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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:14 pm
by kjones
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...
oooooh good thinking! Her mom had really dark hair too.
It would be sweet if Bree made a video like "You idiots, that's my mom!"

lol that would be soooooooo funny!!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:15 pm
by Chelseyrl
kjones wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...
Hey that's an awesome point. We know that Bree's mom was a brunette. I never would have thought of that. Good thinking.
Thanks. Since Bree's mom was really high up in the Order it just adds more justification to this being an Orderite party.
But I keep asking myself the same question: Why would the Order want Jonas and Daniel there and not harm them or capture them?
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:16 pm
by kjones
Chelseyrl wrote:kjones wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...
Hey that's an awesome point. We know that Bree's mom was a brunette. I never would have thought of that. Good thinking.
Thanks. Since Bree's mom was really high up in the Order it just adds more justification to this being an Orderite party.
But I keep asking myself the same question: Why would the Order want Jonas and Daniel there and not harm them or capture them?
unless they didn't know that Alex was going to bring them. Maybe that's why "wine guy" (can't remeber his name) got mad at Alex at the beginning of the party and why everyone else was acting weird around them.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:17 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Chelseyrl wrote:But I keep asking myself the same question: Why would the Order want Jonas and Daniel there and not harm them or capture them?
My thought is that they wanted to find out where Bree is. Which would explain why they served them alcohol.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:18 pm
by Chelseyrl
kjones wrote:
unless they didn't know that Alex was going to bring them. Maybe that's why "wine guy" (can't remeber his name) got mad at Alex at the beginning of the party and why everyone else was acting weird around them.
Wine guy=David. True... true.
Still Toby and Beth give me an uneasy feeling. (White shirt guy and striped shirt reporter bitch.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:21 pm
by kjones
Chelseyrl wrote:kjones wrote:
unless they didn't know that Alex was going to bring them. Maybe that's why "wine guy" (can't remeber his name) got mad at Alex at the beginning of the party and why everyone else was acting weird around them.
Wine guy=David. True... true.
Still Toby and Beth give me an uneasy feeling. (White shirt guy and striped shirt reporter bitch.

oh absolutely. Especially reporter b$tch. It felt like she was standing there to make sure that white shirt guy didn't say too much to D and J
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:24 pm
by Chelseyrl
Now I'm hoping that it's Bree's mom... that'd be interesting to see played out.
And, y'know... it's nice to be right.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:26 pm
by kjones
Chelseyrl wrote:Now I'm hoping that it's Bree's mom... that'd be interesting to see played out.
And, y'know... it's nice to be right.

lol true on both points. I think it would be a pretty cool story line if Bree's mom were to come back into the picture. Kind of a reverse star wars plot almost. It would be kind of cool to if it were to come out that Bree's mom is actually in charge of the order. hmmmmm and then Bree had to take her down.
k sorry off on a tangent there lol.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:29 pm
by Emyr
Wow, took me almost an hour to read through all the pages. So this is what I think of the video:
I think Alex might be part of the order but i think she wants to get out. The way she threw her drink at the guy(Carl was it? I'm not sure), her flirting with Daniel, how she overlooked his comment about running away from the order...I don't know but it seems to me that she's not happy with some of her “friends”. Everything was just so secretive and uncomfortable.
Also if the whole party was the order, then why would that guy freak out at Alex? If the whole Alex flirting with Daniel is her “mission” to get closer with him for the order then the guy wouldn't get mad at her right? If he was part of the order he would know that she doesn't actually like Daniel.
Now I'm convinced Jonas isn't part of the order. But i also think he isn't totally against it. In my opinion he's trying to find out information about his parents' deaths and the rest of his family. Thats why he joined Bree and Daniel, so they could combine what they know. I guess what I'm saying is that he might have his own reasons for inviting Bree and Daniel to his house.
Beth just seems like a determined reporter who will take what you say and rewrite it in the most horrible way. She seems really aggressive and intimidating. Her facial expression just screams “control freak” all over it. I brought this up to show that her bitchy attitude doesn't automatically mean she's in the order.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:joygasm wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Whoa.. that's cute though. Is your daughter the little girl in your avatar? She's adorable. She reminds me of my cousin Sami. They have the same smile and look really alike.
I haven't gotten too personal either with people here, but for the record, I've never done any of these drugs. I've drank alcohol. I smoked pot like twice but I didn't like it. So I just drink, and not too frequently. Not a big party girl, unless it's with my friends and ppl I'm comfortable being open with.

