My name is Libra and this is my first post here. I became a fan of LG15 in September when it was outed as a production (my first episode watched was "Poor Pluto" linked to youtube from's site!). I was instantly hooked. I've been lurking on the forums since November when I finally discovered OpAphid and was trying to learn more about it.
To be honest, the forums are very overwhelming but I think I finally figured out how everything is run here, so hopefully I won't seem too noob

I am a really big supporter of fan work. My favorite so far is ApothesisAZ. I am looking forward to watching everyones videos.
I've always wanted to get into the ARG game but I'm afraid I don't have enough time to read through the hundreds and hundreds of posts there :\ It seems really fun though and it's impressive how good some people are with those puzzles!
I'm excited to meet new people here. Hopefully I'll be able to find my little niche...