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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:16 am
by Killthesmiley
well...i like this...i like it a lot. '
there are a ton of questions to be answered...leaves me jumping around my living room for a while...

plus...the video quality! the editing!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FREAKING CRAP! BEAUTIFUL!


now we will finally be introduced to brother and tachyon.

I think Bree's been in contact with Tachyon since daniels diappeance and OpAPhids appearance on the main page. Tachyon would have seen that change and would have figure out teh bree is see the videos. So she would have concocted this plan.
What i'm wondering is how did bree, jonas and dnaiel protect themselfs from the flash bombs, because they are pretty loud..
bree definately would have felt it. coverning your ears wouldn't cut it...

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:26 am
by girlAnachronism
I go out for my winter formal, come back and BAM! This was the most fan-f**k-tastic vid ever!

Anyway, what's it with the tar pits? I doubt that Tach was just filling up space with footage of her drive from the airport. Maybe the Order makes a lot of it's money from oil rigs? (They're responsible for global warming! AHHH)

Also, if Brother can commandeer a helicopter, does that mean that everytime we've seen footage of a helicopter it's brother watching over them?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:28 am
by Killthesmiley
girlAnachronism wrote:I go out for my winter formal, come back and BAM! This was the most fan-f**k-tastic vid ever!

Anyway, what's it with the tar pits? I doubt that Tach was just filling up space with footage of her drive from the airport. Maybe the Order makes a lot of it's money from oil rigs? (They're responsible for global warming! AHHH)

Also, if Brother can commandeer a helicopter, does that mean that everytime we've seen footage of a helicopter it's brother watching over them?

well that explains it...

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:12 am
by krisl003
Killthesmiley wrote:well...i like this...i like it a lot. '
there are a ton of questions to be answered...leaves me jumping around my living room for a while...

plus...the video quality! the editing!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FREAKING CRAP! BEAUTIFUL!


now we will finally be introduced to brother and tachyon.

I think Bree's been in contact with Tachyon since daniels diappeance and OpAPhids appearance on the main page. Tachyon would have seen that change and would have figure out teh bree is see the videos. So she would have concocted this plan.
What i'm wondering is how did bree, jonas and dnaiel protect themselfs from the flash bombs, because they are pretty loud..
bree definately would have felt it. coverning your ears wouldn't cut it...
I just got done watching Me for Daniel on Youtube and noticed the tags for it : LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast lucy swap order ceremony go through with it tachyon

Knowing when and where the exchange would be and giving that info to Tachy could explain how there were cameras all over the place.

who is this?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:30 am
by oleandereyes

who is that standing with jonas?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:31 am
by oleandereyes
wait..i guess that blur in the middle could be the camera.. its just kinda confusing looking...

Re: who is this?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:35 am
by girlAnachronism
oleandereyes wrote:Image

who is that standing with jonas?
That's Daniel. They're watching Bree leave in the elevator.

Another question, if Tachyon got the flashbang into the elevator, where was she to begin with? The cameras seem to be pre-planted/security, but Tachyon admits to chucking the flashbang in. Yet the Order was out there for several minutes while Bree was hugging Daniel, wouldn't they have noticed that suspicious figure trying to hide behind the chair?

Also, the floor they waited on is 2, according to the elevator. Probably not important, but I figured I'd get that out there. Especially since they implied that they were close to the roof (hence able to climb up there through the emergency escape.)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:55 am
by Unadrieniel
I just got done watching Me for Daniel on Youtube and noticed the tags for it : LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast lucy swap order ceremony go through with it tachyon

Knowing when and where the exchange would be and giving that info to Tachy could explain how there were cameras all over the place.[/quote]

tachy already knew where itd be right? what about the vid where shes all "and now we wait... on second thought y wait" (shot of fire alarm) did i miss something while me net was down or is it the same building?

i say this because theres shots from different cameras like in this video.

and the i was here at the end of that tachy vid scared me!

so who esle got a huge smile on their face as soon as they heard the music kick in? :lol: seriously i was grinning even b4 it said Tachyon on the screen.

also interesting point about the tags in the previous bree vid. i think shes been in contact with tach for a while :D

go tachy, go tachy!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:04 pm
by x0starshine
I missed tachyon so much. <3 I heard the music and I LAUGHED. like. "HAHA YES!"

but still. I still wonder if Jonas made it out. If he didn't, they'd be right back at square one. D:

I agree with everyone saying they might have been in contact with tachyon for a while. [:

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:15 pm
by Onewen
*wants Tach theme song for ringtone* I was so happy to hear that Tach is Back!

