Just plain cheap thrills

Bring up any issues you have

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Is LG being ruined by gratuitous sex sub-plots and innuendo?

No. Taig you are a cranky old prude. Get with it.
Yes. There is gratuitous sex but that is making it better
My mom wont let me watch it anymore because it is dirty, dirty, dirty, bad, bad, bad
Total votes: 57

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Post by rupaZer0 »

rupaZer0 wrote:I think the sexy subplot is annoying at the moment because the real fallout behind certain actions hasn't happened yet. When we hear from Bree why she did what she did, and when we see a monologue from Daniel about his thing with Sarah, or a monologue from Sarah about Daniel, then I'll feel a lot more satisfied.
yay, I got a monologue! (runs around in circles until dizzy and giggles for ten minutes)
Cut scene to BDJ in a lubed-up cuddlefest.
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Post by longlostposter »

rupaZer0 wrote:
rupaZer0 wrote:I think the sexy subplot is annoying at the moment because the real fallout behind certain actions hasn't happened yet. When we hear from Bree why she did what she did, and when we see a monologue from Daniel about his thing with Sarah, or a monologue from Sarah about Daniel, then I'll feel a lot more satisfied.
yay, I got a monologue! (runs around in circles until dizzy and giggles for ten minutes)

I think you siggy is quite significant here, rupa.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
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