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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:38 am
by theslyestfox
so there is morse code at the end of the two latest itscassie videos. in the first one it's just a dot (.), which is E and in the second one it's dash dash (--) which is an M.
also, she does sign language in the sign language that has already been discussed in this thread just from the first one?
and if so, anyone know what she's saying in the newest one?
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:40 pm
by onsweetavenue
In the "first" one that looks canon, I see "H" and the sign for "21" (it also could be the sign for a gun, but usually there's more hand motion for that).
Then when she pulls her hand back from the "gun" position, her hands make a kind of fist that's like the "e" maybe.
But I thoguht maybe ti wasn't sign language and that it was just pointing to the left consistently. add that to the looking left and I thought that was more than the symbols I had up until then.
The second one has a lot of signing in it, it would be hard to read all that.
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:18 pm
by onsweetavenue
check out the word for 'dirt' here:
doesn't that look like something "itscassie" does around 50 seconds?
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:38 pm
by Kasdeja
none of that fits together...
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:24 pm
by Magesa
Sorry for the long post!
Okay, "help me" or "help me Daniel" or "lie" all make sense. And is DEFINITELY nervous, and the Order is DEFINITELY there (after all she lives with them?) and I don't think she means what she is saying. It's just too... weird. And her reasons? Food and "super-fun"? I don't think so!
I think she's relvant... I've seen a lot of hints in her videos. Even if she's not canon, she very attuned to the plot. And the character Cassie is definitely real, and I think Bree made mention to the "itscassie" videos too, although I'm not sure.
Her most recent video is just like Daniel's. Now, she could be a fan copying Daniel's style, but we know that she lives with a few elders, and she had something inserted into her arm that she said she was going to show us in her last black-and-white video, but never did. So it may have something to do with her apparent switch of sides now. Perhaps Daniel also got something inserted in her arm? Or something done to it?
Also, that food creeps me out. Seriously. It reminds me so much of the Chronicles of Narnia, where the evil witch gives the boy that Turkish Delight, and he gets obsessed about it... both Cassie and Daniel made such a big deal out of cookies, pizza, and other food that it seemed suspicious. Like it was poisoned with something that made them follow the Order, let OpAhid make those videos that were clearly pieced together, not just them talking straight. After all, the Order has used drugs before.
And the way she said... "And maybe Jonas can come too," like it was almost not her voice but OpAphid's. So menacing. I think Jonas should stay behind and get together with Tachyon and Brother to figure out a way to save Bree. And hopefully Bree will contribute to her rescue from the inside. After all, she's very bright.
At the end of the video, she looks around... like she didn't mean what she said, like she is just starting to come back to her senses. Why include that last bit anyway, if it didn't have some sort of clue in it?
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:31 pm
by kitcatmnm
augustwhispers wrote:well, i'm no expert, but i did study sign language for a year back in school.
my theory:
- the two fingers sideways is an ASL 'h', but the other sign doesn't really make sense to me. if anything, she might be saying 'help me' or just 'help'.
if not 'go'.
eh, someone will probably figure this out soon enough.
It's not cut it out.. nor is it "gun." It's sign language, and I'm pretty sure she's asking for help.
Here's the "H": ... /Hcopy.jpg
and the "L": ... /Lcopy.jpg
and the "P": ... /Pcopy.jpg
She skips over the "E" (see how she goes directly into "L" from "H" ... -Lcopy.jpg) but I think the message is pretty darn clear.