OpA: Adventures in Babysitting [11/26/06]
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I was disagreeing with the notion that the Order couldn't have known about these videos. Whether it was a necessary suspension of disbelief for the story to make sense is debatable (the Order could have been pretending they didn't know about them for some reason), but like you said, they couldn't have stopped posting their videos or there was no more show. In any event, it's not like this story has ever been realistic up to this point anyway. Not even in the context of the fictional world.robtomorrow wrote:I am not quite clear on whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with me.
I know that it was a stretch to have to assume that Bree's parents, and the Order were unaware of the videos , and it was debated about even before it was revealed that is was fiction. But it was a necessary suspension of disbelief for the story to make sense. Otherwise when things started getting dangerous then the safest thing for the protagonists to do would be to stop posting v-blogs, or to at least stop posting them publicly, which of course would end the story for us following it on the web.
For instance, Bree and Gemma should have talked on the phone long ago instead of using vlogs. Also, in that fictional world, Bree's fans would have notified the police and the FBI months ago about what her dad was doing. What's more, Bree and Daniel wouldn't have needed to hide out in motels because they have thousands of fans who would have given them shelter and formed an army to defend them. There's also the absurdity of music being inserted into the "On the Run" and "Fleeing the Watcher" videos (good music, though, and it fit; or would have if the show were acknowledging itself as fictional).
That's not even addressing some of the issues that made it obvious months ago that this was a production instead of authentic vlogging (how the videos continued to be edited even when Daniel and Bree weren't talking to one another, or how the camera was never just allowed to roll -- the footage was always getting chopped up into brief segments, etc.).
I'm inclined to say that many of us never had suspension of disbelief. It's not exactly been an immersive kind of storytelling. I'm not saying it's been a bad story or that I don't like it or its characters -- but I never once felt convinced that this was real, nor could I forget that it isn't. Good lighting, editing, etc. aside, the story's just not convincing as though it were really a teenage girl vlogging. A necessary sacrifice given what kind of approach they're going for (fictional vlogs).
I think this question was somewhat addressed by the Creators. While this stuff is relevant in the sense that it "happens," they claim that the fans don't have to watch the OpAphid videos to follow Bree and Daniel's story.breeislonely wrote:maybe this is a stupid question but are these videos part of the plot of the story, or only part of the plot of the game, they are two seperate things only based on the same basic story right? or am i completely wrong and we are to assume that in the world of bree and daniel this all really happened? and if it is part of the actual story then why isn't it on the left side with all the other video's on the main page, i don't understand the opaphid thing competely
At the very least, we know that last OpAphid video is closely related to Bree and Daniel's story, but I imagine that even if someone didn't watch that Op vid, they'll soon know that the Order has ransacked the room with Bree's lost key. It's not like anything plot pertinent was revealed in that Op video anyway. We'd have known it was the Order who got the key either way.
Last edited by Lurker on Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- robtomorrow
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Don't feel lonely, I think that is a question most of us are trying to figure out, including the creators.breeislonely wrote:maybe this is a stupid question but are these videos part of the plot of the story, or only part of the plot of the game, they are two seperate things only based on the same basic story right? or am i completely wrong and we are to assume that in the world of bree and daniel this all really happened? and if it is part of the actual story then why isn't it on the left side with all the other video's on the main page, i don't understand the opaphid thing competely
Last edited by robtomorrow on Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- breeislonely
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thanks for answering me! i'm glad i'm not the only one who is unsure, i thought i was just slow or something lolrobtomorrow wrote:Don't feel lonely, I think that is a question most of us are trying to figute out, including the creators.breeislonely wrote:maybe this is a stupid question but are these videos part of the plot of the story, or only part of the plot of the game, they are two seperate things only based on the same basic story right? or am i completely wrong and we are to assume that in the world of bree and daniel this all really happened? and if it is part of the actual story then why isn't it on the left side with all the other video's on the main page, i don't understand the opaphid thing competely
- goodonpaper
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It says "Listen to your enemy, for God is talking."
FYI, TigerLilyLynn's response vids are very informative: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tc9DxiJKnsY
FYI, TigerLilyLynn's response vids are very informative: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tc9DxiJKnsY
- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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I wonder if this means that OpA is the same IS the "watcher?" As to what they are looking for.. could it be the survival book? The captian seemed to play off Bree's "Survival Skills" video. Also, I found the title most interesting. "Adventures in Babysitting.." doesn't sound too threatening. It actually kind of makes fun of Bree and Daniel, like they need a babysitter. Hmmm.
