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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:30 pm
by Libra
My name is Libra and this is my first post here. I became a fan of LG15 in September when it was outed as a production (my first episode watched was "Poor Pluto" linked to youtube from's site!). I was instantly hooked. I've been lurking on the forums since November when I finally discovered OpAphid and was trying to learn more about it.
To be honest, the forums are very overwhelming but I think I finally figured out how everything is run here, so hopefully I won't seem too noob
I am a really big supporter of fan work. My favorite so far is ApothesisAZ. I am looking forward to watching everyones videos.
I've always wanted to get into the ARG game but I'm afraid I don't have enough time to read through the hundreds and hundreds of posts there :\ It seems really fun though and it's impressive how good some people are with those puzzles!
I'm excited to meet new people here. Hopefully I'll be able to find my little niche...
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:01 pm
by raindown
love this thread!
that's all I really wanted to say.
Oh, hi newcomers.
I'm raindown, I'm rarely around and never useful, so don't mind me.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:15 pm
by chevyfudd
I am chevyfudd, I have been a lurker since the VERY beginning, June, I believe. I haven't posted as many times as a lot of these people, but I am here to help just the same.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:25 pm
by ladron121
chevyfudd wrote:I am chevyfudd, I have been a lurker since the VERY beginning, June, I believe. I haven't posted as many times as a lot of these people, but I am here to help just the same.
Also has the SCARIEST avatar of all time, imo

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:29 pm
by Kasdeja
Awww, you don't like Cheesecake?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:30 pm
by FH14
Okay, I go by FH14. I only got into this a few days ago, but I've seen every episode (And All of "NBR investigates") so I think I'm up to speed.
I guess that's it...
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:00 pm
by chevyfudd
OK, I am going to have to bring cheesecake back. Damn what have I done? LOL.
I really like this thread, I see it helping LG newbies in the future.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:05 pm
by Marbella
Cool, Chevy!
Come back a lot
(Ladron, too!)
Seriously, I love this, too. The reason why is that I remember how scary and intimidating this forum felt in the beginning. So, I want to help people ease in without panic!!
So then, welcome Libra and Raindown!
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:10 pm
by Libra
Marbella wrote:
So then, welcome Libra and Raindown!
Ty Marbella

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:45 pm
by Sami
lonelycrackerjack wrote:Sami wrote:Hi

My name is Nina, I'm 19.
LG has been a part of my life since the beggining and I'm still having fun with it.
And btw I'm from Norway and I don't speak English

I'm confused. You say you don't speak English, but you have 868 posts. I just realized that I speak Norwegian and didn't even know it. WOW!!!!
That's a funny thing.
When speaking forming a sentence takes so long, I can't keep a conversation. I can't pronaunce words in english, so noone would understand what I said anyways.
So I don't speak english. I just write it, with the help of my holy bible "The oxford advanced learner's dictonary".
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:01 pm
by colbertnationgirl
Marbella wrote:The reason why is that I remember how scary and intimidating this forum felt in the beginning.
Don't we all!

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:11 pm
by ladron121
I'm here if the noobs (Creator's spelling) need me

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:51 pm
by chevyfudd
I was frightened at first too. Even though I watch loneygirl15 from day one n june, I was still worried I would be lost in the forums. But you catch on quick.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:54 pm
by ladron121
I didn't start posting until OpAphid put my name on that damned list

Then there was no turning back...
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:51 am
by Kasdeja
Ahhh...I remember when there were about 20 people on this site.