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Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:07 pm
by Jem
Does Luv recognize the man (since she is the only person who has seen Brother)?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:16 pm
by Danielle
Nope, doesn't match the description.
Why brother would be there in that beater van I dunno.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:29 pm
by ohhhmyyygoddd
Danielle wrote:Nope, doesn't match the description.
Why brother would be there in that beater van I dunno.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:50 pm
by Antissa Pompeii
This may be weird, but I think the man actually WAS Daniel. He seemed to have the same build as Daniel, and Bree said that he contancted her with his cell phone, and that guy clearly had a cell phone.
I think 'no good' means, it's no good looking for him and he's done, or something.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:06 pm
by Ruberic
Danielle wrote:Nope, doesn't match the description.
Why brother would be there in that beater van I dunno.
Yeah, brother is too stylin to go about in a soccer-mom mobile*. The silver expidition is more his flavor of machoism.
*NOTE: No, I have nothing against soccer-moms, as my wife is one (technically). No, I have nothing against mini-vans or conversion vans. Yes, with 4.5 children of my own, I drive a minivan (lovingly referred to as my battle-wagon). No, driving a big 4X4 does NOT make one more I cringe in the thought that my own mother would then be considered "MACHO" for driving a 4-wheel drive beast.
Now back to the initial topic of this thread.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:11 pm
by itsreallyreal
Yeah... It would be cool if Daniel just folowed to see where they got sent to right!?
Lets say daniel WAS abducted by a man.. but he escaped with a white van... then he saw Jonus and Bree heading into the trap and decided ther element of surprise was too important to sacrafice to get some answers...

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:16 pm
by SerendipityX
Just a quick one - the white van on the road and in the carpark are not the same model. You can see that the rear lights are different.
Agree that the guy in the carpark looks suspicious though!
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:36 pm
by chevyfudd
I don't think it was Daniel because the man was not trying to hide very well. If it was daniel he would have been trying to conceal himself otherwise Bree would see him and know him. I think Daniel is in trouble and No Good meant that he is not in a good situation right now.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:38 pm
by Killthesmiley
once again, jsut liike if it was her father...
shew would notice and have a freak attack
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:56 pm
by fuzzy_bunny85
I think our mystery man is probably a watcher, or something similiar to one, like a "human" delivery man or something. And Daniel's probably not in the van, he probably tied up in a dungeon somewhere or something.
Also, although I had said something earlier about the hat being similiar to her dads, it's probably just a prop that the creators use to signify that "yes, you should be noticing this, even though we're not going to tell you what it means yet."
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:11 pm
by xboredomkills
Honestly now...
guy in the van. NOT daniel. Unless daniel wears a hat and switched his shirt...Daniel left the house with a short sleeved shirt and no hat...
guy in video has a hat, younger guy, and has a long sleeved shirt..
only similar feature is the collar and build.
Although there has been alot of hints and clues for everything, I don't think this guy is one of them, wouldnt there be something more suspicious about him if it were?
I dont know about you but if i was waiting for somebody outside of the bowling alley and some random girl was video taping herself and talking to the camera I would stare too. why was bree out of the vehicle when Jonas was coming? If it were somebody from the order then wouldnt they have grabbed her while she was outside of the vehicle? Correct me if I sound stupid.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:36 pm
by tiltingwindward
McPackage wrote:Maybe he's waiting for everyone to head for the hills so he can install cameras in Jonas' house.
This is a good idea. Maybe this was just a way to get B, D, & J (does anybody else think of a popular sandwich there?) out of the house for some good ol' fashioned bugging.
Or, as someone else suggested, some good ol' fashioned ransacking.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:40 pm
by bethy
Or, as someone else suggested, some good ol' fashioned ransacking.
That's pretty predictable, though, isn't it??
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:52 pm
by xboredomkills
Bethy, if this was at the corbin bowl...(which yes i agree it was, you can see the Corbin sign in the truth or dare video.) then why didnt they set the drop there? meh, wrong place to add this question possibly...
As for the guy in the van..i just went threw a buttload of old videos and did not find any white vans. *sigh*
**edit to add farfetched scenerio**
The trio always make a point to say Jonas' house is in some small town in the middle of nowhere...what if in fact they are just covering for the fact that they are actually in the city and want people to think they are in some small town. they even covered the name of the alley to pins and pints because it would give away that they are not in a small town..yikes, maybe im just tired or i'm sounding stupid. *goes away for a while* Any mountains near Tarzana?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:01 pm
by tiltingwindward
bethy wrote:Or, as someone else suggested, some good ol' fashioned ransacking.
That's pretty predictable, though, isn't it??
Hey, it doesn't matter, so long as Bree and Jonas fall for it.

Don't fix it if it ain't broke, right?