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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:49 am
by absolution
Killthesmiley wrote:
cynicar wrote:
ChristinaBeast wrote:
Edit - Did anyone else hear the "I was here" at the end, or am I just going crazy?
I heard it too!! There was also the "Whatever happened to that girl Cassie" quote that seemed kind of out of place. There've been alot of CiW references lately.

It's so awesome to finally have a new vid, bee tee dubs.
oh thank god someone else heard that a made a note about it. i had a feeling people would miss it because it's kind of mungled in there...
btw i freaked when i heard it...

so were are all these cassie mentionings going....hrmmm
Maybe the Tachy is just poking fun again? Y'know, like they do.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:24 am
by nobackspacebutton
mellie3204 wrote:
shanabanana19 wrote:
Ganesha wrote:Don't the tags for the video at least hint that "Gemma's gone", and that Brother could "go for it"? Maybe Brother is off to do some snooping.
I think maybe they will not KILL or ATTACK Gemma... But pull the alarm and wait for her to come out so that they can enter her room. That's what she could mean by "Gemmas gone" and Brother "go for it".
That's exactly what I'm thinking, particularly when you combine it with tach's message on the Youtube vid "I hope you're happy with your Christmas gift, bro! LOL. When I get to where I'm going, I expect to see some results...So don't screw it up now, ok? Because seriously, a monkey could finish this job once the timer sets off the alarm. :) xoxox, T"

"A monkey could finish this job once the timer sets off the alarm"

1) Monkeys!

2) A timer? There is a countdown.

3) Tachyon's Cassie reference - "I was here"...Possible that Tach = Cassie?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:31 am
by random lurker
You know, thinking more about it, would Brother actually want to kill Gemma?

There was a reference (I believe it was in that decoded email from "Terry" to "Buddy") to her suspicion that he might have tried to contact Gemma even after the truth about her was exposed. If he liked her that much, would he want her dead? and even if he decided he wanted her dead, would he want to do it? and if Tachyon thought he might be reckless enough to contact her knowing she was bad, would she entrust him to off her?

And from a "this is a game" level of reasoning, might the Gemma actress be under some kind of contract and need to be kept around longer? Since OpA is a fan creation, I think we must assume that the OpA team is introducing twists and turns that the original LG15 organizers hadn't thought of. If LG15 hired Gemma for a set amount of time or set number of videos, can they just kill her off because their new OpA partners want to?

And finally: if CiW was too dark for LG15, would murdering a main character be too dark (even if nothing graphic was shown)?

All of that to say: perhaps there's more of a possibility that Gemma will be captured and used for info by Brother/Tachyon.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:40 am
by nobackspacebutton
I'm starting to think that even though CiW was "too dark" for what LG was doing, I think they have decided to dabble into the "dark" for a little bit with all these new videos. Which is great for their storyline--it adds suspense.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:51 am
by jobee13
Awesome video

Confusing..but awesome

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:17 am
by onetruegnome
tiltingwindward wrote:Having seen the video (hours late, I know), I'm not convinced that an actual fire alarm is being pulled. I think it's more likely that Tach is showing Brother where Gemma is hiding (putting her on a silver platter, as Panda suggested), and suggesting a course of action. Just as the calling card of yore was not a physical calling card, I'm inclined to think that this is not a physical fire alarm. Instead, it's the act that pulling a fire alarm when there's no fire engenders--panic, and foolish action. I think Tach's suggesting that they do something to cause people to panic needlessly (just Gemma, or others?) and make a mistake.

If that's the case, it sounds like Tach's taking OpA's suggestions about how to deal with enemies to heart.
This is kinda off topic but there were actually physical calling cards. I used to work in a museum with authentic 19th century artefacts and there were copies of the person's calling cards amoung their other effects that were donated to the Museum. Calling cards were also called visiting cards and they were to announce when someone was to pay you a visit, or were left behind when someone visited you.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:33 am
by kalika
The whole who watches what video thing gives me such a headache.

Tach for sure watches Op and Bree's since she's subscribed to them. Oddly, Tach only has two friends, and one of them is Gemma ????

Gemma obviously can see Bree's vids, and the fact that she hasn't created a video since she was outed I think stands for itself as others have suggested. Otherwise she'd still be fighting for Bree to go home!

