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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:22 pm
by JerseyJohnny
You guys are really off track at this point.
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
I'm thinking that the guy who played Kate's Father (Kate is the character played by Julianne Stiles) is probably Jeremy Pivens, who I suspect is the actor playing Bree's Dad. That's why his line about "those damn Dawson's River kids" is so relevant, since he said it in one of Bree's Videos. I could be wrong, but it's just a thought. It would be a HUGE clue if it is that way.
Anyway, whoever turned this thread into the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, or some kind of weird version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures, not only did you go TOTALLY off from what this thread is about, but you're totally way wrong with your theories.
The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen. You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard, LOLMAO!!!!!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:52 pm
by aguy
Broken Kid wrote:aguy wrote:Thank you for sharing that historical fact with us. Even more proof that Bree has, in fact, gone back in time and impacted history!
She may have gone back further in time than we thought! I just heard we're all evolved from purple monkeys!
Wow, this is getting deep. OK, then, there we have it: Bree is directly responsible for the evolution of mankind by bringing Purple Monkey back so that we could all evolve from him. I'm glad we have that straightened out!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:53 pm
by Broken Kid
JerseyJohnny wrote:The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen. You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard, LOLMAO!!!!!
I think the point was, your "theory" didn't really tell us anything. Most stories tie back to the same plotlines. So we were all having a little fun and playing around. Lighten up.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:54 pm
by aguy
Nora Volkova wrote:Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
Yes -- she impacted the bowels of civilization, not had impacted bowel syndrome.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:00 pm
by aguy
"Anyway, whoever turned this thread into the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, or some kind of weird version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures, not only did you go TOTALLY off from what this thread is about, but you're totally way wrong with your theories."
Am I? AM I???? Prove me wrong, then!
(B&T's Excellent Adventures was a great movie, BTW. So thanks for the compliment!

"The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen."
Stupid? Or so brilliant that you just can't see their truth? Think long and hard about that, my friend. Long and hard.
"You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard"
Chaos theory. I love it!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:08 pm
by crookedrain
JerseyJohnny wrote: That's why his line about "those damn Dawson's River kids" is so relevant, since he said it in one of Bree's Videos. I could be wrong, but it's just a thought. It would be a HUGE clue if it is that way.
In which video did Bree's dad say this? We saw his lower body once but he has never spoken, unless I missed something big.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:32 pm
by futurestar12288
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
So to put it plainly....
Shakespeare didnt write Kiss Me Kate.
Kiss Me Kate is a 20th century musical based on Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, which is what 10 Things I Hate About You is based on.
I hope this clears things up?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:45 pm
by Mirage
Nora Volkova wrote:aguy wrote:aguy wrote:
I have now determined that it was, in fact, Bree who coined the phrase, "Let them eat cake!".
Thank you for sharing that historical fact with us. Even more proof that Bree has, in fact, gone back in time and impacted history!
Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
aguy wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
Yes -- she impacted the bowels of civilization, not had impacted bowel syndrome.
*snarf snarf!*
JerseyJohnny wrote:You guys are really off track at this point.
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
I'm thinking that the guy who played Kate's Father (Kate is the character played by Julianne Stiles) is probably Jeremy Pivens, who I suspect is the actor playing Bree's Dad. That's why his line about "those damn Dawson's River kids" is so relevant, since he said it in one of Bree's Videos. I could be wrong, but it's just a thought. It would be a HUGE clue if it is that way.
Anyway, whoever turned this thread into the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, or some kind of weird version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures, not only did you go TOTALLY off from what this thread is about, but you're totally way wrong with your theories.
The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen. You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard, LOLMAO!!!!!
I just...I dont know how to respond...I cant...formulate an answer....head....exploding....NOW!
And Nora Volkovitch? What, is she like a Czarina now?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:28 pm
by Nora Volkova
Mirage wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:aguy wrote:
Thank you for sharing that historical fact with us. Even more proof that Bree has, in fact, gone back in time and impacted history!
Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
aguy wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
Yes -- she impacted the bowels of civilization, not had impacted bowel syndrome.
*snarf snarf!*
JerseyJohnny wrote:You guys are really off track at this point.
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
I'm thinking that the guy who played Kate's Father (Kate is the character played by Julianne Stiles) is probably Jeremy Pivens, who I suspect is the actor playing Bree's Dad. That's why his line about "those damn Dawson's River kids" is so relevant, since he said it in one of Bree's Videos. I could be wrong, but it's just a thought. It would be a HUGE clue if it is that way.
Anyway, whoever turned this thread into the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, or some kind of weird version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures, not only did you go TOTALLY off from what this thread is about, but you're totally way wrong with your theories.
The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen. You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard, LOLMAO!!!!!
I just...I dont know how to respond...I cant...formulate an answer....head....exploding....NOW!
And Nora Volkovitch? What, is she like a Czarina now?

