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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:45 am
by askewcutie
hey everyone!
Nina 23/f from Philly (go Eagles!)
I started watching the lonelygirl15 videos maybe 2 weeks before the creators came out and I still cant get enough of them....I am very facinated (yet freaked out) about the cassieiswatching story and I cant wait to find out what's gonna happen next!
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:36 am
by DavetheAvatar
I'm 18/m and in a weird coincidence for the the creator of this thread, I'm from Nottingham, UK too.
I've been watching the LG15 videos for about 2 months now and I'm absolutely hooked! I can't wait to see where this is going in the long run because there's clearly something deeper going on here.
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:39 am
by Woo
DavetheAvatar wrote:I'm 18/m and in a weird coincidence for the the creator of this thread, I'm from Nottingham, UK too.
I've been watching the LG15 videos for about 2 months now and I'm absolutely hooked! I can't wait to see where this is going in the long run because there's clearly something deeper going on here.
You know what, I'm actually surprised noone has started a conspiracy theory about me being ebay cassie yet

that would be priceless
Where abouts in Nottingham are you? I'm in lenton (predictably for a UoN student!)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:02 pm
by luvved
I'm a fourteen year old girlie from Alabama.
I've been watching LG15 since she posted the Boy Problems video. Long time, eh? The original reason why I even subscribed was because of the crazy Grillz video! ;D The best video of the entire series!
EDIT : I take that back. I've been watching since the "My Parents Suck..." video. xD
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:43 pm
by ...Of the Girl
I'm 16, I've been watching LG15 for a hobbies include hiking, photography and disc golf. I also play the guitar (8 years), the bass (3 years), and the drums (5 years.)
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:13 am
by PaperStar
So. I have been sending my comments to here, mostly through TehSpectre, seeing as he's my fiance. I have to admitt I didn't so much as get into this whole thing untill we were in the Arby's drive thru and his cell phone rang, I joked that it was Cassey, and whodathunkit it was.
So i've been trying to follow it a little more closely now.
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:52 am
by misskitty
Hey guys,
Watched the LG15 vids a week or so ago, and curiosity got the better of me, I'm now hooked! Only thing I have in common with LG is that I lived in the Northern Territory for part of my life. I have spent the last few hours discovering more and more, its almost 1am here, but Im wired to learn more!!!
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:56 am
by Kasdeja
Woo wrote:DavetheAvatar wrote:I'm 18/m and in a weird coincidence for the the creator of this thread, I'm from Nottingham, UK too.
I've been watching the LG15 videos for about 2 months now and I'm absolutely hooked! I can't wait to see where this is going in the long run because there's clearly something deeper going on here.
You know what, I'm actually surprised noone has started a conspiracy theory about me being ebay cassie yet

that would be priceless
Where abouts in Nottingham are you? I'm in lenton (predictably for a UoN student!)
I know someone from Nottingham! And I'm in the States, lol. Small world!
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:36 pm
by TheNunOwnedGoat
Hey, everybody.
My name's Andy, and this is my first post here, so I thought I would introduce myself. Everyone seems really friendly and interesting around here, so I'm excited to start posting and reading.
I actually started watching the Lonelygirl15 series yesterday, and finished them today.
I logged onto CNN's webpage and viewed the Technology news-page-whatever-thinger, and saw an article about this. I was immedietly interested, so I logged onto YouTube and watched about half of the LG15 videos before I had to get off and go do something. I got back on today and finished watching them all.
I'm hooked. I must admit I prefered the earlier episodes better than the most recent ones, but I still love them all. And I love Bree also, who is funny and quirky and you just can't help but enjoy watching her confessions.
I'm the type of person to get all excited in something like this, where there are hidden clues, conspiracy theories, etc. I can't wait till the plot develops further and we find out more information about Bree's background and this mysterious "ceremony."
I'm really looking forward to becoming a member here... and that's really all I have to say about this right now!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:20 pm
by rachelalexis
Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster.
Lets see... 23/f. I'm currently working towards my Masters in Psychology, so I have a lot of free time when I'm trying not to actually be productive.
I've been into this whole thing since the "is it/isn't it real" thing started blowing up, and became obsessed when Cassie was thrown into the mix.
I registered at uF first, but since I've been watching this longer I figure it was time to actually be an active participant in the community.
I love the idea of the interactivity of the series, especially the ARG aspect that is evident in Cassie and the creators have promised in LGs. Even if I live in the midwest and can't get to the stuff. *sigh*
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:39 pm
by SippyGirl
Seeing as I've been posting, I guess I should introduce myself.
I'm Sippy (nickname that has followed me from gr7) and I'm 18.
I started learning about LonelyGirl15 when I found a link about a story in the LA Times about it being fake. I then started to watch the videos and searching for any information at all. Once I found out about CiW, I started to get more into it. I love the mystery and the game of it all.
So ... I think that's it.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:41 am
by space girl lost
why not. i've posted a few.
30/f. i put mommies and daddies in debt as they stick their kids in college.
first heard about lonelygirl15 and stuff a week ago friday as i came out of the shower and my boyfriend was watching the news. jessica rose was on and i just though "oh whatever. another lame online thing." but then she was asked if they would find out if bree was into satanism and i thought, "wtf? that's ... a bit odd for online stunts." so that saturday i watched the videos and went to the library to study up on some stuff. cassie entered my frame of studies when i went back online and i've been pondering it all since. never even heard of ARGs before, but it definately fits in seeing as how i'm counting down the days until lost comes back on air and i've grown up loving puzzle solving and mysteries. heh.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:53 pm
by Charlotte Eve
I've been watch LG since I randomly logged into youtube and there was a mad girl going crazy about how lonelygirl15 was a fake and she was reading the statement from the creators. I was intriugied!!
I watched all the videos and am now officially addicted. Cassieiswatching is awesome too..I can't get enough of it and seem to spend most of my days checking all the forums!
Oh, and I'm from the UK too, in kent.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:01 pm
by truestory
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:12 am
by Zoe_Valgrey
22/f from bay area california
as soon as everyone realized it was crowley on her wall i was hooked, before that i could have sworn she was in some christian cult.
the fact that she's not "real" hasn't seemed to deter me at all.
i'm also obsessed with cassie, she creeps me out real good!