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Post by aguy »

horcruxes wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Topics. We don't need no steenking topics.
topics are for sissies! :D
Hey, we live in a post-modern world. Think of this as a post-modern thread....
"... in my mind and in my car. We can't rewind, we've gone too far."
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Post by MaxZyrix »

I honestly wanted to write something topic-related but the whole chatter above this post has made me forget what I was going to write. Now I don't even remember what's the topic of dicussion.

I guess that means all of you guys are right.
'There's a hole in my soul
you can see it in my face
it's a real big place.'
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Post by AutoPilate »

aguy wrote:
AutoPilate wrote:
aguy wrote: I'm willing to let it go if you meet my demands. $100,000,000 and land the plane in Aruba.
You could stay at my folks' place. My mom's an excellent cook.
Sweeeeet! Would they hide me when the federal authorities come-a knockin?
Considering the brilliant job the Feds did searching for that dumbass Natalee Holloway who got into a car with three perfect strangers, I'd say you have nothing to worry about.
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Post by Icaterus »

Whoa I don't have a net connection at the moment and when I finally check back here everyone's talking random crap :lol:. lol keep it up it's all good.

But seriously is Dearly Beloved anywhere on the internet at all??????? It should be, it's funny... kind of.. in a badly made sort of way. Should I just upload it to google video or something?? Or does someone want to add it to their youtube?
The Last Love Song on This Little Planet.

Thanks for watching as I fall.
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Post by Dahamu626 »

I saw you on a another site and forgot to get it
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Post by chershaytoute »

I am so glad this complete lack of topic came up! It's my kinda non-thread, obviously!

This, btw, is from back when I was beginning to lurk...and starting to know I belonged here...and group of totally serious folks (read: complete nutcases all)...I'd found my niche, I had! Just had to decide when I wanted to join...and post...cuz I knew once I did...you'd never get rid of me! :wink:

(I will retire to my little corner of the Breeniverse now)
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

WWggD - let's make the Breeniverse a better place to live...

Thanks to giddeanx for the coolest personal glue stick ever!
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