So I am just going to confirm that I did here the Jonas's being repeated and I also think that Jonas's hand was trying to fight away the attackers not cholorwhatevering himself.
I am also going to go ahead and agree with Southerbelle (not sure of her exact spelling) and say that I saw Beast put on the hoodie. I saw her post saying that and I immediately rewatched that several times and could clearly see it and my first thought went back to a screencap that someone did early on of the reflection in the car window where they only circled out the refection of the person and made no remarks on the person's clothing. My first thought was that it looked just like Daniel in a hoodie with his white T underneath, before SouthernBelle ever went on to mention that.
I am not sure as to where I stand with the whole Daniel having a trigger and stuff but I definately think that it was Beast in the reflection and that it was also Beast driving Jonas's car in the end.
This would also explain as to why Bree was startled, if he snuck up on her and then the look of recognition.
I don't however think he was working alone, because that would be impossible with the way they were being filmed from the beginning in Vegas. I do however think that he was possibly working with the person that was following them.
I know it will be a double post but I am going to post my interpretation of the photos in another post so that I don't have to go back and search for the other ones.