Perhaps we're talking two different things... Bree's religion is Bree's religion, but the Order of Denderah is a society. (Odd distinction to make, yes, when many of the things we'd call a "society" as such tend to be religious-related... but I think they're trying to move away from that "cult" image.
As I have said on my last few posts on the matter I think that there is more to Gemma than meets they eye. This video has just furthered that suspicion (eg when she said we all are worride about you). It would surprise me if she was going to become the voice of the order.
The only man who's worth your tears will never make you cry
seems like when gemma commented previously in it's not your decision, bree responded with something that seemed like, "yeah, i can handle it." there is no real warmth between these two, regardless of gemma's motivations. bree never said they were friends; that's what i always come back to anyway. but bree was in the order and her parents weren't. so, whatever she and her family were in together religion or order, bree was in a subset of that religion or order. secret enough that her own parents didn't know about despite being pillars of their community. so it seems doubtful to me that gemma could somehow have the lowdown on what bree is in, that her own parents didn't. just my 2. you know, cents.
and as some have pointed out other ways above: does she look worried about bree? when bree had been gone for awhile in the midst of it all gemma didn't look worried. in fact the only time she had a look of concern was back when bree said she wouldn't do the ceremony.
"On May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University and a former Jesuit, formed a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati within the existing Masonic lodges of Germany. Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say."
"The Order of Illuminati has been traced back to the Knights Templar, to the Greek and Gnostic initiatory cults, to Egypt, even to Atlantis. The one safe generalization one can make is that Weishaupt's intent to maintain secrecy has worked; no two students of Illuminology have ever agreed totally about what the "inner secret" or purpose of the Order actually was (or is . . .). "
amiers wrote:yeah, i really don't think it's the illuminati. that's been done recently (The DaVinci Code, anyone?) i think it's just one made up for the story.
The Illuminati is made up - at least in today's incarnation. It's the easy culprit because the Creators can make it be whatever they want it to be yet still keep a "known entity" involved that fans can research to look for clues.
This smells like some BS backtracking to me from the creators.
I mean, all the early videos pointed to a religon, and all the clues pointed towards thelema. wtf? surely the creators have to know that we (the fans) weren't going to accept this?
It seems like their initial (brilliant0 foundations laid and suspense created are been thrown out of the window because they're finding it diffiCULT to incorperate this 'religion' into the story.
I mean COME ON we know it was supposed to be thelema 'Crowley, equinox, the FRONT PAGE of this website, "theres a million different f***ing religions in this world...", the summer camps. Christ..
pfff...the low point of lg15 so far in my opinion, directly after the high point.
Totally agree, stupidest video yet. This story is disolving or maybe never was. What frickin secret society invites outsiders along to their summer camp and asks them to video their secret plays? Crowley? Hello, did they forget they put him in there? Do they think we're that stupid or forgetful? What's with the 'purity bond' that all the kids in her 'religion' make with their parents? Do they even remember that they've used the word religion like a million times? What the hell is going on here? Gemma is very cute and the actress isn't an issue for me, it's this stupid story. It has no coherence anymore. So disappointing. BIG BIG thumbs down, creatazors.
Mourning the loss of my personalized title. RIP, title, RIP.
The original, not the modern Regardie reincarnation, but the Crowley-led secret society which was active right around 1888, I believe. (Two members: Rider and Waite, of the tarot card deck of the same name.) They were maniacal about secrecy -- I wonder if they had any date connection with either of the two dates we've narrowed down the ceremony to possibly be?
There would be a strong UK connection with the HOGD, too, which might explain Gemma.
Also, I mentioned this in a comment, but it would be MUCH easier to explain away the HOGD activities to a child by calling it a religion rather than a secret society -- maybe the ceremony would have just been an initiation where she was told the secrets?
It seems like there was a lot of innuendo in this vid that we just don't have all the pieces for yet.
trunbuns wrote:
I mean COME ON we know it was supposed to be thelema 'Crowley, equinox, the FRONT PAGE of this website, "theres a million different f***ing religions in this world...", the summer camps. Christ..
Nah, read through the religion threads. We figured out a good while ago that this wasn't Thelema per se, though it could have been a vague offshoot.
The main question this video brings up for me has to do with how Bree's parents could, as B said, *not* be part of Order of Denderah, when their whole "religion" was called "The Order." I would have assumed Gemma meant that the whole secret society was called Order of Denderah--but in that case, Bree's parents *would* be members.
I realise that we all knew that this was not the religion as is, but some offshoot of it created to fit the story.
But it WAS an offshoot of thelema and it was a religon.
I dont know about everyone else but in my case, although I did watch the vids pre-crowley, it was the occult overtones and the suggestion of something 'dark' beneath the surface that really roped me in. I felt that this was a really innovative way of building up the suspence.
I just feel that this is a way of avoiding explaining that fully.
I'm not creator-bashing particularly, I love the show, i just feel that this is a bit of a cop-out. if they hadn't stated in this vid that it was not a religion i would not of been so dissapointed, It's just that we KNOW it was a religion of some form, Thelama or not, and now they're trying fob us off with some super-duper secret society. lame lame lame.
I'm a massive LOST fan and I get the same feeling as i do with that show in that the creators are creating mysteries to rope people in and then treating the fans like idiots by offering a sub-standard explanation.
well anyways...
P.S Anyone feel that the new sponsership deal could have anything to do with this....i.e. the sponser not wanting do be associated with anything to do with a religion that some have (misplaced) negative feelings about?
trunbuns, you sound like someone who is disappointed because the story plot doesn't fit his own theories. Hell what? You thought it was Thelema, and it's not? In any such show involving mysteries, dark cults, occult pratices, everything is generally created. It's a show. A fiction. I don't think that when Gemma says it's not a religion per se, it means there is no religious pratice associated with. It is obviously a secret society with a strong religious background. We all know that from the beginning. Nothing changed with this video. The only purpose of that video was to say: calm down, it's not a known religious group, stop hitting the "google search" button, you won't come with any explanation outside of the show. Just relax, sit on your couch and wait.
sunbean wrote:Totally agree, stupidest video yet. ......It has no coherence anymore. So disappointing. BIG BIG thumbs down, creatazors.
sunbean, the only incoherence I see here is with respect to what some people were thinking it was, not to what the creators may have in mind. So why are you disappointed? Because it doesn't fit something we came up with on google? As far as I know, we do not write the story plot and we did not learn anything on what that cult is in this video. Only what it's not. I don't agree. This video is not stupid, just useless for the people who knew it wasn't Thelema.
missviolet wrote:Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Again, I don't think you will find any definite answer on the Order on Google. It is FICTIONAL!!!!!!! I don't think the Creators have any intention to involve in their story any real religion, cult or secret society.
You will write 1000 times: "I do not believe in fictional stories". Go up to your room now!