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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:27 pm
by Lauren
britty_43 wrote:
On-Topic: Anyone else find it super weird that the guys weren't freaking out? They both care about Bree a LOT...but Jonas just sat there whining, and Daniel decided to "look for clues" in Bree's old vids. This is coming from the guy who broke into Lucy's apartment! He's supposed to be freaking out right now, looking for Bree, not doing research. Isn't research Bree's thing?
Yeah, Jonas was acting especially strange. Seems like he was just looking for pity. It's interesting that he talks about a credit card and money missing, though Daniel fails to confirm. According to him, only the car was missing.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:28 pm
by gogo
Absynth wrote:no im sure she has her own camera...
However if this meeting was simply a rouse for the order to abduct her, it would take a while for us to hear from Bree. It doesn't seem likely that they would allow her to edit a video and upload it to the internet to share with us. Unless she returns right away, this complication (where's Bree?) could turn into a major conflict.
Perhaps I was unclear.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:43 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
don't forget she's in "the middle of nowhere."
perhaps she needed to leave a few days in advance to meet her dad?
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:43 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Okay so after watching the whole vid now i am starting to believe that from what Jonas and Daniel said that she indeed just took off. They said that only Jonas's car was missing and no windows were broken or anything else out of place so if someone thought this was a kidnapping i doubt it. Now there is still the possiblity that when Bree goes and meets her father that she absolutely could be kidnapped easily. However until then i am going to hold with this being a spontaneous Bree exit for now.
I actually found it quite strange that for the longest no one really trusted Jonas and now it turns out that Jonas has offered his home, money, and support to Bree only to have her go and abuse his goodwill towards her. I think Jonas has every right to be ticked off right now and it seemed odd that he was more so concerned about Bree than Daniel in someways. I do not know but i was expecting some kinda of explosive episode from Daniel like when he left Bree to go home but maybe:
1) Daniel is just used to Bree's behavior like this and that is why he didn't show so much concern.
2) Maybe Daniel knew Bree was leaving and helped her only to make it seem like he doesn't know what is going on. Like he knows more about the overall scheme of things then Jonas or we do.
3) Daniel really doesn't know why she left and hasn't took the clues given in past vids (could be behind on them). Which i think he should catch up on some forum reading on top of the vids.
4) Maybe Yousef was in the holiday spirit and his acting was slightly off.. just slightly not trying to down him or anything; he is still the Beast!
Anyway this is a strange occurence her up and leaving but if it is true her Dad's appointment is soon i believe we will get answers by at least New Years. It is sure to be a big plot twisting event for sure. Brace for impact everyone!
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
I too find it odd that neither Daniel nor Jonas seem to be very upset at Bree's disappearance. However, if she told them about her upcomming rendezvous with her Dad, then why would they post a video saying she was missing?
I still think the order followed Daniel to Jonas' place. They have Bree now. I hope I'm wrong.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:49 pm
by lonelyelendi
Is it possible this was a way of telling Bree's dad that she was on her way?
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:49 pm
by covedweller
I like that Jonas took the opportunity to have, as he put it, a "Jonas pity party."
This told us a lot about the character (both good and bad).
I guess he assumed Daniel was gone with Bree?
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:52 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
maybe daniel really doesn't know but he knows bree wouldn't do that for no reason so his first thought is to find out why because flipping a shit wouldn't be productive.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:54 pm
by Absynth
ya, sorry gogo, now i see. what you meant.
it would be pretty boring if she comes back unharmed and was just out meeting with her dad. i kinda hope for the plots sake, that she was taken in the night by the order. wow i have too may ideas to think straight now though, heres some thoughts
1. ok so if she was taken then maybe gemma got her and they took off with jonas' car anyway. brees in trouble
2. or she just took off to meet her dad and will come back soon. brees fine
3. but didnt we see her parents leaving with lucy and a deacon? and they were looking pretty subdued, almost hypnotised when they left. so is brees dad even trustworthy? if they are with the order, then brees in trouble again
4. daniel made it a point to say he was gonna look at brees old vids to see if there were any clues. im sure hell see her make the call and i bet hell put it together when he watches the movie vid and figures out brees message. bress ok again
that made me automatically think bree was ok and just going to see her dad. maybe, (i hope) tach will re-emerge and give him a hand, i dont know how good daniel is at the puzzles, but im sure somehow they will get brees message. im leaning towards my fourth thought, but that doesnt say that she cant be kidnapped any where along the way. i kinda think shell meet with her dad, well get a vid about it, BUT with an ominous watcher-type person in the bcakground. then maybe shell disappear after that.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:55 pm
by livelongandprosper77
lonelyelendi wrote:Is it possible this was a way of telling Bree's dad that she was on her way?
Well the CUSOON clue given in the "Mystery Movies" vid was definitely the main message to her dad. However, this vids main purpose in my opinion was to give everyone a solid confirmation that she did indeed to get her father's message, responded, and is now taking off to meet him by leaving in a big mysterious fashion.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:57 pm
by lonelyelendi
livelongandprosper77 wrote:lonelyelendi wrote:Is it possible this was a way of telling Bree's dad that she was on her way?
Well the CUSOON clue given in the "Mystery Movies" vid was definitely the main message to her dad. However, this vids main purpose in my opinion was to give everyone a solid confirmation that she did indeed to get her father's message, responded, and is now taking off to meet him by leaving in a big mysterious fashion.
But I mean, in reference to both Jonas' and Daniel's, somewhat, cool demeanor throughout the video....Jonas had a crap load of stuff stolen from him, including his car, and given the fact that he is rich, I am guessing it was nice, and yet he didn't even call her a whore...a bitch....or anything could be an act for the order?
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:02 pm
by livelongandprosper77
lonelyelendi wrote:
But I mean, in reference to both Jonas' and Daniel's, somewhat, cool demeanor throughout the video....Jonas had a crap load of stuff stolen from him, including his car, and given the fact that he is rich, I am guessing it was nice, and yet he didn't even call her a whore...a bitch....or anything could be an act for the order?
Oh okay, i see, i definitely wouldn't put that possiblity aside that is very good theory Kenny. I mean Jonas clearly schemed with Daniel to have a reunion between him and Bree. So maybe this is all a big staged deception who knows. There is just a lot we do not know right now and i think we are kinda grasping at whatever we can at this point to figure this thing out.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:03 pm
by Marilee
oh man, Bree has turned into a thief
So if she took the credit card and uses it, then the boys should be able to track where she was?
I think she could have driven to a train station or somewhere easily. Daniel said it was only a few miles right?
oh and I felt bad for Jonas, I would feel used too if I put this girl up on her escape from a crazy order and she just left without a word.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:04 pm
by lonelyelendi
Hahah..I should admit I got really excited for a minute when he said "Loveline"...little did I know that it was a nationally syndicated show....I thought I might know where they were...xD But thanks livelongandprosper! I guess you all are rubbing off on me a little~!
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:11 pm
by livelongandprosper77
haha thanks Kenny

Yeah we all tend to rub off on each other on here the longer we stay around. Ah the madness the madness!