Also, OpA didn't disrupt any of the items, so I don't think Daniel and Bree will realize that someone has been there.
I think they might also have been looking for P.Monkey, assuming the note was in there. I still think there's something we don't know about that note...
Or is it possible they were leaving something for Bree to find?
Also, OpA didn't disrupt any of the items, so I don't think Daniel and Bree will realize that someone has been there.
I think they might also have been looking for P.Monkey, assuming the note was in there. I still think there's something we don't know about that note...
Or is it possible they were leaving something for Bree to find?
- GoodGollyItsHolly
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Looks like bree and dan are going to have to go to stay with Jonas now...
Im sorry; you must have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Anastasia Beaverhousen.
- sparkybennett
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immortal1 wrote:I would think Watchers would be experts at keeping themselves hidden. They wouldn't allow themselves to be seen in the open. Nor would they publicly show themselves ransacking a hotel room unless they wanted to send a message. If all they were doing was babysitting, there would be no need to acknowledge that's what they were doing.sparkybennett wrote:immortal1 wrote:Wow I don't like this for so many reasons.
1) I don't like the idea of these two entities crossing over. We were told we could follow LG15 without concerning ourselves with OpAphid. How can that be now?
2) This particular event makes no sense storywise. If they know where the room is, why not wait until they come back and just grab them then? If Bree and Daniel somehow get tipped off(Gemma?)- they have to leave all their possessions behind including the wildly popular Owen, pmonkey, etc.
3) If they do leave everything behind it seems inevitable that they hook up with Jonas, which is what everyone has predicted!!! Predictable=not good.
I'm not sure what to think.
Regarding #2;
OpAphid is "babysitting" for now , it appears they are just keeping track of her.
I would hypothesize that the Order doesn't need her physically yet, they just want to know where she is so when the time is right , say for a ceremony or something , they can easily grab her. So they are using OpAphid/watchers to keep an eye on her.
Let me clarify..I did not say that is "all" they are doing.
That was my explanation as to why they obviously know where she is but have not grabbed her yet.
I am sure that Op is up to many things babysitting being just one.
Bree has something they want.
Maybe they wanted to take her money so she and Daniel would have to stop.
Maybe Bree was given something important to them or to the ceremony while she was being prepared and now they need it back.
Maybe in addition to money and a note her parents left her something important that cannot fall into the wrong hands. Once Opaphid realized the parents did not have "it" they decided to search Bree's stuff.
"Children analyze fantasy. They know you're kidding them. There's got to be logic in the way you kid them. Their fun is pretending...making believe they believe it." Dr Seuss
- watchingall
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Daniel comes to mindiamcool wrote:ermm is she/he stupid, putting a video on the internet of being in the room of someone thats always posting videos on the internet ... its like breaking and entering and putting it on the internet, who would do that?

Sorry, I realize I wasnt the first person to say it! *runs away*
Last edited by watchingall on Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- watchingall
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GO to a Target. I was shopping for my children for Xmas and ran into P. Monkey! My fiancee and roommate were SO embarassed at me squealing "OMG ITS PMONKEY!"Way2Curious wrote:Yeah, I just looked again and found nothing, too. I even checked e-bay, there weren't any there either (I thought for sure I'd see one there)....Huh, wonder where they all went?MrsCop wrote:Thanks, so did I... once. They're not there anymore .. crap /pout
- watchingall
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Good question!enigma117 wrote:Other than the fact that she room is being ransacked, does this video have any meaning? The time - 11:10 - any meaning to that? The pages in the Handbook - some look highlighted - but it is a used book from the motel - any meaning in the highlighted parts?
Rev 11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
Lev 11:10 But of the various creatures that crawl or swim in the water, whether in the sea or in the rivers, all those that lack either fins or scales are loathsome for you,
(turtles are mentioned a lot by Bree... Owen?)
Judges 11:10
The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, "The LORD is witness between us that we will do as you say."
(GOD is listening wasnt that what the backwards audio said?)
1 Samuel 11:10
and (Saul) said to Nahash, "Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and you may do whatever you please with us."
(I dunno but kinda creepy in relation to this!)
2 Samuel 11:10 David was told that Uriah had not gone home. So he said to Uriah, "Have you not come from a journey? Why, then, did you not go down to your house?"
(Oppy telling Bree to go home?)