Do we think she got away? I know Op wants HER ... maybe even more than she wants Bree. Thoughts?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:03 pm
by rachelalexis
Onewen wrote:*wants Tach theme song for ringtone* I was so happy to hear that Tach is Back!

Do we think she got away? I know Op wants HER ... maybe even more than she wants Bree. Thoughts?
I know! I heard the song and started a little happy dance, much to the confusion of my roommate (esp. since I was wearing headphones)

I doubt Tach was taken. I'm thinking she had to be the one helping Daniel edit the video because the inclusion of "for a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling, that's an impressive shot!" reeks of Tach. Daniel/Bree/Jonas don't seem like they would put that in there, while Brother would have probably been less witty about it.
And it does seem like a precursor to a drop. The very specific location shots don't seem to be just for scenery, especially since there are location shots in both Jonas' and Tachy's parts of the video. But maybe that's just blind hope on my part. :D

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:16 pm
by Onewen
rachelalexis wrote:I doubt Tach was taken. I'm thinking she had to be the one helping Daniel edit the video because the inclusion of "for a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling, that's an impressive shot!" reeks of Tach.
Oh good point!! *breathes sigh of relief*

Tach is Back! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:25 pm
by Damoreve
This may not make a difference but I also noticed a couple things in the video.

1. Where the elevator opens with OP in it is not where they traded Daniel for Bree, its outside the little door going to the elevator.

2. The hallway outside where they made the initial swap has a wall on the left side and 2 OP are standing there as if circling them while Lucy puts her hand on the camera.

3. In order for Tachyon to have thrown the flash-bang she would have had to come from behind and to the left of where Jonas is filming and enter the door to the elevator area.

4. It may just be me also but when it shows the side view of Jonas standing with Daniel it appears he has something black in his ear which would explain why they were not affected by the Flash-Bang. Although in such a tight space, it still would have knocked Bree silly. A real Flash-Bang will drop a person that is unprotected and still seriously jack with you even if you have your eyes closed and expecting it. I went through SWAT school and even with earplugs and closed eyes, the majority of people still fell out over the concussion of the bang and and still could not see since your eyelids offers little protection from that amount of light.

I do agree this was problably the best video posted by anyone in this movie and game and the fact that Tachyon slides right in and kicks thier A$$ just made my day. Especially after the piddly last drop we got.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:37 pm
by tiltingwindward
I just got done watching Me for Daniel on Youtube and noticed the tags for it : LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast lucy swap order ceremony go through with it tachyon

Knowing when and where the exchange would be and giving that info to Tachy could explain how there were cameras all over the place. did we miss these tags? This is basically a message from Bree to Tachyon confirming that she understands the plan, but I don't remember seeing any discussion about the strange appearance of this phrase. Anyway, good eyes to those who did catch them.

Having read the comments here and watched the video again, I'm of the opinion that everyone made it out. I suspect that Tachyon found a different way in (and out) of the building from Bree & Co., and that we weren't being shown the entire room. There could easily have been a stairway door she was lurking behind, or a turn in a corridor, or something. If they're in a building with an elevator, then there would have to be fire escape stairs with a fire door somewhere nearby, for example. If she was there and out of sight before Team Bree and Team Lucy arrived, there would be no reason for anyone to have seen her until the crucial moment.

The real possibility now is that perhaps Lucy and the other Order people have seen Tachyon and can identify her to OpA. Unless Tachyon was well-disguised or timed her move perfectly (not impossible to believe), she may have blown her cover.

And I'm still concerned by the absence of the "deacon." He's been a fixture in all the Order's dealings with where is he now?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:42 pm
by Killthesmiley
Having read the comments here and watched the video again, I'm of the opinion that everyone made it out. I suspect that Tachyon found a different way in (and out) of the building from Bree & Co., and that we weren't being shown the entire room. There could easily have been a stairway door she was lurking behind, or a turn in a corridor, or something. If they're in a building with an elevator, then there would have to be fire escape stairs with a fire door somewhere nearby, for example. If she was there and out of sight before Team Bree and Team Lucy arrived, there would be no reason for anyone to have seen her until the crucial moment.
At one point when Bree is talking to jonas we can see a fire exit, but it's not really at an angle where tach could have thrown the flash bomb from. But we can suspend our belief of reality for a slight moment and just assume tachyon threw it while jumping out of the door while opening it, and pushing Bree & Co into the fire-stairs.