I risk losing my posting status and possibly my online identity with ya'll
what do you fun ppl think?
will you still remember me when in the morning?
Bree will be all like "You remember this guy LeterG?"
And we'll all be like "Who?"
'mute (post 1001! *finally* Thor's Hammer...)
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
Luv2Skydive wrote:My bruvver is an IT guy in Columbus. Totally don't know why that matters.....
Small world
Luv2Skydive wrote:
GAWD I need sleep.....
You know what you really need?
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
doesn't let me make another account under my same email.. oh well that idea is shot
You could always PM Broken Kid or twj... I bet either would change it for you (thus keeping your posting history tied to your account)
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
Thanks Now that I finally made it, I've got a little actual work that needs done (normally, I'm at my desk even when working. But I gotta set up a new workstation and will be afk for a bit)
edit: someone stole the desk for now, so I'm not afk after all
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
Someone stole your desk? Should be pretty easy to find. Just look for the person with a large flat surface under his/her coat. <--that sentence was very hard to write without injecting some perv into it. I find it more difficult to hold back the perv than let it loose. Gah, this whole paragraph so far has just been plain dirty. I just need to stop.
Mirage wrote:Someone stole your desk? Should be pretty easy to find. Just look for the person with a large flat surface under his/her coat. <--that sentence was very hard to write without injecting some perv into it. I find it more difficult to hold back the perv than let it loose. Gah, this whole paragraph so far has just been plain dirty. I just need to stop.
Oh yeah, hi all!
(I missed Rae!! Damnit. )
I set up a temporary workstation for an outside consultant. He was *supposed* to be done by now so that I could have the desk back and set up a new workstation. I couldn't get so lucky...
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).