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Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:41 am
by Broken Kid

Oh boy oh boy! My two favorite things: Owen and cute girls! (not necessarily in that order!)
Wow, I never realized Owen had such good fashion sense!
You're adorable, Barbie! You should do more... Go for a walk with Owen! Take him to shows! It can be the Barbie and Owen show!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:43 am
by creativebarbie
Broken Kid wrote:

Oh boy oh boy! My two favorite things: Owen and cute girls! (not necessarily in that order!)
Wow, I never realized Owen had such good fashion sense!
You're adorable, Barbie! You should do more... Go for a walk with Owen! Take him to shows! It can be the Barbie and Owen show!

*smiles big*
When I move to the city I will take him places with me. Concerts and the moveies..... if my friends don't threaten to kill him..... since they are all sorta part of the hardcore music scene....i still think owen would fit rght in

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:45 am
by Broken Kid
creativebarbie wrote:*smiles big*
When I move to the city I will take him places with me. Concerts and the moveies..... if my friends don't threaten to kill him..... since they are all sorta part of the hardcore music scene....i still think owen would fit rght in

I think he will too! Plus, there's nothing more hardcore than not acting hardcore when everyone else is! And besides, Owen's a turtle! They're pretty hardcore... at least their shells are hard, right?
That was a really fun video!

You should have played your guitar at normal speed though!!
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:16 am
by creativebarbie
hahaha the guitar i was useing was actully broken so nope hahahahaha. The guitar I normaly use wasn't there..
I'm trying to figure out how toapply to be a kids tv show host......i don't want to get an agent....thats silly. and they cost money.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:21 am
by Broken Kid
creativebarbie wrote:hahaha the guitar i was useing was actully broken so nope hahahahaha. The guitar I normaly use wasn't there..
I'm trying to figure out how toapply to be a kids tv show host......i don't want to get an agent....thats silly. and they cost money.
Start your own on the Web! If you get a lot of viewers, you might be able to get something on public access or something, and move up that way!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:26 am
by creativebarbie
hahaha but little kids don't watch teh web! that is agood idea though....
BUT i do need money. and a job , at the end of this month i'm with out both!
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:32 am
by omegawoman
spaciegirl wrote:Omegawoman, thanks for the well wishes. That's very nice of you. Everything is fine, she's doing good. Trust me, we've had to raise hell many times in that, and other hospitals....but usually for more serious issues. If you get a little testy with them, they'll get their butts in the room faster. I just wish they'd come when first asked. It seems like you always have to pester them to stay on top of things. I mean, I feel kinda bad asking the same questions over and over again and having to call the nurse's station so much...but damn, if they'd just keep on track and do what they say they will, it wouldn't be an issue. I think they're understaffed...and god knows they're definately underpayed so we try to be as patient as possible. The hospital just sucks any way you slice it and it's hard to be in a situation where you have to put your trust in people you don't know. I could never be a nurse...many of them are saints, it's really amazing.
I worked under alot of amazing nurses, and because of them I considered finishing nursing school. I have to say though that after seeing the politics they have to deal with everyday I have decided to follow my first true love of psychology. I want to work in rehab with troubled teens.
Most good nurses do understand, but they are understaffed. More nurses are needed now more than ever. It has gotten to the point in my state to where some drug convictions are ignored and some nurses can possibly be addicts. (How would you like an addict caring for your loved one?) Scary, but true.
The thing I have noticed is that the nursing staff sees the patient every day (nurses and CNA's) so they tend to know the patient on a more personal level. They know best what the patient needs, they will tell the doctors, then the doctors shoot them down. I can be very frustrating at times, therefore the burnout. Watch the nurses and find the one who seems to care for your loved one the most, then pull her aside and talk to her about your concerns. It may help.
On another note, they tell you while you are training to be a nurse or an aide that you cannot become emotionally attached to your patients. I worked in long term care- I felt that if you do not become emotionally attachted to someone you are giving extreme intimint care to (tioleting, bathing, etc) how can you not be giving them the best care that they deserve? Alot of these people have no family that visit or care for them. I think at the very least, the staff should treat them like family. Sorry, you opened up alot of pet peeves for me, didn't mean to steal your thread.
I am glad your loved one is doing well. My prayers will be with you and her.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:45 am
by trainer101
There was a young girl from Nantucket...
Oh wait, wrong forum... sorry

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:48 am
by trainer101
nancymakuhari wrote:
Oh hell, break out the handcuffs!
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:53 am
by spaciegirlreturn
It's so crazy that you'd be expected to not get emotionally involved. I mean, I would think it would be nearly impossible not least sometimes. I heard recently that in Florida there are actually too many nurses and medical assistants right now. Of course, that doesn't mean the hospitals are willing to pay more of them. There are a lot of politics involved, you're right. It's depressing to see that in action.
Well...I'm off to deliver flowers right now. I'll probably end up in a couple hospital today. I HATE going to hospitals!! I hate the ones where they make me bring the crap up to the rooms. You never know what you're going to walk in on. I like the little old ladies with the carts who take the flowers..makes my life much easier.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:11 pm
by MrsCop
Not supposed to get attached to patients & their families?

If someone would care to remove my 'humanity' gene from me, that just might work. Most cases I've seen require the same nurse/aide for that shift assigned to the same patients over & over b/c they're more likely to catch the 'little' changes and generally get to understand the moods and why they occur. Makes it impossible for attachments not to develop, on BOTH sides. ack...this thread alone is too emotional for me; and that's without pms

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:14 pm
by MrsCop
Spaciegirl! Told ya it's fun

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:17 pm
by AutoPilate
Humanity schmumanity.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:20 pm
by MrsCop
AutoPilate wrote:Humanity schmumanity.
LMAO! Where's the ^5 emoticon??
So Breenies.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:13 pm
by TJ Marsh
What are you all doing today?