Why Holly Was Chosen

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by Broken Kid »

I'm just happy she got picked because she's an Owen fan and clearly not in the camp of the buggy monkey! :mrgreen:
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Post by SharpI »

milowent wrote:the joys of canonization! just wait until every post you have ever made here is compiled into the lgpedia and searched for anagrams. :-)
milo, lol.

A bit of possible behind-the-scenes here: I exchanged email with Miles (Creator) on Nov 29 and 30 entitled "Suggestion for fan connection." The gist of it: I related some powerful moments in past ARGs where a fan is thrust into the spotlight, such as when a fan sang "Amazing Grace" to Melissa the AI over the phone in iLoveBees and when a snoopy fan turned up "dead" in StolenA3. I hoped a strong fan moment would galvanize the LG15 fans and thus maybe help the show's bottom line.

My actual suggestion was different than the Vote on Jonas (much less workable) but maybe it had some effect. In any case, Holly, you stay out of my bed!
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Post by funwithfundip »

Awwww you guys would be suspicious of anybody who was picked! I feel sorry for Holly- I wonder if she got a heads up before all this. i would hate to suddenly be thrown into this with 1000 PM's coming every which way!
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Post by Ennovi »

I don't know if it has been said...

but I think Holly was chosen cause the Creators deep down want us to choose Jonas. :) They know it is in the best interest of the plot.

I mean, I don't want to see any more gross homeless people's stomachs. :p

:smt062 plus... Jonas can beat the crap out of the order! :D
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Post by SharpI »

funwithfundip wrote:I feel sorry for Holly- I wonder if she got a heads up before all this.
Good question, fun. So dish with us, Holly - did you get any warning from the Creators? Tell the truth!
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

My jaw hit the floor when Daniel contacted me, it really was shocking. I still haven't quite processed it all.
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Post by Mireille »

Ennovi wrote: :smt062 plus... Jonas can beat the crap out of the order! :D
for some reason, I read this "Jonas can beat the crap out of the world!" and got the giggles for a minute.

College has turned my brain all mushy. :shock: :lol:
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Post by voyboy »

ok so i dont want to be a negative nancy but daniel asked us if we trusted jonas enough to go stay with him.

he didnt ask us to decide what was the better option.
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Post by Ennovi »

Mireille wrote:
Ennovi wrote: :smt062 plus... Jonas can beat the crap out of the order! :D
for some reason, I read this "Jonas can beat the crap out of the world!" and got the giggles for a minute.

College has turned my brain all mushy. :shock: :lol:
I know what you mean... but for me, this story has turned my brain all mushy. :( so if I fail finals, I have a valid excuse. ;)
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Team Homeless Watcher

Post by glowe126 »

Team Homeless Watcher!

Homeless Watcher is sexy. He waxed his chest for this gig, and you shouldn't make fun of him.
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Re: Team Homeless Watcher

Post by cup o' noodles »

glowe126 wrote:Team Homeless Watcher!

Homeless Watcher is sexy. He waxed his chest for this gig, and you shouldn't make fun of him.
lol, I fully agree!
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

lol! I'm glad my thread took off so much. =D

Yes Holly! You plant of the LG15 CRE-A-TORS!

by the way, how DID Daniel contact you, and how did you know it was really him, hmm hmm hmm??



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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Broken Kid wrote:
twjaniak wrote:Holly is closer to my neck of the woods that the rest of the LG15 production team... hmmm... suspicious, suspicious. ;)
Didn't her location, for a while, say "In twjaniak's bed"? :smt051
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Something else that just came to mind..

The locked thread of "Waiting for the Test"
Link: http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewt ... t&start=15

Sooo...we've seen videos being uploaded on the site before...we don't issue threads about waiting for the video...we begin a new thread properly titled...you can see from the other video threads.

It would be titled like so: Title of Vid and Number of Vid

The first page on those threads, one could find comments and posts such as "OMG its loading!!" and "I can't wait! It looks like this is from ___!!"

But for this important video in particular, a thread was started regarding the waiting for the video...

And who was one of the forum posters seen posting in it from the beginning? Good golly...it was Holly.

Did Holly know about this Test video?
Was it really a surprise when she found out on the forums that she was picked and contacted by Daniel?

Very suspicious, indeed.
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

hahahha.. it was loading for the better part of the day.. i think the entire forum was on pins and needles for this one :)
Im sorry; you must have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Anastasia Beaverhousen.
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