Oooh, my dear, I would LURVE to have a sleepover with you. We could play with each and everything!Flautapantera wrote:Wait, you like the Ravens simply for the colors on their uniforms? Fair enough.Mirage wrote:Cripes, speaking of bragging, guess who I just got off the phone with. Gah. I can only hope that the Cowboys lose horribly tonight. Just to save face.
Yeah, the Chiefs lost. Go Ravens! Sorry sweetie, but I like the color of the Raven's uniforms. Hence, I'm a fan.![]()
Just about every single year, both me and the BF wait until the last possible minute to go shopping. We litterally did it the night before Christmas Eve a couple years in a row. It feels awesome to get things done in a semi-mannerly order for once! AND I even bought myself some shirts, a pair of earrings, AND hair dye.(Blonde...yes...I'm a flipping idiot and if my hair falls out/turns purple/turns green people are quite allowed to tell me what a dumbass I am.
But that doesn't say anything for him--he'll prolly be a last minute Louie, with or without me.
Sooooo yeah I need something constructive to do with this violence. I don't know about you, but I find passion to be VERY constructive.
Ooo, hair dye! I've never dyed my hair but I've always wanted to dye it a darker shade of red. I'd let you play with my hair as long as it didn't end up grey!
Well, park it over here then! *pats couch* I have some stress I'd sure like to alleviate!

If you're at all nervous about the hair dying you can always buy a semi-perm wash or something. Those come out in like, 20 shampoos or something. They have some really nice red ones that just give hair an extra oomph.
*hops on over to the couch*
*offers more brownies!*