I worked at an indie rock club in Nashville. It was hard not to do drugs... but I can't blame the scene... my drug use was exactly what I wanted. Ever since I had read the book "Go Ask Alice" I had been amazed by drugs and wanted to experience all that I could. I also wanted to get it out of my system before I had a child. I knew I always wanted to be a mother. I said when I was 20 that I wanted to be thinking about having a family by the age of 22 and I got pregnant 6 days after my 22nd birthday. So far, my life has worked out exactly how I had planned for it too. Right down to being a single mother because I didn't want to deal with a man's bullshit :hehe:
I now return you back to the original topic of this post...
I read that book too. It was sad. I'm glad your life is working out well! I'm still pretty young (18), so I haven't really gotten to make many choices yet. But so far my plans have been working out for the future.

I just did LSD (second time) this week. I don't know if I want to do it again. I don't like drugs that you can't control, and LSD was completly uncontrollable for me, I felt like an idiot. But drinking, ketamine and e are a whole different deal because you can control your actions. Also this kinda explains why Alex was so flirty and then got angly/serious so suddenly. She wasn't completely wasted, so it would be no problem for her to get serious when she needed to.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:29 pm
by Chelseyrl
I think it's the fact that LG has a lack of parents that I want to see some interaction. I really don't know why but I mean, Jonas' parents are (supposedly) dead or missing and Bree's mom is floatin' around somewhere or dead, Daniels parents are just... stupid drunks who don't make time for their son... so I think it'd be really awesome if that did turn out to be Bree's mom.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:30 pm
by kisselle
"No, it's cool . . . it went back down."
THAT is definitely my new favorite quote!
And my apology to Alex if she turns out to be a good guy, but I've seen her as the epitome of modern-day black witch from her first moment on screen. As if the script called for "stereotypical dark witch", & the Creators took one look at this girlie & said, "Ayup, that'd be her."
Now, add in this fellow Toby, & we've got the makings of "stereotypical dark witch couple" breaks into sex magick rituals right there in the middle of the room. Seriously, they've soooo got the look.
But, of course, Dear Jonas has the look as well, if'n maybe he was a tad bit older . . . & taller?
BRAVO, a fine video!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:30 pm
by thelogicpuzzler
longlostposter wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:thelogicpuzzler wrote:Um, I don't know if this was mentioned already, but...
Where's Jonas' bandage. His left hand right? I tried to look really carefully, and I don't see it. Can a stab wound heal that quickly? He shows his right hand very well, and his left hand is shown when he touches his thoat when he comments on thinking he was about to throw up.
Like I said, don't have time to read 23 page of comments. Don't hate me if it was already pointed out. Please?

I'm pretty sure you're the first to bring this up... nice memory and attention to detail!
Yep, logic, first to bring it up. I've read every page of this thread, as I'm sure a few others have. Give yourself a gold star; I didn't even think about it.
Yeah, I was thinking about it on my way from dance class. There's no forgetting about a wound from a screwdriver, at least, I wouldn't forget.
And I will take that gold star with pride!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:51 pm
by Chelseyrl
What is sex majick?
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:55 pm
by longlostposter
kisselle wrote:"No, it's cool . . . it went back down."
THAT is definitely my new favorite quote!
And my apology to Alex if she turns out to be a good guy, but I've seen her as the epitome of modern-day black witch from her first moment on screen. As if the script called for "stereotypical dark witch", & the Creators took one look at this girlie & said, "Ayup, that'd be her."
Now, add in this fellow Toby, & we've got the makings of "stereotypical dark witch couple" breaks into sex magick rituals right there in the middle of the room. Seriously, they've soooo got the look.
But, of course, Dear Jonas has the look as well, if'n maybe he was a tad bit older . . . & taller?
BRAVO, a fine video!
I brought up sex majik twice in this thread, and no one even commented on it. Glad to see someone else sees what I do, kisselle.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:55 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Chelseyrl wrote:What is sex majick?
I'm really sorry, but that had me laughing SO hard. It was just so unexpected because I hadn't read the posts above it. lmfao. wow. I really love you.