bastards are Bree and Jonas, claiming they're only going into town to get a fish taco, when they really just wanna spend some "alone time".

Love the forum by the way, I've been lurking and loving it for ages.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:55 am
by xentis
WOW only 3 of us got the mexicHO joke.......

well ..before i go riping apart the video

alex:yes they(BD%J) called me
no i do care....because thats a (some word i cant spell) against free will (thinking the drugging thing) and you don...

then i think its something like " i dont know but they pulled up a second ago, so you know"

"you told me you weren't going to do anything"

and i believe the rest was said by someone else and no point in repeating something only like 2 pages back

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:57 am
by michiev
xentis wrote:WOW only 3 of us got the mexicHO joke.......

well ..before i go riping apart the video

alex:yes they(BD%J) called me
no i do care....because thats a (some word i cant spell) against free will (thinking the drugging thing) and you don...

then i think its something like " i dont know but they pulled up a second ago, so you know"

"you told me you weren't going to do anything"

and i believe the rest was said by someone else and no point in repeating something only like 2 pages back
I got the mexicHO joke. :o!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:02 am
by Chelseyrl
:lol: I totally got the Mexico joke!
I have to disagree xentis, I don't think she was referring to the TAAG when she said that "they called her" and I didn't even hear anything about people "pulling up."


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:03 am
by kellylen
same i dont think she knew they were there

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:04 am
by voyboy
bethy wrote:I love their sense of humor...the shot of the Mormon Temple in San Diego at the beginning of the video made me laugh.
I thought that was the Crystal Cathedral?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:10 am
by bethy
voyboy wrote:
bethy wrote:I love their sense of humor...the shot of the Mormon Temple in San Diego at the beginning of the video made me laugh.
I thought that was the Crystal Cathedral?
Nope...Mormon Temple. It can be seen from the 405. Here's what it looks like:


A friend from college was married there and I saw plenty of pictures. It's a gorgeous building. She tole me there are a LOT of accidents on the freeway right there because too many people get distracted by the building.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:19 am
by voyboy
bethy wrote:Here's what I heard...using my hubby's expensive-ass headphones:

"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you know--

I know, but [inaudible] ...for you?

[inaudible] going to do anything!

[inaudible] ...really upsetting! I don't want to... [inaudible] [she slices a lime] ... [inaudible] ...go against... [inaudible]

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]

If anyone can enhance her voice against the bad audio, it would help fill in the gaps.
im filtering it through 'soundsoap now' ...we shall see!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:28 am
by immortal1
"Yes, they called me. No, because--I do care, because it's a violation of free will and you know--

I know, but [inaudible] ...for you?

[inaudible] going to do anything!

[inaudible] ...really upsetting! I don't want to... [inaudible] [she slices a lime] ... [inaudible] ...go against... [inaudible]

Because he's my nephew!

...okay. [hangs up the phone]
Someone needs to do a Mad Libs version of this and replace "inaudible" with "noun," "verb," "adverb," etc. and put it in the Fanfic Lobby.

Family fun for everyone!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:37 am
by kiyoshi
immortal1 wrote:Someone needs to do a Mad Libs version of this and replace "inaudible" with "noun," "verb," "adverb," etc. and put it in the Fanfic Lobby.

Family fun for everyone!
That could be quite interesting.

OT: This brang back memories of this Korean drama called Autumn Story since this song was used often. x_X

About the smirk. I agree with the others on how it's not a smirk but instead that she's really in a conflict here with herself and the Order. A fight within the ranks would be fun. Lots and lots of fun.
But don't you think they'd learn their lesson by now with not showing where they are to the Order after being apprehended? Clearly they're consistently following Alex, and this gives away their position. It's like they're turning themselves into sitting ducks again. Unless they're more alert and prepared now. x_x;;