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Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:08 pm
by Smelltheflowers
I'm so overwhelmed with 5 video notifications sitting in my inbox

What is with the sudden onslaught of videos!?
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:08 pm
by aeryolol
Maybe "No Good" meant that he was forced to say that Op was good, but she really isn't good.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:10 pm
by trainer101
Holy Crap!
Brainwashed? Drugged? Stockholm Syndrome? Computer Generated?
Illuminati Mind Control!!
The Ceremony, Cassieā¦ The past is being resurrected! YAY!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm
by breakinahabit05
aeryolol wrote:Maybe "No Good" meant that he was forced to say that Op was good, but she really isn't good.
thats possible...but flip some letters around and u have "O GOD NO"
But then again I believe that Op texted Bree, or it was drugged up Daniel, cuz if it was Daniel before he was drugged it would have been more detailed. It doesnt take long to write a text at a matter of seconds.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:12 pm
by fsk282
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:13 pm
by aeryolol
And maybe the "spin art" was actually hypnosis?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:14 pm
by bethy
It's totally OpAPhid talking through Daniel. Using teen "talk" to try to get to her level, bribing her with pizza and ice cream...mentioning her beloved puppets. Classic manipulation.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:15 pm
by marymary
Sami wrote:Some thoughts:
Is Daniel foreced to do this video.
Is he high? (The way he talks, and being so happy for getting ice cream)
Has Daniel been a bady all the time?
Why did he lie in the swimming video?
He is definitly drugged or brainwashed of something.
He was the one who helped Bree escape from the Order to avoid ding the ceremony, so I doubt he's been working with the Order the whole time.
I'm not sure about the Cassie reference though. I have a feeling that is something the Order told him to say, and that he didn't lie about not remebering her before.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:16 pm
by breakinahabit05
aeryolol wrote:And maybe the "spin art" was actually hypnosis?

I like that thought....thats very possible once you think about it!! But thats such an old way to do hypnotism...
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:18 pm
by breakinahabit05
why are all of thses opvideos suddenly showing up in my inbox but they r on LG15?! OpAphid was always Youtube..and now
ok im thinking Oppy has some how hacked into this....and is now posting all of her videos!! ahh!!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:19 pm
by Smelltheflowers
I think the most interesting part of this video was the re-introduction of Cassie

People are assuming that Daniel lied before about not remembering her, but perhap he's lying now. Who knows?
Also, very spooky camera work and effects in Daniel's monologue. The pure white background and muffled speech seems almost 'other worldly'. As my favourite character, I hope this isn't a suggestion that Daniel is now 'in a better place' after serving his purpose for the Order

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:19 pm
by Mireille
Wow. I'd expected to have to sift through 20 pages in response to this one.
Definitely agree that he's doped or brainwashed into siding with Op/talking like a Jive Turkey. Even though he and Bree were having difficulties before he went to the bowling alley, I doubt that he'd side with her enemy freely.
Although, I'd be tempted to join OpAphid... if only because their video lighting is incredibly flattering.
I'm excited to know how Bree and Jonus will respond to this.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:20 pm
by aeryolol
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:21 pm
by breakinahabit05
breakinahabit05 wrote:why are all of thses opvideos suddenly showing up in my inbox but they r on LG15?! OpAphid was always Youtube..and now
ok im thinking Oppy has some how hacked into this....and is now posting all of her videos!! ahh!!
actually now that i think about it...this is forcing everyone (because not everyone watched OpAphid you know??!) to watch OpAphid! b/c everyone who is an LG15 subscriber are gunna get those emails!! Even tho many of us have seen these vids...not everyone has. They want everyone to know OpAphid!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:25 pm
by Lurker
fsk282 wrote:from what i can make out, there were 3 different voices, daniel's voice, a cowboy sounding voice, and a weird computer op aphid voice.
I think it all sounds like Daniel, but with various inflections and at one point it's as though he's sort of speaking through a synthesizer.
marymary wrote:Sami wrote:Some thoughts:
Is Daniel foreced to do this video.
Is he high? (The way he talks, and being so happy for getting ice cream)
Has Daniel been a bady all the time?
Why did he lie in the swimming video?
He is definitly drugged or brainwashed of something.
He was the one who helped Bree escape from the Order to avoid ding the ceremony, so I doubt he's been working with the Order the whole time.
I'm not sure about the Cassie reference though. I have a feeling that is something the Order told him to say, and that he didn't lie about not remebering her before.
Yeah, agreed. It wouldn't make sense at all for him to be with the Order all along. Bree was totally willing to do the ceremony before and it was Daniel who stopped it. He's not behind any of this. This also confirms that Bree has to willingly go through with it, even if she doesn't want to.
As for Cassie, yeah, that's something OpAphid made him say, or, perhaps, said through him (like the lines where he refers to himself in the third-person; "We have Daniel" and "Listen to your friend Daniel").