phipunk wrote:I know this isn't relevant at this point, but earlier today I send this thread to a friend of mine who works on genome sequencing. Here's what he found.
For my own sake, it's probably not a good idea for me to get involved, but I couldn't resist playing around with the DNA sequence for a bit. Translating in all six frames didn't reveal anything interesting. Then I blasted it and found that the first 80-90% of it is highly similar (99% identical) to pieces of various cloning vector ( sequences. The top hit is "Expression vector pFerX8, complete sequence." with accession = "AY147930" and GI = "28192543". I had a couple of other potential leads from gene names that were also valid tinyurl codes (one of which led to a news article about some hackers in Florida (fbx09) and another that gave me a photo of a banquet table (pLM99)), but I think these are just coincidences.
Wow, interesting.
Probably coincindence, though - in the past, DNA that has been cut out has just been taken from actual genes (human, in the past, rather than cloning vectors, but still), and most five-letter tinyurls (I think) will be valid.
Probably coincindence, though - in the past, DNA that has been cut out has just been taken from actual genes (human, in the past, rather than cloning vectors, but still), and most five-letter tinyurls (I think) will be valid.
Oh, the tinyurls are definitely a coincidence, although a humorous one. I was mostly taken by the fact that the "junk" was taken from cloning sequences, giving yet another push in that direction.
if it is Nature nurtures (by aja's message I tend to agree that that is it) I think there is something else to it. His message didn't make is sound like we have completed our task yet. Or maybe that is just me.
I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places. -Tori Amos
TOSG wrote:
This might be a bit of a stretch, but perhaps we should consider the possibility of an upcoming drop at Cornell University? It is, after all, located in Ithaca.
I'm starting to agree with TOSG, a quick google with the terms nature nurtures, brings up lots of stuff about cornell university....
TOSG wrote:
This might be a bit of a stretch, but perhaps we should consider the possibility of an upcoming drop at Cornell University? It is, after all, located in Ithaca.
I'm starting to agree with TOSG, a quick google with the terms nature nurtures, brings up lots of stuff about cornell university....
Hmm, yes, although it doesn't seem like there's any strong link.
And, while "'Nature Nurtures' Cornell" gives about 90 Google hits, "'Nature Nurtures' Harvard" gives over 1000.
ah well was worth a try, and that was before i saw deagols response from jay.
Looks like lots more research is in store tau's and runes and crowley? I think anyways
lol i dont know if my wife is going to let me put the time in this time....
The passage from j's message to deagol comes from
Ruba'iyyat of Omar Khayyam by Omar Khayyam
Well seen deagol, even after your message i still didnt put it together.
Your are way too good at this stuff. Probally what j meant by a look at past clues may be in order....I hadnt thought to look into the other args. No insights from me tho, i havent the time to put into this one. Besides i get the feeling that this is going to be a lot more of the pointless research that doesnt provide many answers....
TOSG wrote:
This might be a bit of a stretch, but perhaps we should consider the possibility of an upcoming drop at Cornell University? It is, after all, located in Ithaca.
The latest I heard from Jay (in the correspondence thread in full) would suggest that there's a strong possibility of this happening "midsummer".
J quoted the line from opaphids you tube page....well almost
He also mentions not to overlook the backer of the group in regards to the tau rune image.
Opaphid and tachyon both have recently logged into their youtube accounts. Think were going to get a crossover?
on a side note i saw somewhere that opa was the wife of saturn....