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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:41 pm
by longlostposter
Languorous Lass wrote::roll: Straight girls.
Lass, you are hilarious. You always crack me up.

EDIT: Oops, again. I swear I'm straight.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:43 pm
by joygasm
Languorous Lass wrote::roll: Straight girls.

ROFL! I've been trying to pull myself away from this computer... but can't help from hitting the refresh button... I will take this as my cue to turn the monitor off now...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:43 pm
by michiev
joygasm wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote::roll: Straight girls.

ROFL! I've been trying to pull myself away from this computer... but can't help from hitting the refresh button... I will take this as my cue to turn the monitor off now...
I know how you feel X_x i keep refreshing and i should be in bed.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:44 pm
by MintyBeast
michiev wrote:
joygasm wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote::roll: Straight girls.

ROFL! I've been trying to pull myself away from this computer... but can't help from hitting the refresh button... I will take this as my cue to turn the monitor off now...
I know how you feel X_x i keep refreshing and i should be in bed.
Haha, me as well, only delete "in bed" and insert "reading textbook".

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:45 pm
by ericski
i dutifully read all the previous pages of posts in this thread. (i agree that the mods should delete the pre-vid comments. why not?)

1. i noticed the photograph and jumped right to "it's lucy and alex!" but then i thought, it could be alex, alex's sister, jonas's mom, or anyone. the blond looks like it could even be a guy. or it could be lucy.

2. alex is cute. but the explanation of how she re-entered jonas's life is weak/absent.

3. lots of sexual overtones and innuendo. staged or poorly portrayed?

4. i'm down w/ db, but alex jumping at daniel seems a stretch.

5. the reporter totally gave jonas the glare and then her friend as well for even daring to be friendly w/ him in front of her. definitely some history there.
great video, and the most ambitious by far. ggod work creators. the acting was pretty good overall and at times excellent, the boys and alex esp.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:46 pm
by joygasm
MintyBeast wrote:
michiev wrote:
joygasm wrote:
ROFL! I've been trying to pull myself away from this computer... but can't help from hitting the refresh button... I will take this as my cue to turn the monitor off now...
I know how you feel X_x i keep refreshing and i should be in bed.
Haha, me as well, only delete "in bed" and insert "reading textbook".
Oh shit! I forgot to turn it off!!! I also forgot about my biology test in the morning!! I swear this is like digital crack!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:48 pm
by Lurker
ericski wrote:the acting was pretty good overall and at times excellent, the boys and alex esp.
I meant to comment on this earlier, so I'll just agree now.

Yousef still does a good job playing drunk.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:50 pm
by Chelseyrl
Every day I get home and I have to check this forum... it's ridiculous. :lol:

But ericski I never thought about it being Jonas' mom... that'd be interesting considering some people have theories that she could have not agreed with her husband on the Order.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:50 pm
by michiev
Lurker wrote:
ericski wrote:the acting was pretty good overall and at times excellent, the boys and alex esp.
I meant to comment on this earlier, so I'll just agree now.

Yousef still does a good job playing drunk.
Yes he does.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:51 pm
by longlostposter
A biology test, and no studying? Ut-oh.

Eric, I thought the acting was excellent, and Alex is probably baiting Daniel.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:51 pm
by Languorous Lass
longlostposter wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote::roll: Straight girls.
Lass, you are hilarious. You always crack me up.
Then my job here is done. (said in a tone of great satisfaction)

So now I can quit refreshing and go to bed.
longlostposter wrote:EDIT: Oops, again. I swear I'm straight.
Sheesh. I wish I got to see some of these mistakes before you edit 'em out.

Then again, maybe it's more intriguing not to know what they were . . .

Then again again, maybe you never really made any of those mistakes at all! Maybe you're just pretending to make mistakes, and slipping those little fake "edits" in your posts, to pique our interest, and make us think you've got something mysterious and perverse going on in your subconscious!!!

I think it's definitely time for bed. :roll:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:06 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
joygasm wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
joygasm wrote: ROFL! This comment alone proves that I have not gotten too personal with people here! I was a hard core party kid. I used to eat shrooms every weekend (at LEAST an 1/8 ) and every other weekend ate a couple hits of acid on top of them. I had a bad ccke addiction that I kicked a month before I got pregnant with my daughter because I had a pregnancy scare... decided that was a good time to quit and became pregnant two weeks after I found I wasn't. I have been clean for nearly 3 years now... I had a lot of fun back in the day, but I would not trade them for my daughter any day.
Whoa.. that's cute though. Is your daughter the little girl in your avatar? She's adorable. She reminds me of my cousin Sami. They have the same smile and look really alike.
I haven't gotten too personal either with people here, but for the record, I've never done any of these drugs. I've drank alcohol. I smoked pot like twice but I didn't like it. So I just drink, and not too frequently. Not a big party girl, unless it's with my friends and ppl I'm comfortable being open with. :smt102
I worked at an indie rock club in Nashville. It was hard not to do drugs... but I can't blame the scene... my drug use was exactly what I wanted. Ever since I had read the book "Go Ask Alice" I had been amazed by drugs and wanted to experience all that I could. I also wanted to get it out of my system before I had a child. I knew I always wanted to be a mother. I said when I was 20 that I wanted to be thinking about having a family by the age of 22 and I got pregnant 6 days after my 22nd birthday. So far, my life has worked out exactly how I had planned for it too. Right down to being a single mother because I didn't want to deal with a man's bullshit :hehe:

I now return you back to the original topic of this post...
I read that book too. It was sad. I'm glad your life is working out well! I'm still pretty young (18), so I haven't really gotten to make many choices yet. But so far my plans have been working out for the future. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:07 pm
by Chelseyrl
I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:11 pm
by kjones
Chelseyrl wrote:I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...

Hey that's an awesome point. We know that Bree's mom was a brunette. I never would have thought of that. Good thinking.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:14 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Chelseyrl wrote:I was just thinking, could the brunette in the picture be Bree's mom? From what I remember, Jonas never saw her and Daniel seemed to drunk and interested in Alex to notice...
oooooh good thinking! Her mom had really dark hair too.
It would be sweet if Bree made a video like "You idiots, that's my mom!" :shock: