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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:57 pm
by PinkoLady
Lurker wrote:PixieSailor wrote:She wasn't childish at ALL in this video, did you see that? And she was calm, and mature, and made wise decisions. And wasn't whiny.
Have we ever seen a Bree video like this? I can't think of one.
She was all the things you say, and, nope, I don't think we've ever seen a video from her like this before. This could be the start of something grand.
And oh, how I hope it is.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:22 pm
by AM
I am coming around now and do not think Jonas is part of the order either any more. But I want the creators to come up with a better explanation than "I saw this girl posting videos on the internet and my heart just went out to them." Sorry, I am not buying.
Jonas randomly meeting them but having no knowledge of the Order and then it turns out his parents were big in the resistance and the Order had them killed. And this is all just a coincidence?
There have been no unexplained random coincidences in the Breeniverse up to now. Everything that has seemed like it means something actually ends up meaning something. When something strange comes up in an early video you can guarantee it will pop up again later too.
And we are expected to accept a hole in the plot this glaringly obvious? Nope. I'm giving the creators more credit than that. There's got to be a good explanation for it somewhere if Jonas actually isn't in the order (oh, and it better not be the Luke and Leya obvious one either).
Am I asking too much?
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:23 pm
Jonas has been through a lot with Bree and Daniel so far so I think Jonas is not a part of the Order. And I wouldn't exactly
hate the idea of Alex being with the Order
Plus I agree with the Bree 'saving the day' thing. I think that's a cool way to redeem herself.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:26 pm
by lonelygirl
Great video and reaction from Bree unlike all the speculations people made before. She shows genuine concern for her peeps. She is heading in a danger zone though. Not that they would really do anything to her considering how many chances they've had. Alex is bad news.
I really hope Jonas will stay on Bree's and Daniel's side if Alex turns out to be part of the order. That is if Jonas isn't part of the order already :S.
I agree. They need more good people to balance out the bad people. The only known good people with air time is Bree and Daniel. Seems like whenever new characters get introduced, they just cannot be trusted.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:26 pm
AM wrote: But I want the creators to come up with a better explanation than "I saw this girl posting videos on the internet and my heart just went out to them."
Yeah, I think (at least I hope) they'll explain that. And I don't think it's really called a "plot-hole" just, like you said, there aren't too many coincidences.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:28 pm
by kristenjane
OH NO!. I havent been in the forums lately so I didnt see that you guys picked up on the picture and when the screen flashed to that still my heart literally stopped. That cant be good.
Freeakky. and Daniel was stupid and said they were running from the Order.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:28 pm
by Melisa
Yeah, I think (at least I hope) they'll explain that. And I don't think it's really called a "plot-hole" just, like you said, there aren't too many coincidences.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:31 pm
by anniid
immortal1 wrote:When Bree said she was coming back even though it would piss off Tachyon I totally got a Empire Strikes Back flashback.
Remember when Luke left Dagobah to try and save his friends and Yoda got all pissed?
Oh and by the way Luke walked into a trap? Beware the Cloud City Gambit Bree!!!
I guess if you try hard enough you can relate anything to Star Wars...
I love you.
Even my mom got a kick out of that and she usually ignores my breeniverse rambling....
even though she is the one that introduced me to it.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:36 pm
What could happen *ya know.. if this was some crazy teen based soap style show.. * is Bree comes back, finds Daniel and Alex in a compromising position, followed closely by Jonas who's still in a bit of a snit over her tying him to a chair. Then we'd have Bree angry at Daniel for hooking up with an order member, jonas pissed at daniel for hooking up with his aunt, Bree still twitchy about Jonas' comment about her being dumb, and Daniel angry at both of them for not thinking that someone could like him for him, no matter if he was against the order or not.
Dun dun dUUUUUN! but they'd all pull together for the sake of the mission!
I'm feeling a bit dramatic tonight. Blame the caffine.
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:37 pm
by Inigo
immortal1 wrote:When Bree said she was coming back even though it would piss off Tachyon I totally got a Empire Strikes Back flashback.
Remember when Luke left Dagobah to try and save his friends and Yoda got all pissed?
Oh and by the way Luke walked into a trap? Beware the Cloud City Gambit Bree!!!
I guess if you try hard enough you can relate anything to Star Wars...
Being a huge Star Wars fan... I like your theory. I had a Lando Calrissian theory about Gemma once (still hoping im right!)
I didn't like this video much. Feels like were going back to square one... on the road again from the order.. and we were barely getting to know Alex and she turns out to be evil. At least Gemma had some time to define herself...
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:54 pm
by bubbleteagirl
Marilee wrote:oh man, Bree is gonna piss of Tachyon??? brave brave girl!!
I wish Bree would have mentioned that forum members posted the screen cap or something though. oh well...
first, we have the same name!!
second... i don't think Bree really reads the forums very often. i think it's more daniel and jonas that read the forums for advice, info, clues, etc. they're also the ones who give shout outs... but, not really bree.
maybe bree just don't interacting with her internet fan base... i mean, in one of her first video's she wrote something like "i don't do this for you

but yah, i even made a video response pointing out lucy and the photo and she didn't seem to watch that or if she had watched it then she acted like she hadn't so she could take all the credit. heh. oh well!
i'm fairly sure that if we're all right and they really are in some sort of trouble being with alex at the moment... then daniel and jonas will eventually give a shout out to the forum!
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:57 pm
by Huuney
AM wrote:I am coming around now and do not think Jonas is part of the order either any more. But I want the creators to come up with a better explanation than "I saw this girl posting videos on the internet and my heart just went out to them." Sorry, I am not buying.
Jonas randomly meeting them but having no knowledge of the Order and then it turns out his parents were big in the resistance and the Order had them killed. And this is all just a coincidence?
There have been no unexplained random coincidences in the Breeniverse up to now. Everything that has seemed like it means something actually ends up meaning something. When something strange comes up in an early video you can guarantee it will pop up again later too.
And we are expected to accept a hole in the plot this glaringly obvious? Nope. I'm giving the creators more credit than that. There's got to be a good explanation for it somewhere if Jonas actually isn't in the order (oh, and it better not be the Luke and Leya obvious one either).
Am I asking too much?
nope i totally agree with u ^.^
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:30 am
by onsweetavenue
Mature and selfless, except for the questionable motives in "don't flirt with her daniel". She coulda just said "don't get to close to her, daniel."
I'm impressed.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:59 am
by breewithcrackers
I just really hope that daniel and jonas don't throw this back in her face and act like she's just being jealous or something. I could totally see Daniel being all like "oh so what? now that i've moved on you're jealous?" I hope they take her warning for what it is.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:09 am
by Marilee
bubbleteagirl wrote:Marilee wrote:oh man, Bree is gonna piss of Tachyon??? brave brave girl!!
I wish Bree would have mentioned that forum members posted the screen cap or something though. oh well...
first, we have the same name!!


our name is pretty kick ass huh?
oops.. sorry, back on topic!!