tannhaus wrote:
I really didn't know that I was that interesting, but apparently some think I am. I just saw a post that someone made about me. I suppose I should be flattered that they would take out the time to research ME.

Of COURSE you're that interesting, are you kidding? You certainly must know that! You are easily the most interesting person on this entire forum. I don't have any hard figures, but in my estimation at least 65 to 75% of the members who come into this forum only do so to hear what you have to say next, and to learn from you. How could you think you're not that interesting? You are THAT interesting, and MORE!
tannhaus wrote:
But, they didn't do a good enough job at it, so I thought I would help.
Well, of course not! Nobody on this forum ever does a good job explaining anything, we all need your help. That's why you are always helping us out, telling everyone where we are wrong, correcting us, educating us...ENLIGHTENING us. We are so honored to have a master such as yourself. I'm surprised we haven't been asked to pay fees yet, but when you're ready for payment, I'll be happy to fork over whatever you ask. Nobody can put a price on the enlightenment we get from you! And thank you for helping out the person who didn't do a good enough job at researching you. Maybe with your patience and teaching, they will one day come close to being as adept as you are at everything. Nah, on second thought, nobody will ever even come close!
tannhaus wrote:
First, yes, the tannhaus LJ used to be mine. I just deleted it. I hadn't used it for a year. I had "This journal is closed" on the profile and kept it for history's sake, but apparently people are trying to infer things from a closed journal. So, I went ahead and deleted it..
I was WONDERING about that!!! I THOUGHT it was yours! I miss it so much, it gave me so many lessons and enlightenment, and I practically lived to read it every day to see what might be new. And as always, you are right - I DID try to infer things from a closed journal, so thank you for deleting it altogether so that my puny mind wouldn't be over-worked. You really do understand how stupid we all are and you care about helping us not overwork our small minds, and we love you for it!!! ThANK YOU!!!
tannhaus wrote:
For those of you that saw the post in question, those friends I had added were simply people that I had added but didn't carry over to my new journal. As I carried one over to the new journal, I deleted them from my old one. So, I could see exactly who was added and who wasn't. Then, I just left the old journal.
Ooooohhh, OK, that explains it!!! It had been driving me nuts trying to figure out what happened!!! Thanks for clearing that up, tannhaus! I really appreciate it!
tannhaus wrote:
As far as the communities, I had lots more than that. I do enjoy my nudity. Camwhores, incidentally, isn't a journal for nudity...it's regular pics.
That's wonderful that you enjoy your nudity! How about bestialities? I'm thinking about enjoying bestialities myself, but not until I get the OK from you. Or, if you tell me not to, I won't. Whatever you say, I will listen. And about "Camwhores" - honestly, I don't think how anyone would think that's a journal for nudity. To me it was very clear that it's regular pics. I think "Camwhores" was a perfect title. Don't worry about the idiots who don't understand it, those of us who devoutly follow you know what you mean.
tannhaus wrote:
But....and here's the treat. I've said in here that I spent two years with the hare krishnas. I've stated it in a couple of places. I've said things the hare krishnas believed or stated. Apparently, someone thought it was a scandal. So, I'm happy to oblige with....pics of me as a hare krishna!
WOW, what a TREAT!!! Thanks for the pics, they are awesome!!! I just printed them all up and created a tannhaus shrine that make's bree's crowley shine look like crap!!! You are truly an amazing human being, tannhaus. Nobody else can be a hare krishna AND thelemite, and be so knowledgable about everything. You are unique and special, and clearly better than everyone else!!! I am honored just that you ever even acknowledge my existence, much less when you actually take your valuable time to enlighten and educate me!!! Thank you so much, THANK YOU!!!
tannhaus wrote:
And for the last....as the person was doubting me being a thelemite for any length of time... ... 1&.intl=us
HA!!! Take that, you moron, whoever you are that would doubt tannhaus is a thelemite for any length of time. Get this through your little bird brain, if tannhaus says it, then it's TRUE!!! UNDERSTAND, MORON???? Way to make that idiot look like the fool s/he is, tannhaus!!! That was AWESOME!!!
tannhaus wrote:
Yeah...that's a chat on Undernet #thelema in 1997. You can see, thelema and tannhaus are both highlighted. That was 9 years ago...I win.

Definitely, you ALWAYS win!!! 9 years ago, that is a LONG TIME that you've been a thelemite, what idiot would ever doubt you???