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Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:47 am
by nnnik
I'm thinking that OpA have got B&D either way it happens.
1) They listen to jonas and go to stay with him, who is apart of the order
2) They listen to Gemma and go home
3) They continue to be on the run, and continue to be followed.
the only way to keep this story going is for them to have a conflict with the order, we just don't know how it'll pan out yet.
My guess is though, that they won't go home, as OpA wouldn't reveal what the did show in the last video if they were.
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:43 am
by Sami
This settles the fact that they NOT SHOULD go home.
Who wants them to go home? GEMMA
Who wants them NOT to go home? JONAS
Who can be trusted? JONAS!
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:22 am
by Inigo
Daniel lives with his parents... in the survival skills video he said that his parents thought he was out camping or something. If he didnt live with his parents he wouldnt have to make excuses..
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:21 pm
by Languorous Lass
Disagree. His parents might call or stop by when he was gone for a few days and start to worry for that reason. He could simply tell 'em, "I'm going camping for a few days -- cya," and go his merry way. That would be a lot harder if he was still living in their house. (It would also be a lot harder for him to have Bree stay the night if it was his parents' house.)
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:32 pm
by omegawoman
Languorous Lass wrote:Disagree. His parents might call or stop by when he was gone for a few days and start to worry for that reason. He could simply tell 'em, "I'm going camping for a few days -- cya," and go his merry way. That would be a lot harder if he was still living in their house. (It would also be a lot harder for him to have Bree stay the night if it was his parents' house.)
How could he not possibly live at home? He is working at Gas-n-Eats!!!! He is not in college, and he just graduated from high school. He even told us that his parents weren't "hands on", that is why they are not really concerned of his whereabouts. I still want to know when was the last time he spoke to them though, since now his room has a camera. Are they missing now too, or did someone just sneak into his house without his parent's knowledge?
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:34 pm
by omegawoman
Languorous Lass wrote:Disagree. His parents might call or stop by when he was gone for a few days and start to worry for that reason. He could simply tell 'em, "I'm going camping for a few days -- cya," and go his merry way. That would be a lot harder if he was still living in their house. (It would also be a lot harder for him to have Bree stay the night if it was his parents' house.)
Double post- sorry.
I had on many occassions as a teenager had people sleep over that my parents were never, ever aware of. My parents weren't really "hands on" either.
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:39 pm
by generalization
I always assumed/got the feeling that he didn't live with his parents. And the reason his mom thought he was camping is because even though his parents are "hands off" that doesn't mean that they don't care about where he is and what he's doing.
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:40 pm
by Lurker
Sami wrote:This settles the fact that they NOT SHOULD go home.
Who wants them to go home? GEMMA
Who wants them NOT to go home? JONAS
Who can be trusted? JONAS!
How do we know Jonas can be trusted? This is the guy who was so insistent on Bree trusting him for some reason. If he wanted to help so darn bad and was
actually concerned with their situation and wariness, why didn't he offer to leave some money hidden in a public location for them to take without ever having to go near his house? Personally, I think Gemma's a lot more trustworthy based on what we've seen so far.
As far as Gemma telling them to go home goes, don't forget that in the chat before Gemma made that video...
Bree told Gemma to go back home, and that she was being silly to think she was being followed. For all we know, Gemma got home, realized that she "wasn't" being followed, and then returned Bree's advice.
Inigo wrote:Daniel lives with his parents... in the survival skills video he said that his parents thought he was out camping or something. If he didnt live with his parents he wouldnt have to make excuses..
How does that suggest he lives with them, though? Generally family and friends who don't hear from someone for a while will begin to worry regardless of whether they live together.
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:51 pm
by aideen
Maybe the Order actually wants to get rid of Jonas too. What if his parents were part of their stuff, then they died and the Order lost track of Jonas. Now they have the chance to find him by following Bree if she goes to his house. I'd elaborate more but I'm so tired right now, someone else should be able to guess all the stuff I left out.
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:19 pm
by TheFatLady
As to the question of whether B & D watch the OpA or Tachyon vids, maybe or maybe not, but you'd think they'd surely watch any video responses to their own vids. And OpA has now TWICE posted the home surveillance response, to two different vlogs (see home page on this site).
I want a Bree vlog giving her reaction to seeing her house being on hidden cameras.