That's Anastasia Nora Volkovna Romanova to you, peasant. I can embed more quotes than you -- bring it on.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:32 pm
by Mirage
Nora Volkova wrote:Mirage wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:
Wait, what? I thought she had impacted bowel syndrome. Did I miss something?
aguy wrote:
Yes -- she impacted the bowels of civilization, not had impacted bowel syndrome.
*snarf snarf!*
JerseyJohnny wrote:You guys are really off track at this point.
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
I'm thinking that the guy who played Kate's Father (Kate is the character played by Julianne Stiles) is probably Jeremy Pivens, who I suspect is the actor playing Bree's Dad. That's why his line about "those damn Dawson's River kids" is so relevant, since he said it in one of Bree's Videos. I could be wrong, but it's just a thought. It would be a HUGE clue if it is that way.
Anyway, whoever turned this thread into the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, or some kind of weird version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures, not only did you go TOTALLY off from what this thread is about, but you're totally way wrong with your theories.
The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and B&T Excellent Adventure theories in this thread are about the most stupidest and amateurist guesses I've seen. You would have better guesses if you were blindfolded and throwing Darts at a Balloon on the dartboard, LOLMAO!!!!!
I just...I dont know how to respond...I cant...formulate an answer....head....exploding....NOW!
And Nora Volkovitch? What, is she like a Czarina now?

That's Anastasia Nora Volkovna Romanova to you, peasant. I can embed more quotes than you -- bring it on.
Let's get ready to RUMBBBBLLLEEEEEEEE!
Wow. Can this thread go any more off topic?

Kate, Shrews, and Plots
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:13 pm
by TheDoctorIsIn
Taming of the Shrew is what you mean, not Kiss Me Kate.
Regardless, many modern stories have similar plots to Shakespeare's. And most of his were based on well-known oral tales. There are only a handful of actually different plots around, it's the details that make things different.
Re: Kate, Shrews, and Plots
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:27 pm
by JerseyJohnny
TheDoctorIsIn wrote:Taming of the Shrew is what you mean, not Kiss Me Kate.
Regardless, many modern stories have similar plots to Shakespeare's. And most of his were based on well-known oral tales. There are only a handful of actually different plots around, it's the details that make things different.
Whatever, it's the same Shakespeere play whether its Kiss Me Kate or Taming of Kate or whatever.
And there are many, many plots. All you have to do is look at all the Television shows there ahve been HUNDREDS over the years. Think of a show like I Love Luci or Threes Company, each of those shows had so many different unique Plots, and those are only TWO shows. Eight is Enough, Chips, Steinfeld, The Friends - all these are shows with so many different unique plots, it's not "just the detales" that change. One show has 2 couples, another has 2 girls and guy, another has a family w/ 8 kids, another is about a Police Force, another is about 4 random people in NY and another is about 6 random people in NYC. The plots COULD'NT be the same.
Nice try, though! I know we are all anxsious to solve the Riddle, but lets not make blanket statements now like "all plots are the same as Shakespeere".
Re: Kate, Shrews, and Plots
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:51 pm
by Mirage
JerseyJohnny wrote:TheDoctorIsIn wrote:Taming of the Shrew is what you mean, not Kiss Me Kate.
Regardless, many modern stories have similar plots to Shakespeare's. And most of his were based on well-known oral tales. There are only a handful of actually different plots around, it's the details that make things different.
Whatever, it's the same Shakespeere play whether its Kiss Me Kate or Taming of Kate or whatever.
And there are many, many plots. All you have to do is look at all the Television shows there ahve been HUNDREDS over the years. Think of a show like I Love Luci or Threes Company, each of those shows had so many different unique Plots, and those are only TWO shows. Eight is Enough, Chips, Steinfeld, The Friends - all these are shows with so many different unique plots, it's not "just the detales" that change. One show has 2 couples, another has 2 girls and guy, another has a family w/ 8 kids, another is about a Police Force, another is about 4 random people in NY and another is about 6 random people in NYC. The plots COULD'NT be the same.
Nice try, though! I know we are all anxsious to solve the Riddle, but lets not make blanket statements now like "all plots are the same as Shakespeere".
Uhm, maybe you should read his post, because he didn't say "all plots are the same as Shakespeare".

