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Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:00 am
by Lurker
GatorMeegs wrote:Did anyone hear Bree say (on the phone) "How did the ceremony go?"
Yeah. I guess some of her relatives knew she was supposed to be taking part in it? I wonder if that means they're part of the community too, or if they just knew that their religious relative's daughter was supposed to take part in a ceremony of some kind.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:01 am
by arammat
Lurker wrote:
arammat wrote:
Ashley wrote:Hmm... didn't Bree say once that she couldn't remember what Cassie looked like when Daniel asked her who she was talking about? But, she remembers these prank calls Cassie used to make from her house?

It was Daniel who didn't remember Cassie. At some point in the conversation, Bree says "I don't know," but it's not really indicating that she doesn't know. It was said the way you say I don't know when you want to change the subject or deflect the question.

Daniel: "What'd she look like?"
Bree: "I don't remember."
Daniel: "Why would you even bring it --"
Bree: "I don't know" etc.

Bree did say she didn't remember what the girl looked like. Curious that Bree would remember all these other details but not even what she looks like.

You're right Lurker. After I read your post, I went back and watched the Swim video again (probably the best video in the whole thing IMHO). And the conversation was just as you quoted it. But after watching it, I was still left with the impression that Bree didn't want to answer Daniel, not that she really didn't remember. It was how she said it, which I realize is open to interpretation.

I personally don't think it's going to be Bree=Cassie in some kind of disassociative disorder. But we'll see. If the creators do go in that direction, particularly if they are using epilepsy as the cause of the disorder, are going to have to really be careful in how they present that.
Epilepsy is already a disorder that is plagued by being misunderstood by the general public, and they could do a lot of harm by carelessly giving people inaccurate information or portrayal of the disorder. (Gosh, can you tell that someone I love has epilepsy?)
OK, I have the quoting hopelessly screwed up in this message and I officially surrender! I hope you all can figure out who said what.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:03 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
xrockette19x wrote:seriously, my psychology nerd cannot handle if they go the whole dissociative identity disorder on me (multiple personality is the old term). i don't (and lots of people don't) actually believe it exists. plus, i feel like it's ridiculously cliched in the media, and i like LG because it's different.ish. plus, you would have to listen to me go all psych nerd crazy if they took that route. you don't even know how pissed i was when they misdiagnosed George on Six Feet Under. you don't even know. :P
There have been examples of its existence, but very, very few have been thoroughly documented. It is one of the most mysterious mental disorders. I'm a psych nerd too. It is impossible, from a scientific viewpoint, for Cassie to be Brees "alterego." Those diagnosed with multiple personality disorder switch between personas, but their personas do not interact. Bree has said she walked around the track with Cassie. I suppose she may be schitzophrenic (which is a completely different story, though often confused with multiple personality), but, unless the creators plan to make up an essentially nonexistent mental illness (much like they have with 'the Order'), I'd say that Cassie and Bree are two separate people. A better question is whether Cassie exists or not. Though I think she did, and something must have happened to her. Hmm.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:07 am
by Absynth
listening to the part where she mentions the ceremony...

she says "excuse me? how'd the ceremony go?"

sounds to me like shes just talking to a family member who knew something but not everything about bree doing the ceremony.

its obvious she wouldnt wanna call someone whos actually IN the order. that would be a huge mistake.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:14 am
by HyeMew
khjq wrote:Cassie... or even get to see her
Oh I hope not. Every series needs their "never seen character". Cassie is to LG15 what Jennie Piccolo and Sheridan Bucket were to Happy Days and Keeping Up Appearances. Please don't have Cassie surface, somehow I don't think she'd ever be able to match our expectations anyway, she's attained such mythical status.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:16 am
by avian_firefly
Has anyone researched pagan rituals for Christmas Eve or Christmas yet?
The solstice is the 21st, which is when itscassie is talking to ppl on here, but it's highly doubtful she is a cannon character. However if Bree solves the msg and replies that puts the mtg with her Dad on or around X-mas.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:20 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
ItsCassie said the Order has something happening the 22nd, actually.
But ItsCassie = mousegirl. I'm almost positive.

Anyway, she asks someone "How'd the Ceremony go?".. which seems to imply that the ceremony already occurred and Bree knows about it.. it went on without her? And why then, does the Order still want her?

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:27 am
by arammat
GatorMeegs wrote:Did anyone hear Bree say (on the phone) "How did the ceremony go?"

(Sorry if this has already been mentioned - I almost got through all 28 pages of postings!)

And kudos to covedweller for expressing my exact thoughts on CIW!
Yes, I definitely thought she said that, and no, I don't think anyone else has mentioned it so far. And I have read everything up to this point.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:27 am
by avian_firefly
well if the solstice is the 21-22 it would still make sense. And anyone who knows enough generalizations about pagan religions can pretty much guess there would be something then. But the creators hardly give us hat we expect.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:28 am
by Lurker
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:ItsCassie said the Order has something happening the 22nd, actually.
But ItsCassie = mousegirl. I'm almost positive.

Anyway, she asks someone "How'd the Ceremony go?".. which seems to imply that the ceremony already occurred and Bree knows about it.. it went on without her? And why then, does the Order still want her?
She's asking as though she's repeating a question they asked her. Just before that she says "Excuse me? Ohh umm...". And then notice that "Uhhh" look she gets on her face right after, as though she's trying to think of some way to answer.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:28 am
by robtomorrow
avian_firefly wrote:
alysaface wrote:also.. it might just be me.. but.. bree's coloring in the video looked so DIFFERENT from the background behind her.. during the first half of the video it looked almost obvious to me that the library background was fake.. but idk that could just be me.. i'm just wondering if anyone else saw it by any chance.
I thought the same thing
I think they just use a different camera or the same camera with a different lens when they film Bree, it has a wider angle it makes her look more waifish.

Re: wow

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:29 am
by arammat
Luv2Skydive wrote:
arammat wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote: Don't apologize...not everyone has the time. It's quicker for me to find it and just post the page number. I'm working on improving my karma ever since I posted a picture showing the similiarities between Daniel and Telly off of Sesame Street. :)
lol ok, you have got to direct me to that picture post.
I'll risk being the nose hair......

lol Oh god! That is great! And I intentionally quoted you just so the pictures will be in here again:)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:30 am
by avian_firefly
oh and the ceremony thing, I feel like someone asked her how it went. You know when you get an unexpected question and you repeat it while you think of the answer...I feel like that's what is implied there. That;s the impression I got anyways.

edit: Lurker-get out of my head, lol XDDDD

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:31 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:34 am
by Lurker
avian_firefly wrote:edit: Lurker-get out of my head, lol XDDDD
(Cassie voice) I'm watching.