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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:33 pm
by SharpI
twelfthofnever wrote:SharpI wrote:twelfthofnever wrote:Okay, am I taking crazy pills, or didn't anyone else think it was kind of suspicious for Jonas to be like, "Oh, so you know, if you go missing, you don't get labelled that until a few weeks later..."?
I believe he is just being accurate. I know from personal experience, unfortunately, that the police do very little to resolve a reported missing person for a few weeks, even if that person is known to be depressed and suicidal. The thing is, almost all reported "missing persons" resolve themselves in one or two weeks, so it's efficient for the police not to take action too quickly.
Yes, I understand the process of filing missing persons reports, which is why Bree going to the police might not have done a lot of good, which Jonas was probably trying to say in not so many words. However, I just thought it was a little off for him to suddenly start talking about missing people to help her "clear her mind."
Oh, I agree with you and others there - that it's a weird subject for J to bring up, and that it's likely Bree feigned fatigue to escape the insensitive subject.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:43 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Well, well what do ya know Bree and Jonas in the same video together no one ever thought this would happen did they?

How cool is this now Jonas showing Bree how to skateboard that rocks. A lot lighter of a tone in this vid then what we have been seeing. Yeah Jonas is right it won't be "if you fall" but "when you fall" lol. I remember trying to skateboard for the first time when i was younger and it didn't really go all that well. Bree looks great in this vid much happier actually out and doing something instead of sitting inside; nice to see and very cute.
Hmm i am still wondering why Jonas decided to start this vid talking about people going missing.. makes me think Daniel is about to go missing (which is what a lot of people have guessed since Yousef is going on vacation.) Bree also mentions the infinity symbol being a company that her dad works for this could be a very valuable symbol indeed and may give a big upcoming clue to where her parents might be. If this symbol indeed represents a high aspect of the Order then it connects to the top where her parents are most likely near.
Great picture of the different ways the symbol can be drawn Oleandereyes i believe that confirms the speculation right there.
[Edited for misinformation

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:44 pm
by lonelyfake15
darn u lonely girl making me stay up rather than going to bed! o/j just love readng the message board just as much as the vids and erm jonas!

what a flirt! hehe
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:52 pm
by GatorMeegs
I am totally a fan of Danny Boy, but I have to say...Jonas and Bree do look cute together.
Yes, a thank you to The Creators for the "Powell's" bone. Lurve it.
There must be a secret message somewhere in there for her Poppa. Or when she says (paraphrase) "I made a joke about Newton's Laws of Motions today.....You would have laughed." It's almost like she is directly addressing her father. Maybe letting him know that she got the message and she knows he's watching????
Oh, and weird, the "Skateboarding" video is showing up below/earlier than the "Undisclosed Location" video! (although we know Bree has already seen Daniel's video...obvs)
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:57 pm
by lex22885
is it of any importance that both this video and "Undisclosed Location" are both numbered as 101 on the main page?
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:59 pm
by bethy
Well, well what do ya know Bree and Jonas in the same video together no one ever thought this would happen did they?
Ahhh...but they aren't in the HOUSE together, though...their "together" shots were outsdoors. Yes, I know that's because they were skateboarding....but I found it odd that they stiall haven't shown them in the house together.
Not that I don't think she's not there...according to the story she is. I just get irritated that they aren't placing both of them IN the house together.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:06 pm
by GatorMeegs
Just for poops & giggles...from Wiki.
The Three Laws of Motion
First Law
A body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion continues to move in a straight line with a constant speed unless and until an external unbalanced force acts upon it.
Second Law
The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.
Third Law
To every action (force applied) there is an equal and opposite reaction (equal force in the opposite direction).
Another way of stating Newton's third law is that if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B exerts a force of the same magnitude on A, in the opposite direction.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:14 pm
by livelongandprosper77
lol i get what your saying Bethy but most things people have thought about Jonas were not true and now that they are together in a vid he is becoming more and more credible in my opinion.
lex22885 wrote:hmm
is it of any importance that both this video and "Undisclosed Location" are both numbered as 101 on the main page?
I wondered why these videos have been reversed also and their numbers being the same... maybe they wanted them changed for story wise significance. Who knows maybe it is just simply a numbering mistake.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:19 pm
by Inigo
Bree looked cute as hell with that cap on. sK8eR cHicK!
As people have probably pointed out already... it seems like Jonas is trying to make a move on Bree.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:20 pm
by Absynth
im sure the ribozymes has something to do with it. maybe its why she was getting the shots. i like the theory that shes being genitically experimented on.
as for it being a powell board, its almost impossible to tell. if its really jonas' board, he can at least skate. the middle, nose, trucks, and tail are pretty worn out. but in a shot where she is lying on her back with the board on her legs, i can almost make out what looks like a "blind" logo. (its a little grim reaper, mainly all skull) but speaking as a skater, pros come out with decks so often, that im not even gonna try to verify what kind of board it is. there are literally thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of powell boards.
edited to say Bree looks cuter than ever on that skateboard! a Betty for sure
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:32 pm
by Inigo
By the way I haven't heard anyone mention this. But it seems like Bree packed her whole wardrobe for the trip, judging the fact that she rarely repeats.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:46 pm
by betz28
Inigo wrote:By the way I haven't heard anyone mention this. But it seems like Bree packed her whole wardrobe for the trip, judging the fact that she rarely repeats.
yeah noticed that too
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:50 pm
by breewithcrackers
twelfthofnever wrote:Okay, am I taking crazy pills, or didn't anyone else think it was kind of suspicious for Jonas to be like, "Oh, so you know, if you go missing, you don't get labelled that until a few weeks later..."?
Now, we can infer that he was trying to cheer Bree up about not going to the cops, however, it sounded vaguely threatening, like, "I could make you go missing and people wouldn't know until it's too late!"
I am a Jonas fan, of course, I trust in him, but that just sounded a liiittle creepy.
it seems to me that he's just trying to help her take her mind off things--maybe encouraging her to stop trying to find her parents for a bit since there's little she can do about it for now...
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:54 pm
by krmurr87
lex22885 wrote:hmm
is it of any importance that both this video and "Undisclosed Location" are both numbered as 101 on the main page?
I wondered that too ...where is her message to her father??
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:01 pm
by agent_fondue
Inigo wrote:By the way I haven't heard anyone mention this. But it seems like Bree packed her whole wardrobe for the trip, judging the fact that she rarely repeats.
I noticed that as well, I thought the hat was a little odd too, I mean who when fleeing their home and running from a cult stops and says "oh, and my little black hat! I might need that."