1 Maccabees 11: 10 I regret that I gave him my daughter, for he has sought to kill me.
(hmmm i dunno why Oppy would leave a msg that sounds like its from Brees dad)
2 Maccabees 11:10 Now that the Lord had shown his mercy toward them, they advanced in battle order with the aid of their heavenly ally.
Provers 11:10 With his mouth the impious man would ruin his neighbor, but through their knowledge the just make their escape.
(escaping... someone running their mouth?)
Jeremiah 11:10 They have returned to the crimes of their forefathers who refused to obey my words. They also have followed and served strange gods; the covenant which I had made with their fathers, the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken.
( sounds like... a threat?)
Daniel 11:10 "But his sons shall prepare and assemble a great armed host, which shall advance like a flood, then withdraw. When it returns and surges around the stronghold,
(I doubt it connects in anyway but I would be remiss in NOT quoting Daniel now wouldnt i?)
Matthew 11:10 This is the one about whom it is written: 'Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.'
Luke 11:10
What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish?
( I dont know but illuminati is very much connected with reptiles.)
Acts 11:10 This happened three times, and then everything was drawn up again into the sky.
(the ceremony?)
1 Cor 11:10 for this reason a woman should have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.
a HUGE stretch but here is a photo taken on Nov 10th with some strange things going on with the sun http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021110.html
Also on Nov 10th Unseen by observers, the planets Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are now within nine degrees of the Sun. Venus is moving west to become an evening star. Mars has turned the corner to begin the long, slow process of moving towards its next opposition on December 24, 2007.
Its Pope Leo I the Great's day (Leo, astrology?)
Well thats all i came up with for 11:10. Probably nothing and a waste of a good half hour but... fun!
- breeislonely
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good work!! it's so interesting how at this point in the story everything feels like it's a sign or connected somehow, this must be the way conspiracists feel in the real world, they must have high blood pressurewatchingall wrote:Good question!enigma117 wrote:Other than the fact that she room is being ransacked, does this video have any meaning? The time - 11:10 - any meaning to that? The pages in the Handbook - some look highlighted - but it is a used book from the motel - any meaning in the highlighted parts?
Rev 11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
Lev 11:10 But of the various creatures that crawl or swim in the water, whether in the sea or in the rivers, all those that lack either fins or scales are loathsome for you,
(turtles are mentioned a lot by Bree... Owen?)
Judges 11:10
The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, "The LORD is witness between us that we will do as you say."
(GOD is listening wasnt that what the backwards audio said?)
1 Samuel 11:10
and (Saul) said to Nahash, "Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and you may do whatever you please with us."
(I dunno but kinda creepy in relation to this!)
2 Samuel 11:10 David was told that Uriah had not gone home. So he said to Uriah, "Have you not come from a journey? Why, then, did you not go down to your house?"
(Oppy telling Bree to go home?)
1 Maccabees 11: 10 I regret that I gave him my daughter, for he has sought to kill me.
(hmmm i dunno why Oppy would leave a msg that sounds like its from Brees dad)
2 Maccabees 11:10 Now that the Lord had shown his mercy toward them, they advanced in battle order with the aid of their heavenly ally.
Provers 11:10 With his mouth the impious man would ruin his neighbor, but through their knowledge the just make their escape.
(escaping... someone running their mouth?)
Jeremiah 11:10 They have returned to the crimes of their forefathers who refused to obey my words. They also have followed and served strange gods; the covenant which I had made with their fathers, the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken.
( sounds like... a threat?)
Daniel 11:10 "But his sons shall prepare and assemble a great armed host, which shall advance like a flood, then withdraw. When it returns and surges around the stronghold,
(I doubt it connects in anyway but I would be remiss in NOT quoting Daniel now wouldnt i?)
Matthew 11:10 This is the one about whom it is written: 'Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.'
Luke 11:10
What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish?
( I dont know but illuminati is very much connected with reptiles.)
Acts 11:10 This happened three times, and then everything was drawn up again into the sky.
(the ceremony?)
1 Cor 11:10 for this reason a woman should have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.
a HUGE stretch but here is a photo taken on Nov 10th with some strange things going on with the sun http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021110.html
Also on Nov 10th Unseen by observers, the planets Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are now within nine degrees of the Sun. Venus is moving west to become an evening star. Mars has turned the corner to begin the long, slow process of moving towards its next opposition on December 24, 2007.
Its Pope Leo I the Great's day (Leo, astrology?)
Well thats all i came up with for 11:10. Probably nothing and a waste of a good half hour but... fun!

- watchingall
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