Steph1636 wrote:Aww this video is sad Maybe they should trust Jonas, just so that they can have a place to stay and real food to eat.
no no no no no no, they SHOULD NOT go to Jonas's house, they should go home. The Order has just been watching them, and they're gonna keep on watching them, by running how is Bree gonna get the answers that she needs, they need to go to Lucy's apartment and get answers. They are running from nothing right now, the Order has done nothing but keep an eye on them.
They have to go to Jonas now. They have no choice, plus it would bring some excitement to the story.
Also, there is now a cam in Daniel's room. I wonder when the last time he called home? Are his parents missing now or did someone sneak in and place the cam without his parents knowing?
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth
Kudos to the Creators for being ahead of us for once. They explained how they were going to post the viedo so we don't have a bazillion pages going on and on about if they were homeless then how did they post the video!
Also, I can't believe I get to point something out. But at the end of the video when Daniel says he got a connection there is a guy in a black suit (possibly) at the end of the alley, over bree's left shoulder. I don't have any kind of screen capping stuff so if anyone can cap that or if anyone else sees it let meknow if I am not crazy
no no no no no no, they SHOULD NOT go to Jonas's house, they should go home. The Order has just been watching them, and they're gonna keep on watching them, by running how is Bree gonna get the answers that she needs, they need to go to Lucy's apartment and get answers. They are running from nothing right now, the Order has done nothing but keep an eye on them.
Their home is rigged.. as seen in the OpAphid video....
Anyone think how we would have reacted if back in October someone had said Bree and Daniel were going to spend the weeks before Christmas living in an abandoned warehouse, whilst hiding from a bizarre illuminati-like cult and deciding whether to trust a creepy orphan living in his lost at sea parents house? Oh, and a strange girl claiming to be from England has decided to help by giving out bizarre stories about her flatmates.
We must be really dedicated to this series...
As for this video, I'm glad to see Bree seems have grown up slightly but her insistance upon trusting Jonas is going to get them into trouble, I'm sure of it. If things continue the way they are going it looks like our two heroes will be dead by Christmas...
really good vid, the creators are starting to get back to form in the last few.
I really liked the tone in this one and I thought jessica's narration was really good. I was quite surprised when bree and daniel were fishing in
the bin, not nice...they really should have sold that car shouldn't they?
Anyway i'm off to DEFINATELY catch up with opaphid seems as though there's some cool videos popping up from them by the sound of things
omegawoman wrote:
Also, there is now a cam in Daniel's room. I wonder when the last time he called home? Are his parents missing now or did someone sneak in and place the cam without his parents knowing?
Good point, creepy!
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
Shastacat2 wrote:
Also, I can't believe I get to point something out. But at the end of the video when Daniel says he got a connection there is a guy in a black suit (possibly) at the end of the alley, over bree's left shoulder. I don't have any kind of screen capping stuff so if anyone can cap that or if anyone else sees it let meknow if I am not crazy
There?? Hm.. Im, not too sure.
Almsot looks like there is a child with him/her.
I watched it over again and when she first starts talking you can see a black car pullup and then when Daniel says he got it you can see a person really good
Jonas logged in about 15 mins. ago....maybe, no hopefully we'll get a video from him about what he thinks about all this...
which would be nice because it seems that since so much attention was put towards the tachyon/op aphid stuff (not that i'm complaining), the lonelygirl storyline was def. dragging there for a bit....
I agree. I want this to turn into some bizarre thing where clowns and little people jump out and scream at the camera. Or have some cameos of people that really don't belong in this series. Do some crazy editing where the sky is green. Um, have main characters missing body parts in some scenes and then regain them in the next. Have the stuffed animals start speaking to the camera. Have them join a sorority or something. oh my gosh. why don't they just find a fan in a sorority and camp out there. I mean there's no way the order is like infiltrating sororities and fraternities with hundreds of years of legacy members. I mean we know now that the Order has homeless people too by the intentional shot of the watcher. Normally the creators don't make it intentional, but pow- right there! A watcher walking right in front of Daniel. And if the order includes African-Americans as watchers, then we know it is not the Illuminati after all. So strike that theory down.
Okay. I could eat a bag of old chips from a dumpster, but greasy DelTaco? That's just sick! At this point, I would be taking advantage of the fans and staying with them.
Oh, and I was trying to eat dinner when she said that, lol:)