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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:41 pm
by cbowen4
Daniel ends his video saying
which I suppose would make sense....if he were one of us. But Daniel definately didn't notice the "10-12-06" clue. Why is HE in such a rush?
He's acting like he KNOWS the ritual is tomorrow, when he doesn't...
Of course he knows. He would have likely gotten that from Bree directly. We know they've discussed religion, even though they have not done so on video. He knows the ceremony is coming up. We also know he reads the forums; he even mentions it in this video. So, he would have read the 10-12-06 clue here.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:20 pm
by S is for Summer
Awww. I totally have a crush on Daniel.
I don't get the "this gets really weird" comment, though, at least not with what information is around it.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:53 pm
by theplotthickens
[quote="Hannahbee"]k iknow i'm not supposed to go here, but did anybody else's mind jump straight to CiW when he mentioned the girl in that article? it has potential, esp. if it's not a real article.[/quote]
Oh c'mon you're in too deep here. But I just know that the girl's name was Cassie

That was the second thing I tought too. The first thing was "Crap now we gotta find some small town in Arizona"
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:56 pm
by theplotthickens
[quote="ViolinAddict"]Is anyone else starting to get LonelyGirl Forums popping up in Google results?! Ahh... we're taking over the internet![/quote]
Google OpAphid - that's all you get - hehehehe
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:00 pm
by looking4answers
Kasdeja wrote:Mirage wrote:I gotta do it, I'm sorry:
Let the stoning begin.

Ahh, I love you guys.

I love that he's signing Katie's face.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:02 pm
by theplotthickens
[quote="kimmiewku"]Also, something I just noticed.
"Hathor is the goddess of all women, [b]fertility[/b], flooding of the nile, joy, [b]motherhood[/b], love."
"Crowley translated Hathor to mean [b]Mother of Light[/b]. He considered her to be both the sun and moon goddess, and honored her so much that he named one of his tarot cards after her."
"Hathor represented the passage of East to West through the sky. It goes on to describe a ritual that he designed to honor her."
I'm not really on the whole Bree's-pregnant-bandwagon, but those are some interesting parallels. the ceremony has got to be the one dedicated to Hathor, right? Why else would the Creators present us with this information?
But wait...
that means that the ceremony involves Bree...
turning around....
walking back.
Just like Cassie's latest vid!!
....Honestly? thats it?? Cmon, Daniel, I know you're must've skipped SOMETHING. No ceremony can be that simple. Or....boring.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:23 pm
by ixlr8
The girl in that video looks like she was drugged.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:42 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Hannahbee wrote:k iknow i'm not supposed to go here, but did anybody else's mind jump straight to CiW when he mentioned the girl in that article? it has potential, esp. if it's not a real article.
just something that occurred to me...let's not discuss it at length or some board Nazis will start chasing me and I'll have to make a video.
Daniel mentions Crowley had a House in Az,USA.......
Frank was staying in AZUSA....
Just saying so it's in people's minds..
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:57 pm
by skellykat
I noted the Hubbard / Crowley connection a long time ago... this isn't old news yet?
I've also thought for a long time that this was going to be the Invocation of the Goddess ceremony. There's a ton of info on that here: ... aley11.htm
Here's some interesting info about Hathor I don't think anyone has come across yet here:
Her worship can be traced to around 3000 BCE. She had several cult centres all over Egypt. In the necropolis of Thebes she became patroness of the region of the dead. In the 1st millennium BCE, women hoped to be assimilated with her in the afterworld, similar to the way in which men hoped to become Osiris.
I'll let you all know what else I find...
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:03 pm
by CriticalThinking
ViolinAddict wrote:Is anyone else starting to get LonelyGirl Forums popping up in Google results?! Ahh... we're taking over the internet!
YUP!!! go us!! woot woot
Well, there's not much else to say other than what has already been said.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:08 pm
by lordgreystoke422
skellykat wrote:I noted the Hubbard / Crowley connection a long time ago... this isn't old news yet?
I've also thought for a long time that this was going to be the Invocation of the Goddess ceremony. There's a ton of info on that here: ... aley11.htm
Here's some interesting info about Hathor I don't think anyone has come across yet here:
Her worship can be traced to around 3000 BCE. She had several cult centres all over Egypt. In the necropolis of Thebes she became patroness of the region of the dead. In the 1st millennium BCE, women hoped to be assimilated with her in the afterworld, similar to the way in which men hoped to become Osiris.
I'll let you all know what else I find...
It is old news as I have long ago referred to Parsons and Hubbards attempt at creating a moonchild from a link provided by Spacie Girl and a lot of new people keep showing up..and there are about 900-1000 posts just from me and spacie to sift through and all the other people that have found the link on their always need reminders about stuff that hasn't been made a solid connection.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:22 pm
by minsky
Yes I noticed the link awhile ago as well. I posted a link in the religion forum about scientology on Mon Oct 02, 2006.
Heaps of info on the links back there. It seems that Hubbard's wife also accused him of kidnapping.
Here is a timeline on some of the events in Hubbard's life. It seems that he was accused of kidnapping in 1951.
Book of Shadows
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:02 pm
by trainer101
Find all things Crowley at this site. Hope you can get through it all before the ceremony... ... /index.htm
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:39 pm
by aleksmakk
Have we ever explored the possibility that Daniel is the target and Bree is the bait? Am I just loopy from thinking about this for so long?
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:43 pm
by minsky
aleksmakk wrote:Have we ever explored the possibility that Daniel is the target and Bree is the bait? Am I just loopy from thinking about this for so long?
Yeah that had crossed my mind at some point as well. Then again about 15,000 possibilities have crossed my mind over the past few weeks.