Re: Kate, Shrews, and Plots
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:28 pm
by TheDoctorIsIn
JerseyJohnny wrote:TheDoctorIsIn wrote:Taming of the Shrew is what you mean, not Kiss Me Kate.
Regardless, many modern stories have similar plots to Shakespeare's. And most of his were based on well-known oral tales. There are only a handful of actually different plots around, it's the details that make things different.
Whatever, it's the same Shakespeere play whether its Kiss Me Kate or Taming of Kate or whatever.
And there are many, many plots. All you have to do is look at all the Television shows there ahve been HUNDREDS over the years. Think of a show like I Love Luci or Threes Company, each of those shows had so many different unique Plots, and those are only TWO shows. Eight is Enough, Chips, Steinfeld, The Friends - all these are shows with so many different unique plots, it's not "just the detales" that change. One show has 2 couples, another has 2 girls and guy, another has a family w/ 8 kids, another is about a Police Force, another is about 4 random people in NY and another is about 6 random people in NYC. The plots COULD'NT be the same.
Nice try, though! I know we are all anxsious to solve the Riddle, but lets not make blanket statements now like "all plots are the same as Shakespeere".
That's not what I said, I was talking about the fact that there are only four archetypal plots: man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, and man vs. himself. How those plots are used is what makes stories different. When you break things down to their most basic elements, all stories are the same. Even if you go back to the earliest works you will still find the same things.
Take the Galatea story for instance. The Greek sculptor who falls in love with his creation and asks the Gods to give it life. That story, that plot line, has been told a thousand times since it's creation, and yet each telling is different. That's why people paid to see "She's All That" despite having watched "Pretty Woman". It's all in the details.
My comment was meant to say that I thought you were stretching a bit by trying to relate it back to Shakespeare. Especially The Taming of the Shrew which was really more about the older sister than the younger. If you really want to relate these vlogs to the Bard, I'd actually say Hamlet. The young prince (lonelygirl) who is torn between doing what is accepted as right and what (s)he believes to be right. It's all inner turmoil and soul-searching. All's Well that Ends Well would also work, but that's a bit too easy.
As for the shows, you are proving my point. Each of these is different because of the details, the make up of the casts, the locations, etc. And to answer your question about how could they be the same plots despite such different details, think about this: how many of these had an episode that revolved around a surprise birthday party? Exactly.
Oh, and just as a personal note... I wouldn't ever use Chips to try to back up an argument about plot lines... I mean... Erik Estrada?
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:35 am
by Sfonzarelli
JerseyJohnny wrote:You guys are really off track at this point.
My original post was to point out the similarities between the plot of this Bree vs. Carrie YouTube Video Series (which was found a few days ago to be fake) and how it is a ripoff of Shakespeare and a modern re-make of Shakespeare, "Kiss Me Kate" which has the Working name, as Nora Volkovich so kindly pointed out, of "10 Things I Hate from You".
In Kiss Me Kate, did the main female character go on and on about dozens of esoteric subjects?
In Kiss Me Kate, where her parents Thelemites who are training her to participating in a sex magick ceremony?
In Kiss Me Kate, were there videos with stills from the Manson family murders that lead to real life clues?