As for Op not seeing Tach's videos since she hasn't logged in....I think i have to say no on that one since Brother hasn't logged in for AGES and he still, somehow, gets Tach's messages. I guess you don't need to log in to visit the videos, which is what somebody told me when I brought up the discrepency between Brother's log in and whether or not he gets Tach's messages.

One last question for you brilliant Op experts. The "i was here" at the end of the video. I know people are referencing back to cassie, but wasn't there an in one of Op's videos and people were wondering if that was tach's maybe her job in the Order was editing or creating these vids for Op (she's obviously good at it?)

I thought there was much ado about the I vs i thing and the snuck into the Disclosure video?

a thousand pardons if I've somehow said something silly, you all are so intimidating sometimes, all brilliant and such.


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:44 pm
by curiousGeorge
kalika wrote:The whole who watches what video thing gives me such a headache.
Well, uhm, you are playing my song as it were. Below is a link to a thread (Five pages long!) in which there was some good discussion, some inanity, gross diversions off topic (including by myself) and unfortunately no resolution to your (our) question.

Warning: Grossly Off Topic but it does attempt to answer the above question. To no avail.

I feel your pain. The Man With the Yellow Hat told me to seek the answers from Bukanator. And HE's turned into an friggin android and not talking. Oh Hell...

I LOVED this latest Tachy video. The editing and sound/music were outstanding... Good stuff ahead I think. I just wish it made sense.

Peace Out.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:56 pm
by girlAnachronism
I'm back from holiday and holy sh*t! So much has happened!

As for this latest Tachy vid, I'm in love. It is a superb editing job. My favorite scene was when Gemma's eyes turn to Oppy's. At first I thought Tachyon was suggesting that Gemma was Op, then I realized how false that was. Though they do look similar...

Anyway, I'm almost inclined to think that Gemma is visiting Op, or maybe staying with her now she's been outed. So maybe T's gift to us is the 'unveiling' of Op?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:00 pm
by Ziola
girlAnachronism wrote:I'm back from holiday and holy sh*t! So much has happened!

As for this latest Tachy vid, I'm in love. It is a superb editing job. My favorite scene was when Gemma's eyes turn to Oppy's. At first I thought Tachyon was suggesting that Gemma was Op, then I realized how false that was. Though they do look similar...

Anyway, I'm almost inclined to think that Gemma is visiting Op, or maybe staying with her now she's been outed. So maybe T's gift to us is the 'unveiling' of Op?
I'm not sure I want Op unveiled. I like not knowing what she looks like, or how old she is. I like the secrecy, the thinly veiled threats. Its hard to take any of that seriously if you know that she really looks like your Aunt Maud.

Finding The Latest Tachyon Location

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:03 pm
by Amsterdam
Lots of hints in the video.

We know Tachyon's been moving around Los Angeles. The elevator buttons list 17 floors. The shots of the lobby suggest a hotel. In particular, a drab, corporate hotel. The most distinctive features seem to be teh pattern in the rug and the blurry wall mural.

So I went looking for 17 story hotels in Los Angeles. And I found a few. None seemed to match the decor. Until I looked at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport.

It's the place. You can see for yourself here: ... a/

Click the "Tour Hotel" tab. Once the popup window launches, click on the "Accommodations" tab. Then choose the last menu item Concierge Lounge. Scroll over the the left. Notice the rug. There's that long hallway with the concierge station. Oh, and the pillar. And the mural.

Boys and girls, I think we have found the spot.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:04 pm
by Sarah of the Dead
ChristinaBeast wrote:Edit - Did anyone else hear the "I was here" at the end, or am I just going crazy?
I can't hear this -- is it definitely there?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:06 pm
by curiousGeorge
Sarah of the Dead wrote:
ChristinaBeast wrote:Edit - Did anyone else hear the "I was here" at the end, or am I just going crazy?
I can't hear this -- is it definitely there?
Yes, it is definitely there. Cool stuff...

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:08 pm
by juli87
so the cassieiswatching reference in a gemma video... what's the gemma/cassie relationship?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:12 pm
by Nodus
Great find, Amsterdam.

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