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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:19 pm
by Brucker
So I was trying to explain to someone the other day what "emo" was, and I realized I didn't have a very clear definition of it. So I looked it up on Wikipedia.

To my shock, it turned out that I was "emo" back in high school and didn't know it, at least by the definition given there. Other than the self-harm item (which, if you count tattoos and piercings as self-harm, then I'm all there) it was a pretty good description of me during a span of time during the late-80s early-90s.

Anyway, if nothing else, Absynth is right about the avatar, not that there's neccessarily anything wrong with it.

Re: Emo

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:28 pm
by tigerlilylynn
Brucker wrote:So I was trying to explain to someone the other day what "emo" was, and I realized I didn't have a very clear definition of it. So I looked it up on Wikipedia.

To my shock, it turned out that I was "emo" back in high school and didn't know it, at least by the definition given there. Other than the self-harm item (which, if you count tattoos and piercings as self-harm, then I'm all there) it was a pretty good description of me during a span of time during the late-80s early-90s.

Anyway, if nothing else, Absynth is right about the avatar, not that there's neccessarily anything wrong with it.
That definition and the icon align but the term is used pejoratively so it gets everyone all prickly. The music's current genre label is scene, which works a touch better but still puts focus on the Hot Topic purchasing rich kids.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:44 pm
by charliebrown
I once found a article about P!atd and Brenden Urie stated very clearly that they are not emo and their music is not emo!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:46 pm
by charliebrown
Panic! At The Disco have distanced themselves from Emo calling the genre "bulls***".

Speaking in this week's issue of NME, singer Brendon Urie explained they found the label insulting, and didn't want to be pigeon-holed as just an emo band.

"It's ignorant! The stereotype is guys that are weak and have failing relationships write about how sad they are. If you listen to our songs, not one of them has that tone," he declared.

"Emo is bulls***!" added Urie. "If people want to take it for the literal sense of the word, yes we're an emotional band, we put a lot of thought into what we do. People always try to stereotype us, but we don't fit the emo stereotype."

Here is the link to the article!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:07 pm
by Absynth
charliebrown wrote:Panic! At The Disco have distanced themselves from Emo calling the genre "bulls***".

"Emo is bulls***!" added Urie. "If people want to take it for the literal sense of the word, yes we're an emotional band, we put a lot of thought into what we do. People always try to stereotype us, but we don't fit the emo stereotype."
thats the emo pot calling the emo kettle black

ya i know bad pun... they just trying to distance themselves from the term, because it has a negative connotation to some.
they are totally emo and anyone who denies it (themselves included) is in need of help.

that article (as are almost all articles) is promotional. they want all of us who hate emo to think they arent emo so well buy their emo albums.
simple marketing, nothing more.

if you believed what they said, I have this land in Arizona with a great view of the beach :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:53 pm
by tigerlilylynn
This is a thread for my vid and puzzle and if I could mod this section I'd split away the convo Josh and I had since it was off topic. I'd like to ask that fighting not escalate. It isn't flamey yet but this is a touchy topic on both sides. People either hate "Emo" as a genre (selectivly, if that makes sense) or hate being called that because of the connotation so let's stop this here and if you still feel like discussing music with other LG fans, take it to General Discussion as Josh and I should have last night. ^_^

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:59 pm
by MaxZyrix
So, anyway, and putting this back on topic, who here can go to the concert in discussion?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:59 pm
by tigerlilylynn
MaxZyrix wrote:So, anyway, and putting this back on topic, who here can go to the concert in discussion?
Or would like to meet up earlier that day? It's not in Cleveland proper and is actually quite close to the National Forest. Very lovely area. ^_^

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:09 am
by Absynth
all bickering aside (and im sry if i offended anyone) sry i would go just to get the chance to meet some other cool LG fans, but i dont live anywhere close by :cry:

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:52 pm
by MaxZyrix
Absynth wrote:all bickering aside (and im sry if i offended anyone) sry i would go just to get the chance to meet some other cool LG fans, but i dont live anywhere close by :cry:
Ditto here. I'd kill for a chance to meet other peeps...


...Someone, ask me to kill, please. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:28 am
by iamcool
tigerlilylynn wrote:General Discussion as Josh and I should have last night. ^_^
we were a bit to busy tho ;)