0206 "Bedside Manner" 06/05/07

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Post by pixxi.is.dizzi »

I'm really unhappy with Daniel. I mean he barely tried to snap bree out of it, and then interrupting when Jonas actually managed to pull her out of her haze a bit. Yeah, laughing may not be denouncing the HofO, but it does serve to bring her into human connection a bit (provided she isnt laughing about what the people in her head are saying). And then he's all running off to play nail salon with Sarah (Who I still love).

I can understand why Sarah's at a bit of a loss on what to do, she's only hung around Bree a handful of times, but eventually that may be of use to bringing Bree out.
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Post by HisGirl »

Jonas is no longer in the chat, fyi.... I'd hate to see you go through so much trouble to get in and THEN find that out ;)
Last edited by HisGirl on Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »


I guess we know how Lurker will react to the taming of the beast. Sarah's got him eating out of the palm of her hand. She doesn't seem to be able to get Bree to eat, though.

I just hope they got some product placement money from Pepperidge Farm for sticking the goldfish in this video.

Caught a little bit of the chat, but the site does seem to be having severe connectivity problems, both here on the forums and at the comments page.
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Post by Mireille »

DB had rather impressive hat hair in this video.

The ending with Bree seeming to come around was quite intriguing. Really made me want to see what comes next. :D
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Post by Shaneener »

I caught the last bit of the chat.

Basically, Jonas is gonna try to make her laugh tomorrow. And he'll stay strong. And he's sleepy.

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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

This is one of my favorite vids. Jonas' little dance was charming. At least they got her laughing, somewhat coming out of it. And like others, I can never get into the chat, so I won't try, I'm just gonna wait to see the transcripts. Good luck you guys.
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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

Gosh, my comp is stupid, the whole time I was trying to get onto this page, Jonas logged in and out of the chat like *snaps fingers* that!
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Post by mindinflight »

Shaneener wrote:I caught the last bit of the chat.

Basically, Jonas is gonna try to make her laugh tomorrow. And he'll stay strong. And he's sleepy.


I'm such a sucker for caring, uninformative Jonas. I want to give him a big hug while cursing this damn lagging site in the same breath.

I wanna see what's next!!
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Post by kellylen »

will anyone post a log?
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Post by Aponi »

ApotheosisAZ wrote: Caught a little bit of the chat, but the site does seem to be having severe connectivity problems, both here on the forums and at the comments page.
Tell me about it. :x

I only got booted from the chat after Jonas left though, and I caught just about all of it, I got in there before alot of people did. There wasn't much too it, just him getting suggestions for what to do to help Bree.

And he's supposed to try music, movies, and her old vids I think, tomarrow. Hopefully we'll get a vid of that too.

He explained Bree coming up and cuddling as 'she needed some love' or something close to that. At least, i'm pretty sure that was the question he was answering anyway.
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Post by kellylen »

Shaneener wrote:Kellylen, try logging in and back out.

I got in that way. =D
i have beforeee :( it still didnt work.

whtaever since its over now. i just wish the vid was up on revver so i could download it and make a new icon.
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Post by MintyBeast »

I was quite disappointed in the DanielBeast behavior with Bree.

And put off my the ending of the vid with Bree coming over to nestle up to Jonas.

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Post by bree_is_awesome »

did anyone have the log?
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Post by Lurker »

This was a good vid. Nice progression, and good humor (I absolutely loved the scene with Sarah and the goldfish crackers).

Interesting that Jonas seems to be able to get through to Bree a little. I'm thinking she does like him.
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Excellent.

I guess we know how Lurker will react to the taming of the beast. Sarah's got him eating out of the palm of her hand.
Aye, that was great. We need more of that!

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ApotheosisAZ wrote:I just hope they got some product placement money from Pepperidge Farm for sticking the goldfish in this video.
That'd be good, but I don't think they did/will because the logo wasn't shown.
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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

I wasn't in the chat, but does anyone know if someone suggested showing Bree what was in that box her dad left behind? The collage should help.
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